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¿What is Internationalization for the UIB?

Explore strategies for internationalizing university relations, mobility programs, and cooperation endeavors to promote a vibrant international profile. Discussion on internationalization processes, mobility programs, interuniversity cooperation, and development activities aimed at enhancing the global standing of the University of the Balearic Islands. Dive into initiatives focusing on students, faculty, administrative staff, and researchers. Learn about partnerships, joint degree programs, and participation in global projects. Interactive sessions and case studies.

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¿What is Internationalization for the UIB?

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  1. Séminarie“La stratégie des universités en matière de relations internationales et de coopération interuniversitaire”20 et 21 novembre, Beyrouth

  2. International Relations & Cooperation at the University of the Balearic IslandsRicardo Sagrera Gazeley, Head of the International Relations Office

  3. ¿What is Internationalization for the UIB? • Increase number and quality of mobility programmes for Students, Faculty and Administrative Staff. • Improve the atractiveness of our degrees: in particular Master programmes. • Promote the international profile and spirit of our Students, Faculty and Administrative Staff. • Improve the attractiveness of our researchers and research programmes: In & Out.

  4. Internationality vs Internationalization • Internationality denotes either an institution’s current status or the status observable at the data acquisition with regard to the international activities. • Internationalization denotes a direction in which the institution is moving, through a more or less managed process, from an actual status of internationality towards a modified actual status of increased internationality.

  5. Four blocks • Mobiltiy Programmes (In & Out) • Interuniversity Cooperation • Development Cooperation • Promote the Internationalization of the UIB

  6. Mobility programmes (I) • Students: • LLP-Erasmus: Studies and Placement • SICUE-Séneca • Bilateral Student Exchange Agreements • Student Exchange Networks: CIEE, CINDA, ISEP, DRAC. • Erasmus Mundus External Cooperation Window: AVERROES. • Visiting Students.

  7. Mobility programmes (II) • Faculty – Academic Staff • Erasmus: STA & STT Exchanges. • PCI: Interuniversity Cooperation Programme (AECID). • DRAC-PDI. • EMECW: AVERROES. • “Visiting Professor Programme”. • Attendance of Conferences, Seminars, Workshops.

  8. Mobility programmes (III) • Adminstrative Staff • DRAC Network. • Erasmus Staff Training Programme (STT). • UIB Staff Exchange Programme. • EMECW: AVERROES

  9. Interuniveristy Cooperation (I) • Bilateral or Multilateral MOU’s and agreements. • Faculty and/or researcher exchanges. • Develop joint/double degree programmes: at undergraduate and postgraduate levels (Academic cooperation). • Develop and take part in bilateral or multilateral research projects: regional, national and/or international level, and funded.

  10. Interuniveristy Cooperation (II) • Membership in University Networks: regional, national and international. These can differ in their objectives & purpose. • CRUE: Spanish Rectors Conference • G9: Grupo 9 de Universidades • EUA: European Univeristy Association • AUIP: Latin American University Association for Postgraduate Studies • EGSG: European Graduate Studies Group

  11. Interuniveristy Cooperation (III) • EPUF • Téthys • Xarxa Vives • Apply for Government and EU funded projects: i.e. TEMPUS, EMECW, ALPHA. • …

  12. Development Cooperation Activities (I) • PCI: Interuniversity Cooperation Programme (AECID): Latin America and Mediterranean region. • Activities started in 2001: UIB – Regional Government. • The UIB’s Office for Develpoment Cooperation (OCDS) was created May 2005. • Develop bilateral & multilateral projects with universities, ONGs, institutions, public bodies, …

  13. Development Cooperation Activities (II) • Projects for student and faculty mobility. • Projects for curricular development at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. • Projects for transfer of know-how & technology. • Main regions for this cooperation: Central and Latin America. North African region at a smaller scale. • …

  14. Promote the Internationalization of the UIB (I) • Offer a pool of elective courses in English open to all UIB students. • Promote the learning of a second foreign language. • Organize specific language courses for Faculty (Academic Writing Skills, Giving a Presentation in English) and Students (French Language and Culture).

  15. Promote the Internationalization of the UIB (II) • Curricular development in a foreign language (Degree in Business Administration and in Economics; Master programme in Tourism and Environmental Economics) • Promote international projects: TEMPUS, Erasmus Mundus in its different programmes (Master Programmes, ECW), PCI, … • UIB call for internationalization projects. • Summer School.

  16. Promote the Internationalization of the UIB (III) • Research: areas, groups, projects, publications/papers, databases, FPU grants, ... • Attend International Fairs / Promotion materials.

  17. Thank you very much for your time!!Merci!!

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