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Computer Graphics recipes for analyzing and enhancing shape information

Michela Mortara, Chiara Catalano, Bianca Falcidieno Shape Modelling Group CNR-IMATI Genova. Computer Graphics recipes for analyzing and enhancing shape information . Endowing 3D shapes with Semantics in Virtual Worlds. Overview. Basics on 3D digital shapes :

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Computer Graphics recipes for analyzing and enhancing shape information

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  1. Michela Mortara, Chiara Catalano, Bianca Falcidieno ShapeModelling Group CNR-IMATI Genova Computer Graphicsrecipesforanalyzing and enhancingshape information Endowing 3D shapeswithSemantics in VirtualWorlds

  2. Overview • Basics on 3D digitalshapes: • Creationof a 3D model • Representationof 3D models • Notonlygeometry and graphicsbutknowledgecarriers in manydomains • Endowing 3D modelswithsemantics in VirtualWorlds: why and how • Analysisof 3D models • Annotationof 3D models and theircomponents

  3. Digital 3D Shapes • 3D Models • Single models • Assemblies • Environments

  4. What are 3D modelsusefulfor? • gradual shift of paradigm in science from physical prototypes and experience to virtual prototypes and simulation • CAD/PLM • Bioinformatics • Medicine • Cultural Heritage • … • 3D models in games: complex and convincing virtual worlds • realistic environment and characters • realistic interactions and behaviour

  5. Creationof a 3D model Cortesia Alessi Trough a laser scanner a digital copy of the realobjectismade or Using a modeler, the designer creates a digitalobjectsfromhis/her idea acquisition design ConceptualWorld RealWorld

  6. Acquisition& Reconstruction Acquisition Realobject Laser Scanner Processing of the raw data tobuild up an accurate 3D model (meshing) DigitalShape

  7. The detailsof the process • There are severalstepstoobtain the finalmodel • Severalscansof the objectmustbeacquired…

  8. The detailsof the process • There are severalstepstoobtain the finalmodel • Severalscansof the objectmustbeacquired… • Then the scansmustbealigned…

  9. The detailsof the process • There are severalstepstoobtain the finalmodel • Severalscansof the objectmustbeacquired… • Then the scansmustbealigned…

  10. The detailsof the process • There are severalstepstoobtain the finalmodel • Severalscansof the objectmustbeacquired… • Then the scansmustbealigned… • And finallyall the scans are mergedinto a single model

  11. The detailsof the process • There are severalstepstoobtain the finalmodel • Severalscansof the objectmustbeacquired… • Then the scansmustbealigned… • And finallyall the scans are mergedinto a single model

  12. The detailsof the process • Finally the post-processing: • Geometricchecks and repairing • intersections, degeneracies, singularities, etc.) • Holefilling • Smoothing • Simplification • Textures • ...

  13. simplification resampling Examples remeshing texturing

  14. ParadigmofGeometricModelling Representation Universe Phisical Universe Implementation Universe Mathematical Universe z = f(x,y) Physical Object Mathematical Model Representation Digital Model Restrictive hypothesis Computer restrictions

  15. RepresentationSchemes • BoundarySchemes (e.g. meshes) • VolumetricSchemes • DecompositionSchemes • Object-based (e.g. tetrahedrization) • Spacialenumeration (e.g. voxelization) • ConstructiveSchemes • Based on half-spaces • Based on Primitives (CSG)

  16. 3D and Technologytoday • Technological advances highly reduced the costs of 3D content acquisition, storage and transmission • But how to… • organize, process, share, use and re-use, navigate, this largeamount of complex content ? Are theresimilarobjects in the repository? Whatisitsfunctionality? #VRML V1.0 ascii Separator { Coordinate3 { point [ -1.595000 -1.101000 4.897000, -1.537000 -0.933000 4.899000, -1.681000 -0.995000 4.885000, -1.712000 -0.948000 4.876000, -1.589000 -0.765000 4.893000, …

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