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Simulating Physical Systems by Quantum Computers. J. E. Gubernatis Theoretical Division Los Alamos National Laboratory. Collaborators. Manny Knill (LANL/NIST-Boulder) Raymond LaFlamme (LANL/Waterloo) Camille Negrevergne (LANL/Bordeaux) Gerardo Ortiz * (LANL)
Simulating Physical Systems by Quantum Computers J. E. Gubernatis Theoretical Division Los Alamos National Laboratory
Collaborators • Manny Knill (LANL/NIST-Boulder) • Raymond LaFlamme (LANL/Waterloo) • Camille Negrevergne (LANL/Bordeaux) • Gerardo Ortiz* (LANL) • Rolando Somma (LANL/Bariloche) *Special thanks for most of the drawings
Background • Feynman’s Puzzling Challenge “… the question is, If we wrote a Hamiltonian which involved these [Pauli] operators, locally coupled to corresponding operators on the other space-time points, could we imitate every quantum mechanical system which is discrete and has a finite number of degrees of freedom? I know, almost certainly, that we could do that for any quantum mechanical system which involvesBose particles. I’m not sure whether Fermiparticles could be described by such a system. So I leave that open …” (R. Feynman, 1982)
Background • The Puzzle: Feynman’s main thesis was quantum systems could not be efficiently imitated on classical systems. At the time of his statement • Bose systems were being simulated very well on classical computers using stochastic methods. • Fermi systems were/are having problems, the sign problem, but not for the sign problem mentioned by Feynman. • Negative probabilities (the sign problem) occur because of Fermi statistics and not because of Bell’s inequalities.
Background • In our first work [PRA 64, 22319 (2001)], we • Noted the existence of a general class of operator transformations that allow the mapping of any physical system to another. • If you can simulate Pauli (Bose) systems efficiently, you can simulate any other system efficiently provided you can implement the mapping efficiently. • Demonstrated that in many cases the dynamical sign problem, which plagues simulations on classical computers, will generally not occur on a quantum computer.
Background • In another work [PRA 65, 29902 (2002)], we addressed the question, Will a quantum computer simulate quantum systems more efficiently than a classical computer? • Do the algorithms scale with complexity polynomially? • What are the algorithms? • Can one efficiently simulate Fermi systems? • What are the quantum networks?
Outline • Universal Simulation • Models of computation Algebra of operators • Example: spin-particle connection • Quantum Networks • One and two qubit operations • Quantum Simulation • Initialization • Time evolution • Measurement • Quantum Algorithm • Fermion simulation on a NMR quantum computer.
Universal Simulation • Spin-Particle Connections
Spins ½ & 1D Spins N & n D Fermions Fermions Bosons Anyons Bosons Universal Simulation • Connections made explicit by the generalized Jordan-Wigner Transformation [Batista and Ortiz, PRL 86, 1082 (2001)]
Universal Simulation • Jordan-Wigner/Matsuda-Matsubara Transformations • Example: 1D Jordan-Wigner: Fermion Spin-1/2
Universal Simulation • Two dimensional Extension
Universal Simulation • Anyon-Pauli Algebra Isomorphism
Universal Simulation • Anyon-Pauli Algebra Isomorphism
Quantum Computation • Quantum Control Model • The control Hamiltonian is implemented by a small number of quantum gates
Quantum Computation • Pauli spin representation • Universal gates
Quantum Computation • Fermion representation • Universal gates
Quantum Computation • Boson representation • Possibility of an infinite number of bosons occupying a state presents a problem • If Np is maximum number allowed for entire systems, then a solution is to restrict the boson operators for a given site to a finite basis of states
Quantum Computation • Boson Representation • The commutation relation • For a number of models the total number of Bosons is conserved. • Mapping is now between sets of states and is no longer between operator algebras. • Spin-1/2 gates
Quantum Computation • Boson representation • Example: Mapping chain of 5 sites and 7 bosons into a spin-1/2 state
Quantum Networks • Quantum Bit • Basis • Block sphere
Quantum Networks • Quantum Gates of the Block sphere
Quantum Networks • Hadamard gate
Quantum Networks • C-NOT gate
Quantum Networks • Controlled U
Quantum Networks • For any measurement • To an given initial state, add an ancilla qubit, • Express operators as sums of products of unitary operators, • Perform conditional evolutions by the unitary operators, • Measure state of ancilla qubit.
Quantum Networks • Advantages • Handles non-local observables, • “Non-demolition” measurement, • Knowledge of spectrum of operators or current state of system is not required.
Quantum Networks • 1 Qubit Measurement:
Quantum Networks • L Qubit Measurements:
Quantum Simulation • Three Stages • Preparation of initial state: |(0) • Propagation of initial state • Performance of measurements • Each stage requires controlling the elements of the quantum computer.
Quantum Simulation • Initial state preparation (fermions) • Encompass efficiently initial states of the form
Quantum Simulation • Initial state preparation • Preparation of |
Quantum Simulation • Initial state preparation • If gates and states are in different bases, exploits Thouless’s theorem (generalizes via the JW transformation)
Universal Simulation • Initial state preparation • Performing a sum of Slater determinants is involved. • Result is obtained probabilistically. • The basic steps are: • Add N extra ancilla
Universal Simulation • Initial state preparation • Generate • Apply the procedure to generate |
Universal Simulation • Initial state preparation • Generate • Probability of successful generation is • In general N attempts are necessary for success.
Quantum Simulation • Evolution of initial state
Quantum Simulation • Measurements of evolved state • Two classes were considered: • Correlation Function Measurements • Spectrum of a Hermitian operator
Quantum Simulation • Correlation function:
Quantum Simulation • Details for
Quantum Simulation • Spectrum measurement of Hermitian operator :
Quantum Algorithm for a Quantum System • System to Simulate • Spinless fermion ring with an impurity site • Exactly solvable • Reducible to a three qubit problem: one ancilla and two “physical” qubits. • To measure:
Quantum Algorithm • Fourier transform modes • Spin-Fermion Mapping
Quantum Algorithm • Transformed H • Reduction to 2 Qubit Problem
Quantum Algorithm • Transform correlation function • Approximate unitary evolution • Generate initial state: “Fermi” sea
Quantum Simulation on a Quantum Computer • Implemented the algorithm on a classical computer • Reproduced the exact answer to controllable accuracy • Implemented the algorithm on a 7 qubit liquid state NMR quantum computer • Reproduced the exact result satisfactorily
Quantum Simulation • Experiment vs theory: spectrum of H: • One particle case
Quantum Simulation • Experiment vs Theory: