Supplementary Figure 2. Sequence alignment of AfPiwi with PIWI domains of eukaryotic Argonaute proteins from the Piwi and Ago subfamilies, together with a structure-based alignment of AfPiwi and PfAgo. Residues coordinating the 5’phosphate of theguide strand (Fig. 2) are indicated by red arrows. Blue arrows denote putative slicer catalytic site residues. Colour coding of invariant residues as follows: Red: invariant in all eukaryote Argonaute sequences and AfPiwi. Blue: Switch residues: residues which are invariant within the Ago and Piwi subfamilies of eukaryotic Argonaute proteins, but differ between these two subfamilies. The equivalent residue in AfPiwi is conserved with one of these eukaryotic Argonaute subfamilies. Magenta: highly conserved in all eukaryote Argonaute sequences and AfPiwi. Orange: invariant in all eukaryote Argonaute sequences only.