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Metaphors for Change. Jay Hays. Explorer Metaphor. CM+ Roadmap. Kotter’s Eight Steps. Kotter’s Eight Steps to Change a la Our Iceburg is Melting. Create a Sense of Urgency. Communicate the New Vision. Form a Guiding Coalition. Create a Vision.
Metaphors for Change Jay Hays
Explorer Metaphor CM+ Roadmap Kotter’s Eight Steps
Kotter’s Eight Steps to Change a la Our Iceburg is Melting Create a Sense of Urgency Communicate the New Vision Form a Guiding Coalition Create a Vision • Show others the need for change • Provide valid and dramatic evidence • Look for ways to reduce complacency • Help form a group that has the capability to guide the change process • Show enthusiasm to draw the right people • Model trust • Build teamwork • Create the right vision and strategies to guide action in all of the stages of change • See possible futures • Visions that are clear • Visions that are moving • Communicate change visions and strategies so they can be understood • Keep it simple • Do your homework first • Speak to resistance, confusion, and distrust Empower Others To Act Create Short-Term Wins Create a New Culture Don’t Let Up • Deal effectively with obstacles • Find individuals with change experience • Recognise and reward achievement • Prompt feedback • “Retooling” disempowering managers • Produce sufficient short-term wins to energise change helpers, defuse critics and build momentum for the effort • Visible to all • Meaningful to others • Continue with wave after wave of change not stopping until the vision is a reality • Look for ways of keeping the level of urgency up • Rid yourself of work that doesn’t contribute to the vision • Be sure the changes are embedded in the very culture of the enterprise • Change isn’t over until it has roots • Nurture the new culture • Reward new behaviour
The Journey Metaphor An image-rich aid to help describe and prepare people to undertake a journey no one has ever made before to a place no one has ever been.
Issues and Challenges Preparing / planning for the unknowable Identifying potential risks and having suitable responses Creating a culture of exploring and the explorer mindset Keeping in contact with home Keeping the faith; dealing with mutiny A Metaphor for Change: The Organisational Change Journey Charting the Course Ports o’ Call Journey Milestones Defining the Destination Arrival! Setting Off Selecting Explorers Preparing Explorers Evaluation & Lessons Learned Hail and Farewell! Exploring Unchartered Territory
Issues and Challenges Preparing / planning for the unknowable Identifying potential risks and having suitable responses Creating a culture of exploring and the explorer mindset Keeping in contact with home Keeping the faith Dealing with mutiny
Issues and Challenges Preparing / planning for the unknowable Identifying potential risks and having suitable responses Creating a culture of exploring and the explorer mindset Keeping in contact with home Keeping the faith Dealing with mutiny • Keeping on Course in Unchartered Territory • Agree to and understand the destination and process for getting there (framework) • Vision, Imperative, Objectives • Flexible “roadmap” and experienced guides • Know where you are at any given time (measure) • Against vision and milestones (roadmap), risks, CSFs, & KPIs) • Document Progress (Map) and Lessons Learned (ship’s log) • Keep people involved, excited, and “fit” (participation) • Provide the tools, techniques, and skills people need • Empower with authority and legitimacy • Charge with responsibility • Install / use an infrastructure for people “back home”
A Closer Look at the Exploration Steps 2 Charting the Course 1 Defining the Destination Selecting Explorers Preparing Explorers • Context for Change • Vision • Mission • Overall Objectives • Readiness Assessment • Approach • Sponsorship • Values • Principles • High-Level Project Planning • Understanding Journey Risks • Setting Explorer Criteria • Selecting Team Members • Chartering Team • Building Teamwork and Exploring Skills • Establishing Team and Project Infrastructure
3 4 • Team Assignments & Division of Labour • Detailed Project Planning • Send-Off Celebration • Embarking as Sub-Teams • Sub-Team Check-Ins and Mini Course Corrections • Team Check-Ins • Journaling / Trip Logs • Arrival at Journey Milestones or Major Course Correction • Achievement of High-Level Objectives and Lessons Learned To Date • Interim Celebration • Re-provisioning and Team Member Rejuvenation • Reports to the Community A Closer Look at the Exploration Steps Setting Off Ports o’ Call Journey Milestones
A Closer Look at the Exploration Steps Evaluation & Lessons Learned Hail and Farewell! • Formal Evaluation of Project Against Expected Outcomes • Lessons Learned Studies Conducted (Process and Content) • Evaluation / Lessons Learned Published for and Shared with Community • Determinations made for Continuation or Follow-On Expedition
A Closer Look at the Exploration Steps 5 • First phase of Exploration Complete • Report to Community and Celebration of Successful Journey Arrival! • Formal Evaluation of Project Against Expected Outcomes • Lessons Learned Studies Conducted (Process and Content) • Evaluation / Lessons Learned Published for and Shared with Community • Determinations made for Continuation or Follow-On Expedition 6 Evaluation & Lessons Learned 7 • Final Team Celebration Honouring Work, Coming to Closure, Welcoming New Team Members, and Sending-Off Next Team Hail and Farewell!
