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EES-90/2010. Introdução à Engenharia de Sistemas e Integração. What is a System?. Hall , 1962 : A system is a set of objects with relationships between the objects and between their attributes.
Introdução à Engenharia de Sistemas e Integração
What is a System? Hall, 1962:A system is a set of objects with relationshipsbetween the objects and between their attributes. Kauffman, 1980:A system is a collection of parts which interact witheach other to function as a whole. Martin, 1997:A system is a set of integrated end products and theirenabling products. Hitchins, 1997:A set of complementary, interacting partswith properties, capabilities and behavioursemerging both from the parts and fromtheir interactions INCOSE, 1998 [International Council onSystems Engineering, non-profit organisationfounded in 1990 with over3500 members in some 35 countries]: Systems Engineering is an interdisciplinary approach and means toenable the realization of successful systems.
What is Systems Engineering? NASA System Engineering Handbook: Systems engineering is "an interdisciplinary approach encompassing the entire technical effort to evolve andverify an integrated and life-cycle balanced set of systempeople, product, and process solutions that satisfycustomer needs.
Objective of Systems Engineering NASA System Engineering Handbook: The objective of systems engineering is to see toit that the system is designed, built, and operated so thatit accomplishes its purpose in the most cost-effectiveway possible, considering performance, cost, schedule,and risk. Cost:The cost of a system is the foregone value of the resourcesneeded to design, build, and operate it. Effectiveness:The effectiveness of a system is a quantitativemeasure of the degree to which the system's purposeis achieved. Cost-Effectiveness:The cost-effectiveness of a system combines both thecost and the effectiveness of the system in the contextof its objectives.
Poor Management Costs
The systems engineer is like the maestro, who knows how the music should sound (the look and function of a design) and has the skills to lead a team in achieving the desired sound (meeting the system requirements). Systems engineers: • Understand the fundamentals of mathematics, physics, and other pertinent sciences, as well as the capabilities of various people and disciplines • Have mastered a technical discipline and learned multiple disciplines • Must understand the end game and overall objectives of the endeavor • Create a vision and approach for attaining the objectives • May be architects or designers • Select and shape the technical issues to be addressed by multidisciplinary teams • Must often interpret and communicate objectives, requirements, system architecture, and design • Are responsible for the design’s technical integrity • Organize and lead multidisciplinary teams • Are responsible for the successful delivery of a complex product or service
Technical leadership focuses on a system’s technical design and technical integrity throughout its lifecycle • • Systems management focuses on managing the complexity associated with having many technical disciplines, multiple organizations, and hundreds or thousands of people engaged in a highly technical activity
INCOSE: Twelve Systems Engineering Roles • Requirements Owner • System Designer • System Analyst • Validation/Verification Engineer • Logistics/Operations Engineer • Glue Among Subsystems • Customer Interface • Technical Manager • Information manager • Process Engineer • Coordinator • Classified Ads Systems Engineer
Bar-Yam, Y. When Systems Engineering Fails – Toward Complex Systems Engineering yaneer@necsi.org.
Programação da Matéria 03 ago, Introdução 10 ago, CAPES, Aula a ser reposta na forma de Prova para casa, 1o bimestre. 17 ago, CNPq, Aula a ser reposta na forma de Prova para casa, 2o bimestre. 24 ago, Modelos de Ciclos de Vida de Sistemas. 31 ago, Avaliação Econômica, Gerência de Projetos e Mitigação de Risco. 07 set, Feriado. 14 set, CBA, Trabalho para casa, valendo pontos para o Exame. 21 set, Qualidade, Confiabilidade, Manutenabilidade, Dependabilidade. 28 set, Semaninha 05 out, Sustentabilidade, Descartabilidade, Suportabilidade, Certificabilidade. 12 out, Feriado. 19 out, Integração de Sistemas. Fatores Humanos. 26 out, Tomada de Decisão e Otimização. 02 nov, Feriado. 09 nov, CNPq, TRIZ, Parte I – Prof. Antônio César Lettieri. 16 nov, TRIZ, Parte II – Prof. Antônio César Lettieri. 23 nov, Inovação Tecnológica e Vantagem Competitiva.
Ementa Oficial da Matéria Definições: sistemas, engenharia de sistemas e conceitos relacionados. Projeto conceitual, preliminar e detalhado. Análise de sistemas e avaliação de projetos. Projeto tendo em vista: confiabilidade, operacionalidade, manutenabilidade, fatores humanos, produção e reciclagem, e custo. Noções de planejamento, organização e controle de projeto de sistemas de engenharia.
Livros Texto [1] Kossiakoff, A. & Sweet, W.N., Systems Engineering Principles and Practice, John Wiley, 2002. [2] Blanchard, B. S. & Fabrycky, W. J. Systems Engineering and Analysis, 3rd ed., Prentice-Hall, Upper Saddle River, 1997. [3] Grady, J. O., System Integration, CRC Press, Boca Raton, 1994.