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EVS - experienced users

EVS - experienced users. Fang Lou LTI/LMS. 9 June 2014. Outline of the workshop. Share good practice Explore further functions. I am familiar with:. Channel checking and changing Creating, importing and using participant lists Creating and working with groups Conditional branching

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EVS - experienced users

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Presentation Transcript

  1. EVS - experienced users Fang Lou LTI/LMS 9 June 2014

  2. Outline of the workshop • Share good practice • Explore further functions

  3. I am familiar with: • Channel checking and changing • Creating, importing and using participant lists • Creating and working with groups • Conditional branching • Producing a report • Merging files 30

  4. Why we use EVS? • Encourage active student participation • Engage with the whole class • Check and capture student knowledge • formative/summative • Give prompt feedback • Give quiet students a voice – including international students • Add interest and fun UH Assessment-for-Learning Principles, 2012 • Engages students with the assessment criteria • Supports personalised learning • Ensures feedback leads to improvement • Focuses on student development • Stimulates dialogue • Considers student and staff effort

  5. Share good practice • Summative: HSW: 3 EVS tests worth 50% of a module grade • Biosciences: Drop quizzes, 5 in a single module and 10 in a double module – 60% counts, 10% of a module grade • Read Q & A during voting

  6. What do students think? EEVS project survey 590 students, 2011-12 EVS had highly positive (perceived) impact on students’ learning and satisfaction • Responding to questions made me think about the course material (84%) • EVS provided me with an immediate check of understanding (83%) • Using the EVS allowed problem areas to be identified (75%) • I enjoy using EVS in my learning (71%) Summative use of EVS has in some cases created unnecessary tension, anxiety and indicated inadequacies of the technology for formal examinations. • Not given enough time for answering questions • Not testing how easily you can use device but how much you know about the subject • Should be able to cancel answers as it is possible to press a wrong button accidentally • Unable to amend your answers once the question has moved on • Using the handsets for a test , made the test feel less important, almost ‘gimmicky’

  7. Conditional Branching:Are you familiar with how to check and change channel number? • Yes • No

  8. Checking and changing channels • Put the receiver USB in • You will see the channel No. on the Start page

  9. Checking and changing channels • If that number is not what you want, click the number, so you can change it:

  10. Creating the participant list Right click and save target as ‘class.tpl’

  11. Importing the participant class list to TurningPoint • Click on ‘Manage’, then ‘Participant list’ in the left panel then ‘Import’.

  12. Importing the participant class list to TurningPoint • A dialogue box will appear. TurningPoint participant list is the default setting.

  13. Importing the participant class list to TurningPoint • Click on Choose File, locate the participant list file on the memory stick, click on it and it will now appear in the participant list which is on the left panel.

  14. Selecting a participant list for use • Open TurningPoint and on the showbar locate the drop down box Auto. Select the participant list you wish to use from here by clicking on it once. • This participant list will be populated with data once polling begins.

  15. Other participant list functions • Display participant monitor

  16. Setting up and working with groups • Manage – Participant Lists - New • Demographic

  17. Assign participants to groups • TurningPoint – Compete – Team Assignment

  18. How to create a report

  19. How to create a report

  20. How to create a report

  21. Merging session files • Under ‘Manage’, move all sessions under the same participant list • Manage – Sessions – Merge • Choose the sessions to merge

  22. What do the different handsets do? RF LCD NXT XR

  23. Student information • Handsets are issued to students free of charge • Replacement handsets carry a charge – equivalent to the loss of an ID card. N.B. student may be marked as a debtor if payment outstanding • Students are responsible for replacing the handset battery • Giving handsets to another student or being in possession of another’s handset is considered an academic offence – equivalent to cheating (like “loaning” an ID card) • Further help is available on the EVS page within Studynet (via EVS search on home page or go via LTI site). Put link on the programme page!

  24. Some good practice points when using EVS…. • Let the teaching approach lead the use of technology not the other way round • Always start with a test slide, read out the questions and answers in full and tell the students when polling is opened and when it is about to close • Consider inclusivity and accessibility • When using summatively, ensure expectations clear and test conditions implemented

  25. Quick check: • Always start in TurningPoint programme (which will run PowerPoint). Make sure PowerPoint is not open. • Make sure the presentation is not in simulated mode • Have some spare handsets with you • Make sure students know how to use the handsets • Check everyone is on the right channel • Run a test slide to check everything is working • Run the interactive session. • Only use a compatible ‘presenter card’ • Ifsaving session data in a teaching room save to a memory stick 9. Re-set the session after saving ready for next time

  26. Getting help • Help Desk tel. 4678 • LTI Knowledge Exchange • Help with Technology: EVS • Getting started Camtasia Video • Software download & online tutorials: • www.turningtechnologies.co.uk

  27. Any questions Fang Lou F.Lou@herts.ac.uk

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