The CM+ Roadmap
II. Reality Check) 5. Collection and Analysis of Data 6. Data Feedback and Confrontation III. Action Planning and Problem Solving 7. Develop Change Approach 8. Search / Select Strategies 9. Develop Measures of Performance IV. Implementation 10. Implement Change Strategies I. Change Program Initiation 1. Performance Gap 2. Initial Problem Definition 3. Initial Data Collection 4. Refinement or Revision of Problem V. Evaluation and Follow-Up 11. Evaluate Change 12. Modify Change Strategies and Recycle The CM+ Roadmap Change Management Plus (CM+ Roadmap)
Why A Roadmap? People need directions and pointers Shows where you are on the journey (in the process) Helps you know what lays ahead You’ll have a safer trip, and you can more accurately predict your destination Change Management Plus (CM+ Roadmap) Provides guidance if you miss a turn Helps you choose alternate routes Allows you to make your specific travel plans
Why This Roadmap? Past Experience Change often proceeds haphazardly, with unfortunate and unanticipated consequences. Changes are treated as “a race to get through” and everyone loses. Few change approaches appreciate and contend with complexity. Most change is based on false and incomplete assumptions. Change Management Plus (CM+ Roadmap) Most change is done to people, not by people; as if they can’t be trusted or are incapable of managing change. Few “planned” changes actually succeed.
Why This Roadmap? Design Principles Planning and preparation “up front” ensure better implementation. Speed kills, but momentum is crucial. Understand the bigger picture. Get “buy in” before proceeding; involve stakeholders in every step. Those knowledgeable about and impacted by change should be the ones who architect it. Change Management Plus (CM+ Roadmap) Learn from experience.
CM+ Roadmap Based on proven theory and practice (50 yrs): • Amalgamation of best practices in change. • Science-based – social science, systems theory, management.
CM+ Roadmap • Embodies change rule 1: employ the targets of change as the instruments of change: • Involves stakeholders throughout the • change cycle • Provides a common language and process for change: Adaptable and extensible Typifies “learn as you go”
CM+ Roadmap Highlights that the change is greater than the technical / business solution, itself: Contends with the larger, more complex system / wider context Leverages existing problems and oppor-tunities to build future capability ( > 2 for the price of one!) Is principles and values based
I. Change Program Initiation Moving from a “sensed” problem or opportunity to a solid, agreed upon statement Encouraging a Culture of Improvement Understanding the environment and change readiness CM+ Roadmap II. Reality Check Better understanding the problem or opportunity within its context Consulting with stakeholders Creating a “critical mass” of supporters and participants Building change skills and readiness throughout III. Action Planning and Problem-Solving Thoroughly planning and preparing for the change Involving stakeholders as fully as possible Making change friendly IV. Implementation Implementing responsively Continuing to involve and engage stakeholders: change done by people, not to people Ensuring sufficient infra-structure and support V. Evaluation and Follow-Up Fairly appraising achievements. Learning from experience. Encouraging Continuous Improvement. Designed with the future in mind.
3 Initial Data Collection 2 Initial Problem Definition 4 Refinement or Revision of Problem Identify key stakeholders and stakeholder groups. Assure synergy with external environment. Reduce justification of non-core activities. Understand environment and culture Listen to ideas. Question the status Quo. Assess the need for change – clarify and define problem before moving to solution! Know where change fits within vision, mission, and priorities; agree on purpose of change. Give direction; coordinate the change process. Provide adequate support for change (under- stand and obtain commitment for required resources before proceeding!) Be realistic (goals / timeframes). (context). 1 Performance Gap Identify performance gaps. Promote successes and quick wins. Reward ideas and small attempts to improve. Encourage culture of Continuous Improvement. 5 Collection and Analysis of Data Assess the need for change. Identify project savings and other benefits. Consult with all stakeholders. Understand stakeholder views and readiness. 12 Modify Change Strategies, If Required Adapt change processes as necessary; be flexible. Ensure follow-through. Encourage Continuous Improvement. 6 Data Feedback and Confrontation Consult with all stakeholders. Develop a shared context and vision. Overcome individual / local resistance. Identify and enlist champions. 11 Evaluation Confirm / disconfirm projected savings and other benefits. Give direction. Take time to reflect. Monitor progress of change. Adapt change processes as necessary; be flexible. Promote successes and quick wins. 7 Develop Change Approach Plan the change process; assure synergy with internal and external environment (context / change readiness). Build time in for (legitimise) planning. Design for economy of effort (reduce overload). [Re-]validate purpose, vision, and scope; reconcile goals. Empower teams (deal with hierarchy). 9 Develop Measures of Performance 10 Implement Change Strategies Be realistic! Make the change relevant to vision, mission, and priorities. Monitor progress of change. Adapt change processes, as required. Assess the need for change. Keep everyone informed. Provide adequate support for change. Keep all stakeholders informed. Monitor progress of change. Address change overload and other realities. Coordinate all change processes and initiatives. 8 Search / Select Change Strategies Trial / pilot the change. Involve stakeholders wherever possible to build skills, influence attitudes / develop ownership, improve grasp of complexity, and enable them to Implement solutions. Build mixed teams. Pragmatic and best fit change strategies. Make it possible for ALL staff to participate (relieve delivery staff).