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Introduction to the Maya C++ API. Brent Haley The Ohio State University (bhaley@accad.ohio-state.edu). Programming for Maya. The Book (Complete Maya Programming) Maya Help (Developer Resources, Commands, Nodes, API Classes) MEL Scripts Can be really easy to test
Introduction to the Maya C++ API Brent Haley The Ohio State University (bhaley@accad.ohio-state.edu)
Programming for Maya • The Book (Complete Maya Programming) • Maya Help (Developer Resources, Commands, Nodes, API Classes) • MEL Scripts • Can be really easy to test • Can see how Maya does its own with echo • Hard to get complex data structures • Slower, due to interpretation • C++ API Plug-ins • Very confusing at first, hard to find help / concise examples • Faster, due to machine language
Topics • Day 1 • Plug-in Introduction • How to Create a MLL • Command Basics • Node Basics • Warnings • Day 2 • VC++ Examples
Simple Scene in Maya • 3D View, Hypergraph, and Outliner • Using built in functionality • Mocap driven animation
Nodes, Plugs, and Attributes Note: I’m zooming in on LilyGeometry to get the 2nd image
Turning Character into Smoke • Create a built in fluid container • Have the vertices on Lily’s surface generate density values • Requires a way to link Lily’s output geometry to the fluid container’s density values in the hypergraph • Note: Lily’s input geometry is driven by her original mesh + skeletal rig and smooth skin binding
Using a Plug-in (1) • Add new nodes and commands to Maya • Requires one to load the plug-in
Using a Plug-in (2) • Select the required components • Run the command
Topics • Day 1 • Plug-in Introduction • How to Create a MLL • Command Basics • Node Basics • Warnings • Day 2 • VC++ Examples
Create a Visual C++ Project • The project creation wizard may not be installed (or doesn’t work correctly) • Make a Win32Project • Under application settings, choose dll and empty project
Open the Project Properties Note: make sure you apply the settings on the next slide to both the debug and release versions (all configs should work).
Set the Project Properties • C/C++ -> General -> Additional Include Directories: C:\Program Files\Alias\Maya8.0\include • C/C++ -> Preprocessor -> Preprocessor Definitions: WIN32;NDEBUG;_WINDOWS;NT_PLUGIN • Linker -> General -> Output File: change the .dll to .mll • Linker-> General -> Additional Libarary: C:\Program Files\Alias\Maya8.0\lib • Linker -> Input -> Additional Dependencies: opengl32.lib Foundation.lib OpenMaya.lib OpenMayaUI.lib OpenMayaAnim.lib OpenMayaFX.lib OpenMayaRender.lib • Linker -> CommandLine -> Additional Options: /export:initializePlugin /export:uninitializePlugin
#include <maya/MFnPlugin> #include <maya/MObject> #include <maya/MStatus> MStatus initializePlugin(MObject obj) { MStatus stat; MFnPlugin plugin(obj, "Brent Haley", “1.0", “8.0"); return(stat); } MStatus unintializePlugin(MObject obj) { MStatus stat; MFnPlugin plugin(obj); return(stat); } Initialize plugin procedure is an entry point that gets called when you load your plugin in Maya Uninitialize plugin procedure is an entry point that gets called when you unload your plugin from Maya Remember these were specified under the project settings Through these entry points we tell Maya what Nodes and Commands our Plugin has Required Code (main.cpp)
Topics • Day 1 • Plug-in Introduction • How to Create a MLL • Command Basics • Node Basics • Warnings • Day 2 • VC++ Examples
Specification class GeomToDensityCmd: public MPxCommand { public: //creator function static void *creator(); //command execution functions virtual MStatus doIt(const MArgList &args); virtual MStatus redoIt(); virtual MStatus undoIt(); virtualbool isUndoable() const; private: //graph modifier, used to support undo and redo MDagModifier dagMod; }; Implementation (except doIt) void *GeomToDensityCmd::creator() { returnnew GeomToDensityCm; } MStatus GeomToDensityCmd::redoIt() { //commit the work set in doIt MStatus stat = dagMod.doIt(); return(stat); } MStatus GeomToDensityCmd::undoIt() { //erase any work set in doIt MStatus stat = dagMod.undoIt(); return(stat); } bool GeomToDensityCmd::isUndoable() const {return(true);} Example Command
