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Parasha Bo. Yeshua la Luz del Mundo. Porción. Torah: Exodo 6. Primera Aliyah. Exo 10:1 YHVH dijo a Moisés: Ve a Faraón, pues Yo he hecho endurecer su corazón (designios) y el corazón de sus siervos, para dar en medio de ellos estas señales mías.
Parasha Bo Yeshua la Luz del Mundo
Porción • Torah: Exodo 6
Primera Aliyah • Exo 10:1 YHVH dijo a Moisés: Ve a Faraón, pues Yo he hecho endurecer su corazón (designios) y el corazón de sus siervos, para dar en medio de ellos estas señales mías. • Exo 10:2 Para que cuentes a oídos de tus hijos y de los hijos de tus hijos lo que Yo ejecuté (ridículo, burla) en Egipto, y mis señales que puse entre ellos, para que sepáis que Yo soy YHVH. • BTX 3
comentarios • Entra a la recamara - Sod • When Pharaoh would soften, his servants and ministers would harden themselves; when they would soften, Pharaoh would harden; when both would soften, G‑d would harden their hearts. Midrash HaGadol • In Depth Chabad
Primera porción • Exo 10:7 Los siervos de Faraón dijeron: ¿Hasta cuándo nos ha de ser éste por lazo? Deja que esta gente vaya y sirva a YHVH su Dios. ¿No acabas de entender que Egipto se está destruyendo? • Exo 10:11 ¡No será así! Id ahora vosotros, los varones, y servid a YHVH, pues esto es lo que buscáis. Y los echaron de la presencia de Faraón. • BTX 3
Primera porción • The “Pharaohs” of our day have the same attitude. If the older folk wish to cling to Jewish tradition, that is perfectly acceptable; but the youth should be raised in “the spirit of the times” . . . • Maayanah Shel Torah- In Depth Chabad
Segunda porción • Exo 10:14 Y subió la langosta sobre toda la tierra de Egipto, y se posó en todo el territorio de Egipto de manera gravísima. Nunca antes hubo tal plaga de langosta, ni la habría después. • Exo 10:19 Y YHVH cambió por un viento del mar muy fuerte y se llevó la langosta y la arrojó en el Mar Rojo. No quedó ni una langosta en todo el territorio de Egipto. • BTX 3
targum • And he went out from Pharoh, and prayed before the Lord. And the Lord turned a wind from the west of exceeding strength, and it carried away the locust, and bare him to the sea of Suph: there was not one locust left in all the borders of Mizraim. And even such as had been salted in vessels for needed food, those, too, the western wind bare away, and they went. But the Lord strengthened the design of Pharoh's heart, and he would not release the children of Israel. • Targum.info
comentarios • When the locusts first came, the Egyptians rejoiced and said: “Let us gather them and fill barrels with them.” Then did G‑d say: “Wretches! Will you rejoice with the plagues I have brought upon you?” Immediately, “G‑d turned a very strong west wind . . . there remained not one locust in all the borders of Egypt”—even those that had been pickled in their pots and barrels took wing and fled. • Midrash Rabbah-In Depth Chabad
Segunda porción • Exo 10:21 Yahvé dijo a Moisés: «Extiende tu mano hacia el cielo y aparezcan sobre el país de Egipto tinieblas, tinieblas densas.» • Exo 10:22 Extendió[1] Moisés su mano hacia el cielo y unas densas tinieblas cubrieron durante tres días el país de Egipto. • Exo 10:23 No se veían unos a otros, y nadie se levantó de su sitio por espacio de tres días, mientras que todos los israelitas tenían luz en su • BDJ 98
targum • But among all the sons of Israel there was light, that the wicked among them who died might be buried, and that the righteous might be occupied with the precepts of the law in their dwellings. • Targum.info
comentario • Why did G‑d . . . bring darkness upon the Egyptians? Because there were transgressors in Israel who had Egyptian patrons and who lived in affluence and honor, and were unwilling to leave. So G‑d said: “If I bring upon them publicly a plague from which they will die, the Egyptians will say: ‘Just as it has passed over us, so has it passed over them.’” Therefore He brought darkness upon the Egyptians for three days, so that the [Israelites] should bury their dead without their enemies seeing them. • Midrash Rabbah-In Depth Chabad
comentario • There is no greater darkness than one in which “a man did not see his fellow”—in which a person becomes oblivious to the needs of his fellow man. When that happens, a person becomes stymied in his personal development as well—“nor did anyone get up from his place.” • ChiddusheiHaRim – In Depth Chabad
