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Plenoptic Reporting Systems and Big Data Analytics

Plenoptic Reporting Systems and Big Data Analytics. Light-Field Business Reporting. Big Data. Big Data The stuff your systems today can’t store or process like it does traditional structured data Big data Collecting and using a lot more information from many more sources than we do today

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Plenoptic Reporting Systems and Big Data Analytics

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  1. Plenoptic Reporting Systems and Big Data Analytics Light-Field Business Reporting

  2. Big Data • Big Data • The stuff your systems today can’t store or process like it does traditional structured data • Big data • Collecting and using a lot more information from many more sources than we do today • Plenoptic • of or relating to all the light, travelling in every direction in a given space. • Plenoptic Reporting Systems • Capturing and making available all of the relevant information without a prior knowledge of expected use or user • A corollary to Quantum Reporting (WCARS 2006)

  3. Taking a Page from Photography • Lytro • https://pictures.lytro.com/lytroweb/pictures/431131 • Theta • https://theta360.com/spheres/147

  4. Adding Intelligence to AccountingBusiness Reporting http://www.datacoalition.com/content/files/lebryk.pdf

  5. Did You Catch That? • Intelligent Data • Based on standards • Without knowing what the future use or who the future users are

  6. Right Decision Requires Full Context • 1 Case of Clove, 1 Case of Horehound • The Swinger • We’re out of that, do you want anything else? • “Of course, we sold that, do you know what else was happening at the time?”

  7. Delving into Data

  8. Now’s the Time for Real-time • “[W]e need to move toward a dynamic model of current disclosure of unquestionably material information.” • Harvey Pitt, Pre-”E” • http://www.sec.gov/news/speech/spch523.htm • SEC. 409. REAL TIME ISSUER DISCLOSURES • Section 13 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (15 U.S.C. 78m), as amended by this Act, is amended by adding at the end the following: • ‘‘(l) REAL TIME ISSUER DISCLOSURES.—Each issuer reporting under section 13(a) or 15(d) shall disclose to the public on a rapid and current basis such additional information concerning material changes in the financial condition or operations of the issuer, in plain English, which may include trend and qualitative information and graphic presentations, as the Commission determines, by rule, is necessary or useful for the protection of investors and in the public interest.’’

  9. “in plain English, which may include trend and qualitative information and graphic presentations” Deliver real-time XML data stream; On demand Web-services available data using secure and not-so-secure links Bring together information from various sources with all version control, security, etc.

  10. Tax Regulators Investors Creditors Lenders Website Aggregators One way One way XBRL BUSINESS REPORTING XBRL GL Global Ledger BUSINESS ERP G/L Packages CRM Transaction Creation 2-way 2-way (e-)Trx X12, UBL, CEFACT, OTHER XML Suppliers Customers • Orders • A/P • Delivery • Orders • A/R • Delivery XBRL GL Fills the GAPS between GAAPS Financial Reporting * Tax Reporting * ANY Kind of Reporting Detail to summary Intra system Detail Accounting recognition/ classification

  11. Scope and role of XBRL Business Operations XBRL Global Ledger Taxonomy Framework Internal Reporting XBRL External Reporting External Reporting Investment, Lending, Regulation Economic Policymaking Processes Companies Financial Publishers and Data Aggregators Investors Central Banks Participants Trading Partners Auditors Regulators Management Accountants Software Vendors

  12. The Great Reconciler Frictionless Data Seamless Audit Trail Unambiguous links to end reporting Interoperability and integration to the source Cooperation with the detail

  13. Change? • Probabilistic/stochastic • Data provides comfort to data

  14. Resources • XBRL’s Global Ledger Taxonomy Framework • http://www.xbrl.org/GLTaxonomy • http://gl.iphix.net • Data Transparency 2013 • http://Datatransparency2013.com • David Lebryk speech • http://www.datacoalition.com/content/files/lebryk.pdf

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