doIt • Where the actual work is done • Changes made to the graph • Get nodes through selection • Get data through those nodes “plugs” • Be careful not to setup a cyclic graph • See day 2 VC++ examples
(De)Register the Command • Register commands in the initializePlugin procedure (from the required bit of code) stat = plugin.registerCommand( “geom2smoke", GeomToDensityCmd::creator); if (!stat) MGlobal::displayError("register MudBoxCommand failed"); • Deregister commands in the unitializePlugin procedure stat = plugin.deregisterCommand(“geom2smoke"); if (!stat) MGlobal::displayError("deregister MudBoxCommand failed");
Topics • Day 1 • Plug-in Introduction • How to Create a MLL • Command Basics • Node Basics • Warnings • Day 2 • VC++ Examples
Specification class SmokeNode : public MPxNode { public: //identifier static MTypeId id; //attributes static MObject filterSize; … //creator function static void *creator(); //initializer for the node static MStatus initialize(); //computational function to do the real work virtual MStatus compute (const MPlug &plug, MDataBlock &data); private: … }; Implementation (no compute) void *SmokeNode::creator() {returnnew SmokeNode;} MStatus SmokeNode::initialize() { //create the attributes MFnNumericAttribute fsAttribute; filterSize = fsAttribute.create(“filterSize", “fs", MFnNumericData::kInt, 0); ... //add the attributes to the node addAttribute(filterSize); ... //specify attribute relations attributeAffects(filterSize,is2D); ... //return without error return(MS::kSuccess); } Example Node
Compute • Where the actual work is done MStatus SmokeNode::compute (const MPlug &plug, MDataBlock &data) { MStatus stat; //determine which output plug needs to be computed if (plug == is2D) { //get input data handles MDataHandle filterSizeData = data.inputValue(filterSize); ... //turn input handles into data int fs = filterSizeData.asInt(); ... //get output data handles MDataHandle cfdData = data.outputValue(is2D); //turn output handles into data <SNIP> //set the output data and mark the plug cfdData.set(false); data.setClean(plug); } else //the plug is for an ancestor, return unknown stat = MS::kUnknownParameter; return(stat);}
(De)Register the Node • Register nodes in the initializePlugin procedure stat = plugin.registerNode( “SmokeNode", SmokeNode::id, SmokeNode::creator, SmokeNode::initialize ); if (!stat) MGlobal::displayError("register SmokeNode failed"); • Deregister nodes in the uninitializePlugin procedure stat = plugin.deregisterNode(SmokeNode::id); if (!stat) MGlobal::displayError("deregister SmokeNode failed");
Topics • Day 1 • Plug-in Introduction • How to Create a MLL • Command Basics • NodeBasics • Warnings • Day 2 • VC++ Examples
Warnings (1) • Node Ids need to be unique • Bad: • Good: In NodeA’s implementation: MTypeId NodeA::id(0x43215); In NodeB’s implementation: MTypeId NodeB::id(0x43215); In NodeA’s implementation: MTypeId NodeA::id(0x43215); In NodeB’s implementation: MTypeId NodeB::id(0x43216);
Warnings (2) • Attribute affects shouldn’t be multi-level • Create several nodes instead of trying to accomplish everything in a single node • Bad: • Good: In NodeA’s initialize() procedure: attributeAffects(X,Y); attributeAffects(Y,Z); In NodeA’s initialize() procedure: attributeAffects(X,Y); In NodeB’s initialize() procedure: attributeAffects(S,T); Where Y’s output is plugged into S’s input
Warnings (3) • Don’t create cyclic structures in the hypergraph (can result in infinite loops)
Warnings (4) • Per-frame node evaluation will occur in chunks if you use the rendering farm • Don’t rely on old values from the previous frame in your code since they may not exist • Alternatively (if you really need to), • Explicitly step the time back for each frame • Particles can be cached • Dynamics can be forced to run from the start time to the current time before rendering each frame
Topics • Day 1 • Plug-in Introduction • How to Create a MLL • Command Basics • NodeBasics • Warnings • Day 2 • VC++ Examples