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3 phases to implementing the Idaho Nutrition Standards

From the Cafeteria to the Classroom: Making Sure Our Kids Eat Idaho State Department of Education Child Nutrition Programs August 5-6, 2010. 3 phases to implementing the Idaho Nutrition Standards. Why implement nutrition standards?.

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3 phases to implementing the Idaho Nutrition Standards

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  1. From the Cafeteria to the Classroom: Making Sure Our Kids Eat Idaho State Department of EducationChild Nutrition ProgramsAugust 5-6, 2010

  2. 3 phases to implementing the Idaho Nutrition Standards

  3. Why implement nutrition standards? • December 2007 USDA Policy Memo asked SAs to be proactive in implementing the most recent Dietary Guidelines for Americans. • Idaho wanted to set the bar high and encourage schools statewide to meet the most current nutrition recommendations. • New USDA standards are coming soon

  4. Developed a committee:internal and external Internal Committee • SA employees: varied backgrounds External Committee • Made up of food service directors throughout the state. hand picked: experienced, influential, varied school types, willing to voice their truthful opinions.

  5. Internal Committee • Met several times to discuss and set the actual standards • Each member researched areas of nutrition and brought findings to the committee for discussion • Set final standards

  6. External Committee • Released a draft of the standards to the external committee • Obtained comment and clarification questions from them • Most correspondence occurred via online survey (comment on standard, give suggestions) • Gathered that feedback and presented to the Internal Committee

  7. External Committee • Very supportive of making the changes because: • Wanted back-up support for serving healthy meals • Tired of criticism about school meals • Wanted clarity on how to follow the DGAs. • Some of the committee requested stricter standards than were proposed

  8. Finalizing Standards • Based on the External Committee’s feedback the Internal Committee set the final standards. • The whole process took approximately 4 months.


  10. Release the Standards • Internal Committee set the final standards • Released to schools January 2009 • Expected implementation August 2009 • Idaho Standards mirrored the IOM recommendations released in October 2009

  11. Materials on the Standards Upon Release • Nutrition Standards Chart (1 page summary)- FSD and managers, principals and superintendents • Detailed Standards booklet was sent out to FSD only • Website- included at that time- booklet, chart and Q and A

  12. Additional Materials Additional Q and A to website

  13. Additional Assistance • Regional and School District trainings • Many, many requests so…..

  14. Video Training Developed and produced online video trainings for the website

  15. Phase Two contd. Informational brochures: to parents, teachers, administrators and research on the academic benefits of nutritious meals

  16. First School Year 09-10 • Response: overall very positive • Have not heard that standards negatively affected meal participation • State Superintendent has received positive comments from school administrators • Compliments in the SA office • Public beginning to understand that school meals are healthy

  17. Support for the Standards • Idaho Nutrition Standards are part of the Idaho SA SMI review • Unannounced visits to schools as needed • Cooking With Whole Grains Workshops • Vendor recognition at food shows


  19. Positive Results • Commodities: • Decrease in chicken nugget and patty orders (pre-fried) • Whole grain, low-fat chicken items chosen for processing • Increase in whole grain orders (tortillas, pancakes, rotini, flour)

  20. Change in Yearly Idaho Commodity Orders for Schools

  21. Before and After Standards Chicken Nuggets Whole Grain Flour Whole Grain Pasta Based on truck loads

  22. Whole Grain Flour Commodity

  23. SMI comparison of the districts reviewed in 2009- 2010 • 100% met the pre-fried Standard • 81% served 3 whole grains at breakfast and lunch • 91% had a fruit at every meal • 88% had a non-fried vegetable at every lunch • 94% met the variety of dark green/orange vegetable standard

  24. Improvement due to Nutrition Standards (32 schools)

  25. Standards Needing Improvement • Calories: 66% compliance • Fiber: 66% • Low-Fat Milk: 75% • Legumes: 78% • Trans Fats: 78% • Condiments: 79% (7schools w/ salt or sugar) (no before numbers on condiment usage)

  26. Moving Forward • Continue to check compliance and provide technical assistance • Encourage schools to market their menus with the healthy choices that they are providing • Publish a cycle menu booklet that demonstrates how to develop menus that meet the standards

  27. Future Support for Standards • Continue to support schools with trainings and workshops • Ex: Cooking with Whole Grains, Culinary Techniques, Low Sodium Cooking • Competitive Foods Standards have been recommended in Idaho from the SA

  28. In Conclusion • The USDA will be releasing the “new” meal pattern. This will be based on the IOM recommendations. • Because Idaho has already begun it will be an easy process.

  29. For more information • Idaho State Department of Education: www.sde.idaho.gov/child/site/

  30. Questions?

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