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Luke 15-21. Luke 15. Is the Church a home for saints, or a hospital for sinners ? Lost sheep 10 pieces of silver The Prodigal Son v. 7 “ The heck with the ’99’, go and get the one !” A precious promise ! There is hope for parents of wayward children. A Precious Promise !.
Luke 15 Is the Church a home for saints, or a hospital for sinners? • Lost sheep • 10 pieces of silver • The Prodigal Son v. 7 “The heck with the ’99’, go and get the one!” A precious promise! There is hope for parents of wayward children.
A Precious Promise! The Prophet Joseph Smith declared--- and he never taught a more comforting doctrine--- that the eternal sealing's of faithful parents and the divine promises made to them for valiant service in the Cause of Truth, would save not only themselves, but likewise their posterity. Though some of the sheep may wander, the eye of the Shepherd is upon them, and sooner or later they will feel the tentacles of Divine Providence reaching out after them and drawing them back to the fold. Either in this life or the life to come, they will return.
They will have to pay their debt to justice; they will suffer for their sins; and may tread a thorny path; but if it leads them at last, like the penitent Prodigal, to a loving and forgiving father’s heart and home, the painful experience will not have been in vain. Pray for your careless and disobedient children; hold on to them with your faith. Hope on, trust on, till you see the salvation of God” (Orson F. Whitney, C.R., April 1929, 110).
Teach the law of eternal marriage to children. May all Latter-day Saint fathers and mothers see to it that they teach their children the sacredness of the marriage covenant. Let them impress upon their children that in no other way than by honoring the covenants of God, among which the covenant of eternal marriage is one of the greatest and most mandatory, can they obtain the blessings of eternal lives. If they refuse to receive this ordinance and other blessings of the house of God, then shall they be cut off from these higher blessings. They shall wear no crown; they shall have no rule and sway no scepter; they shall be denied the fullness of knowledge and power, and like the prodigal son, they may return again to their Father’s house, but it will be as servants, not to inherit as sons (Joseph Fielding Smith, Doctrines of Salvation, Vol. 2, 75).
President Hinckley challenged us not to be the weak link in the chain of generations. Well, if there’s a break in the chain, then the new chain starts with you. And, as you forge your link in that chain, it will bless not only you, but it will reach in both directions to strengthen other links; so, it begins with you. We read the statement by the Prophet Joseph, and Orson Whitney, and the elaborations by President Packer, about the tentacles that will reach out to wayward children. Some parents, I believe, over interpret that to mean that if I’m faithful to my temple covenants then my children will be okay. Well, that can’t be right; we believe that men will be punished for their own sins, not for Adam’s transgressions.
And therefore you can’t be saved through the faithfulness of your parents. But the tentacles that reach out because of the faithfulness of parents in honoring temple covenants exert a spiritual pull and a tug on those wayward children. Well, couldn’t that work the same way for children who are faithful to temple covenants and the tentacles reach out to a mom and a dad who are not as faithful as they need to be? So it will extend both ways and they can help forge that chain of the generations, and help repair some of the broken links, regardless of the direction” (Elder David A. Bednar, CES Satellite Training Broadcast, Aug. 2011).
The Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus Luke 16:19-31 v.19 Notice the rich man is not given a name and the poor man is honored with a name (the rich man was a Pharisee). Augustine (in Sermon xli) asks: “Seems He not to you to have been reading from that book where he found the name of the poor man written, but found not the name of the rich. For that book is the Book of Life” (J.T.C. 449). Of all our Lord’s recorded parables this is the only one in which a personal name is applied to any of the characters.
v. 31 “If they hear not Moses and the Prophets” Two eternal truths taught: • Deity chooses and sends its own agents and witnesses. • Those who will not believe the prophets and living oracles of their day, will not believe even though they see miracles.
“10 Lepers Healed”Luke 17:11-19 v. 14 “Go show yourselves unto the Priest” For a leper in the day of his cleaning, the prescribed means of obtaining permission to re-enter society required him to show himself to the priest. It was a test of their faith! The 10 lepers were probably mixed nationalities. The one who said thank you was a Samaritan (v. 16).
Luke 18:10-14 Two men went to the temple to pray! A Pharisee and a Publican. Alma 31:13-23, “the Rameumptum” (My Seminary days)
Luke 19:1-10 “Zacchaeus, I’m coming to dinner!” v. 10 For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost!
Luke 19:41-44 “Abomination of Desolation” Fulfilled 37 years later in 70 A.D.
Josephus, the Jewish historian said that the proud Jews were certain that their vaunted city could not be taken because it was surrounded by high walls on all sides. Titus, the Roman general set his army to work putting high mounds of dirt and tree trunks against the walls so that entering the city became merely a matter of climbing up the mounds. An enormous slaughter followed….
When the banks were finished the Romans brought their machine against the wall… A part of the wall was battered down and certain of the towers yielded to the impression of the battering rams… So the Romans became the masters of the walls. When they went into the city with their swords drawn, they slew those whom they overtook without mercy, and set fire to the houses whither the Jews were fled, and burnt every soul in them, and laid waste a great many of the rest;
…and when they were come to the houses to plunder them, they found entire families of dead men, and the upper rooms full of dead corpses, that is, of such as died by the famine, they then stood in a horror at this sight, and went out without touching anything. However, those found alive were ran through without mercy (Flavius Josephus The Life and Works, Wars of the Jews, bk. 6 chap. 8, parts 4-5).