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Stalking Statistics

Stalking Statistics . A Guide Through The Underbrush ILUG Meeting, Boston 2004 LGB Consulting. Preparations for the Expedition. Look at the Map Synchronizing our Terminology Follow the Trails Where the Wild Ones Are Order Uber-Stats. The MilStats Map. Millennium Statistics Module

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Stalking Statistics

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Stalking Statistics A Guide Through The Underbrush ILUG Meeting, Boston 2004 LGB Consulting

  2. Preparations for the Expedition • Look at the Map • Synchronizing our Terminology • Follow the Trails • Where the Wild Ones Are • Order Uber-Stats

  3. The MilStats Map • Millennium Statistics Module • Field Statistics • Periodic Statistics • CrossTabs • Applies only to “standard” III Records • Bib, Order, Checkin, Item, Patron, Authority, Course • NOT Vendor, ILL, Fund, Circ Transactions…

  4. Synchronizing Terminology • Code fields - one qualitative value per field • Includes Call number “SCAT” tables • Includes fields with numbers if the numbers are codes • Ptype, Icode1, etc. • Count fields - quantitative value fields • including record existence count • Summed into totals • Date fields - Automatic or inserted dates • Create distribution of other values by date

  5. Icodes Bcodes Order Codes Itype Ptype Location Fund Vendor Pcodes AcqType Form Imessage OPACMessage SCAT categories Code Examples

  6. Record Count Attached item (copies) count. Total Checkouts Money Owed Estimated Price Piece Count Order Payment Periods (1 and 2) Number of payments Total Paid Count Examples

  7. Create Date Order Date Received Date Cat Date Claim Date Divided into units in Periodic Reports Day Month Quarter Year Fiscal Calendar Date Examples

  8. Cells • Cell content is always the sum of a Count Field • Cell content is defined by • Report Type (Statistics, Periodic, CrossTab) • “Report” from the results left-hand column • Row • Column

  9. Example from Cross-Tabs • “Report” lists Counts available • Rows equal values for one Code • Columns equal values for second Code • Cell equals Count for records with both values

  10. Field Statistics • Replaces Statistical Report by Call Number • Replaces Statistical Reports on Other Record Data Elements • Replaces Statistical report based on Summation of a Fixed-length Field • Adjusts and extends the fields used for codes • Adjusts and extends the fields used for summation

  11. Field Statistics • Setup Decisions - type of record, treatment of “multi” (and payment periods for orders) • “Report” defines the Code field to be examined • Each Row is one Code (or SCAT) value • Each Column is one Count field • Each Cell is a sum of values from the Count field, based on the code

  12. An Example - Bibliographic Field Statistics

  13. Select a Different “Report” (Code Field)

  14. Field Statistics for OrdersMore Code and Count Fields

  15. Another Code Field ChosenNote: Additional Count fields for pay periods

  16. Periodic Reports • Replaces Monthly Stats • Replaces Cross Tabulation when the first selection is a date • Extends to counts beyond Number of Records • Extends to Daily, Quarterly and Annual counts

  17. Periodic Reports • Setup Decisions - Date Field, Time Unit, Number of Units, Beginning Unit • “Report” choice defines the Code field as the basis of the Count totals • Each Row is one Date unit (first sort) and one Code. • Each Column is one Count field • Each Cell is a total based on the Code and Date period

  18. The Choices

  19. The Results

  20. CrossTab Reports • Replaces Cross Tabulation when the first selection is not a date • Clarifies fields that are codes and fields that are counts • Extends cross tabulation to call numbers and other fields • Extends cross tabulation results to sums of field contents as well as counts

  21. CrossTab Reports • Setup Decisions - Type of Record, Two Code fields (for row and column), treatment of “multi”, (and payment periods for orders) • “Report” choice defines the Count field to be shown in the report • Each Row is one code value from the “row” variable. • Each Column is one code value from the “column” variable • Each Cell is a total of the Count field for records that fit both the Code fields.

  22. CrossTab Reports - What’s in the Cells?

  23. “Report” defines the cells

  24. Order Record Reports Stats on Steroids

  25. Order Records Add • Additional Count fields for total cost over one or two time periods • Extension in “Budget Report” to one additional calculated column • New formatted “Collection Development” report of projected cost by each code in each coded field.

  26. Cost Totals for Two Time Periods • Defined Time Periods • Yearly, Quarterly, Monthly, Daily • In Field Stats, adds columns for the cost and number of payments per period. • In CrossTab Adds to report options listed at the left • Not available in Periodic Reports

  27. Payment Columns in Field Stats

  28. Payment Columns in CrossTab

  29. Additional Calculated Field • “Budget Report” - available only in Field Statistics • Project from two periods, OR • Calculate an average cost per …., OR • Project an average cost per … from two periods.

  30. Setup Dialog

  31. Additional Calculated Field

  32. Collection Development Report • Creates an entirely new report • Creates a multi-line display • Performs a Cost Increase calculation • Always includes an average cost per … • Calculated for every code in every coded field.

  33. Setup Dialog

  34. Report Example

  35. Designing a Report(Exclusive of Budget Reports) • What do you want to total? • What Record Type has the Count field you need? • What Code field(s) do you need to segregate/analyze the results?

  36. Where is the Code Field? • Is the Code field in the same record type as the Count field • Yes -- Use MilStats report • No -- Is there a Parent/Child relationship between the records • Yes -- Use Create Lists, then MilStats • No -- Is this a report you need frequently? • Yes - Consider using a local-code field in the records • No - May need more complex approach, or abandon it

  37. Are Time Periods Involved? • Yes -- Use Periodic Report • No -- Are you cross-tabulating two Code fields in the same type of record as the Count field • Yes -- Use CrossTabs • No -- Use Field Statistics

  38. Discussion lgbconsulting@mac.com

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