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Graphics Card. Definition. A video card (also called a video adapter , display card , graphics card , graphics board , display adapter or graphics adapter ) is an expansion card which generates a feed of output images to a display . GPU.
Definition • A video card (also called a video adapter, display card, graphics card, graphics board, display adapter or graphics adapter) is an expansion card which generates a feed of output images to a display.
GPU • A graphics processingunit (GPU), alsooccasionallycalledvisualprocessingunit(VPU), is a specializedelectronic circuitdesignedtorapidlymanipulateandaltermemorytoacceleratethecreation of images in a framebufferintendedforoutputto a display
GRAM • Graphics card'smemorykeepscalculations of screen. Itworks as main memory of computersystems. Graphics memorytakes data fromgpuandstoresthem.Size of graphics memory is relatedtographiccard'sperformance.Capacity of graphics cardsshould be largetoreceive a highqualityimagewith a highresolution.
GDDR • GDDRorgraphics double data ratememoryreferstomemoryspecificallydesignedforuse on graphics cards. Thememorycapacity of most modern video cardsrangesfrom 128 MB to 8 GB. Around 2003, the video memorywastypicallybased on DDRtechnology. Duringandafterthatyear, manufacturersmovedtowardsDDR2, GDDR3, GDDR4andGDDR5. Theeffectivememoryclock rate in modern cards is generallybetween 1 GHz and 6.3 GHz .
Memory Interface • Thememoryinterface is theamount of data that can be tranferred at one time fromthememoryandthe GPU. Itsbesttothink of it as a road/highway, largertheinterface bit, themorefasterthe data can be transferredandthebetterperformingthecard is. However, Coreclocksand Memory clocksarealso a largefactor in performance, but if a card has a largerinterfaceand a smallpercentagedrop in clockspeeds, thenthatcardwouldperformbetter.
Video Graphics Array (VGA) (DE-15) • Alsoknown as D-sub, VGA is an analog-basedstandardadopted in thelate 1980s designedfor CRT displays, alsocalledVGA connector. Someproblems of thisstandardareelectricalnoise, imagedistortionandsamplingerror in evaluatingpixels. Today, the VGA analog interface is usedforhighdefinition video including1080pandhigher. Whilethe VGA transmissionbandwidth is highenoughtosupportevenhigherresolutionplayback, there can be picturequalitydegradationdepending on cablequalityandlength.
How discerniblethisqualitydifference is depends on theindividual'seyesightandthedisplay; whenusing a DVI or HDMI connection, especially on largersized LCD/LED monitorsorTVs, qualitydegradation, ifpresent, is prominentlyvisible. Blu-ray playback at 1080p is possibleviathe VGA analog interface, ifImage ConstraintToken (ICT) is not enabled on theBlu-ray disc.
Digital Visual Interface (DVI) • Digital-basedstandarddesignedfordisplayssuch as flat-panel displays (LCDs, plasmascreens, widehigh-definitiontelevisiondisplays) and video projectors. Insomerarecaseshighend CRT monitorsalsouse DVI. Itavoidsimagedistortionandelectricalnoise, correspondingeachpixelfromthecomputerto a displaypixel, usingitsnativeresolution
High-Definition Multimedia Interface (HDMI)[ • HDMI is a compactaudio/video interfacefortransferringuncompressed video data andcompressed/uncompresseddigitalaudio data from an HDMI-compliantdevice ("thesourcedevice") to a compatibledigitalaudiodevice, computermonitor, video projector, ordigitaltelevision.[4] HDMI is a digitalreplacementforexistinganalog videostandards. HDMI supportscopyprotectionthroughHDCP.
Motherboardinterfaces: • AGP: First used in 1997, it is a dedicated-to-graphics bus. It is a 32-bit busclocked at 66 MHz. • PCI-X: An extension of the PCI bus, it wasintroduced in 1998. Itimprovesupon PCI byextendingthewidth of busto 64-bit andtheclockfrequencytoupto 133 MHz. • PCI Express: AbbreviatedPCIe, it is a pointtopointinterfacereleased in 2004. In 2006 provideddoublethe data-transfer rate of AGP. Itshould not be confusedwithPCI-X, an enhancedversion of theoriginal PCI specification.
ATI Technologies Inc.was a semiconductortechnologycorporationbased in Markham, Ontario, Canada, thatspecialized in thedevelopment of graphics processingunitsandchipsets. Founded in 1985 as Array Technologies Industry, thecompanywaslistedpublicly in 1993 andwasacquiredbyAdvanced Micro Devices (AMD) in 2006
As a majorfabrication-lessorfablesssemiconductorcompany, ATI conductedresearchanddevelopment in-houseandoutsourcedthemanufacturingandassembly of itsproducts. ATI anditschiefrivalNvidiaemerged as thetwo dominant players in the graphics processorsindustry, eventuallyforcingothermanufacturersintonicheroles. ATI HD 7990
Nvidia Corporationis an American global technologycompanybased in SantaClara, California. Nvidiamanufacturesgraphics processingunits (GPUs), as well as having a significantstake in manufacture of system-on-a-chipunits (SOCs) forthe mobile computing market. Nvidia'sprimary GPU productlinelabeled "GeForce" is in directcompetitionwithAMD's "Radeon" products. NvidiaalsojoinedthegamingindustrywithitshandheldNvidiaShield
Nvidia - SLI • Scalable Link Interface (SLI) is a brand name for a multi-GPU technology developed byNVIDIA for linking two or more video cards together to produce a single output. SLI is an application of parallel processing for computer graphics, meant to increase the processing power available for graphics.
ATI - Crossfire • AMD CrossFireX (previously known as CrossFire) is a brand name for the multi-GPUsolution by Advanced Micro Devices, originally developed by ATI Technologies. The technology allows up to four GPUs to be used in a single computer to improve graphics performance.