targum • And Pharoh said to him, Go from me. Beware that thou add not to see my face to speak before me one of these words that are so hard: for in the day that thou seest my face, my anger will grow strong against thee, and I will deliver thee into the hands of the men who seek thy life to take it. • Targum.info
targum • And Mosheh said, Thou hast spoken fairly. While I was dwelling in Midian, it was told me in a word from before the Lord, that the men who had sought to kill me had fallen from their means, and were reckoned with the dead. At the end there will be no mercy upon thee; but I will pray, and the plague shall be restrained from thee. And now I will see thy face no more. • Targum.info
Cuartaporción • Exo 11:1Yahvé dijo a Moisés: «Todavía enviaré una plaga al faraón y a Egipto, tras lo cual os dejará partir; más aún, no sólo os dejará partir, sino que incluso os expulsará definitivamente de aquí*. • Exo 11:2 Habla al pueblo y que cada hombre pida a su vecino, y cada mujer a su vecina, objetos de plata y objetos de oro*.» • BDJ 98
Cuartaporción • Exo 11:3 Yahvé hizo[1] que el pueblo se ganase el favor de los egipcios. Moisés gozaba de gran consideración[2] en el país de Egipto a los ojos de los servidores del faraón y a los ojos del pueblo. • BDJ 98
targum • And Moshehspake (or, had spoken) to Pharoh, Thus saith the Lord, At this hour of the following night will I be revealed in the midst of the Mizraee, and every firstborn in the land of Mizraim shall die: from the firstborn of Pharoh who should sit upon the throne of his kingdom, unto the firstborn son of the humblest mother in Mizraim who grindeth behind the mills, and all the firstborn of cattle. And there will be a great cry in all the land of Mizraim, because like the plague of this night there hath not been, and like the plague of this night there never will be one. • Targum.info
targum • But any of the children of Israel a dog shall not harm by lifting up his tongue against either man or beast ; that they may know that the Lord maketh distinction between the Mizraites and the sons of Israel. And thou shalt send down all thy servants to me, coming and beseeching me, saying, Go forth, thou and all the people who are with thee; and afterwards I will go. And he went out from Pharoh in great anger. • Targum.info
comentario • The Jews in Egypt had sunk to the “forty-ninth gate of impurity,” so that morally and spiritually they were virtually indistinguishable from the Egyptians. Thus, when G‑d passed over the Jewish firstborn to kill the Egyptian firstborn, the divine attribute of justice argued: “How are these any different from these? These are idol-worshippers, and these are idol-worshippers!” Nevertheless, G‑d chose to extract the children of Israel from “the bowels of Egypt” and acquire them as His chosen people. • OhrHaTorah-In Depth Chabad
comentario • I will pass through the land of Egypt this night, and will smite all the firstborn in the land of Egypt . . . and against all the gods of Egypt I will execute judgments: I am G‑d (12:12) • “I will pass”—I, and no angel; “I will smite”—I, and no seraph; “I will execute”—I, and no messenger; “I am G‑d”—I am He, and no other. • Passover Haggadah –In Depth Chabad • And against all the gods of Egypt I will execute judgments (12:12) • Those that were of wood rotted; those that were of metal melted. • Rashi-In Depth Chabad
targum • And I will be revealed in the land of Mizraim in the majesty of My glory this night, and with Me ninety thousand myriads of destroying angels; and I will slay all the firstborn in the land of Mizraim, of man and of beast, and against all the idols of the Mizraee I will execute four judgments: the molten idols shall be melted, the idols of stone be broken, the idols of clay shall he shattered, and the idols of wood be made dust, that the Mizraee may know that I am the Lord. And the blood of the paschal oblation, (like) the matter of circumcision, shall be a bail for you, to become a sign upon the houses where you dwell; • Targum.info
targum • Four nights are there written in the Book of Memorials before the Lord of the world. Night the first,--when He was revealed in creating the world; the second,--when He was revealed to Abraham; the third,--when He was revealed in Mizraim, His hand killing all the firstborn of Mizraim, and His right hand saving the firstborn of Israel; the fourth,--when He will yet be revealed to liberate the people of the house of Israel from among the nations. • Targum.info