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Tutorial: Work with your Results and Citations

Tutorial: Work with your Results and Citations. Work with your Search and Browse Results . Journal articles are accessible in HTML and PDF formats. Click on an article’s title or the HTML symbol to access it in HTML. Click on the PDF symbol to download a PDF.

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Tutorial: Work with your Results and Citations

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  1. Tutorial: Work with your Results and Citations

  2. Work with your Search and Browse Results Journal articles are accessible in HTML and PDF formats. Click on an article’s title or the HTML symbol to access it in HTML. Click on the PDF symbol to download a PDF. Click here to save this citation

  3. Results Click to access this journal’s table of contents Click to access author’s other works in MUSE (as applicable) Identify the article’s Research Area

  4. Results Email a link to this article Share this article through social media View or save this article’s citation See content related to this article

  5. Results Books are available in PDF format only. Click on a book’s title to access its content. Click here to save this citation

  6. Results View or save the book’s citation Click to see this publisher’s other content Access PDF documents of the book’s content

  7. Results Search for terms or phrases inside this book View bibliographic details about this book

  8. Work with your Saved Citations Citations Save citations as you Search and Browse MUSE’s content. When you are ready to access them, click on the Saved Citations link at the top of the page. The number of your saved citations is indicated.

  9. Citations Your saved citations are selected and ready to be exported. To deselect a citation, click on the “selected” link. Or click “Deselect All Citations”.

  10. Citations Choose a citation format (MLA, APA, Chicago, or Endnote) and Save, Print, or Email a copy of your saved citations. Export your citations to RefWorks or EndNote

  11. For additional training resources, please see: http://muse.jhu.edu/about/tools/

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