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「 Roles of CIO for Innovative Government 」. Toshio OBI Professor, Waseda University Director, APEC e-Government Research Center Naoko IWASAKI Assistant Director, Institute of e-Government , Waseda University . Priority Policy Program 2006.
「Roles of CIO for Innovative Government 」 ToshioOBI Professor, Waseda University Director, APEC e-Government Research Center Naoko IWASAKI Assistant Director, Institute of e-Government , Waseda University
Priority Policy Program 2006 Realizing a society where everyone can enjoy the benefits of IT by 2010 New IT Reform Strategy Priority Policy Program 2006 First Priority Policy Program under the New IT Reform Strategy ● Enhanced evaluation system (PDCA) Establishment of an Expert Committee on IT Strategy Evaluation Sub-committee (evaluate key issues) Healthcare Evaluation Committee E-government Evaluation Committee Compile specific measures to be implemented urgently and rapidly by the government in order to achieve the objectives set by the “New IT Reform Strategy” Pursue IT structural reforms Build an IT foundation Global leader
IT New Reform StrategyYear 2006-2010 Post 「e-Japan Strategy」 2001-2005 Realization ofUbiquitous NetworkSociety (Anytime Anywhere Anything) Reform ICT Deregulation &Barrier Free Network Infrastructure Investment for technology & Young people Growth by Structural Reform International Contribution User oriented International Competitiveness
New IT Reform Strategy Significant Advancement through Structural Reforms The promotion of structural reforms should be encouraged for existing social structures as well as for any forces that have been resisting the various reforms that have been implemented up till this time. In the process, Japan shall aim to significantly advance into becoming a society in which more people actively have a vision and dream for the future. Emphasizing Users and Citizens IT technologies should exist in such a way that people will experience convenience and feel their outstanding effects in all areas of their lives. And, through these various improvements in our daily lives, a society will emerge in which various intellectual and cultural values will be created out of the interactions and collaborative activities that occur between people of differing backgrounds and through an environment whereby knowledge and information is freely and easily circulated and exchanged.
Structure of GCIO for Promotion of e-Government IT StrategyHeadquarters Establishedin January 2001 Chair: Prime Minister Member: All Ministers, Representatives of Private Sector IT Security Promotion Committee Ministerial Chief Information Officers Council (CIOC) Established in September 2002 Chair: Assistant Chief Cabinet Secretary Vice-Chair: Director-general of Administrative management Bureau, MPHPT, Member: CIO of all ministries [Established in January 2001] Inter-Ministerial Meeting of Technical Advisors to CIO [Established in December 2003] [Ex. Meeting for one-stop services of procedures relating to the ownership of automobiles ]
Cơ cấu tổ chức của GCIO trong việc thúc đẩy chính phủ điện tử Uỷ ban chiến lược CNTT&TT Thành lập tháng 1 năm 2001 Chủ tịch uỷ ban: Thủ tướng Thành viên: Tất cả các bộ và đại điện khu vực tư nhân Uỷ ban An ninh CNTT Hội đồng các nhà lãnh đạo CNTT Thành lập tháng 9 năm 2002 Chủ tịch: Trợ lý thư ký nội các chính phủ Phó chủ tịch: Chánh văn phòng nội các chính phủ Thành viên: Nhà lãnh đạo thông tin của tất cả các bộ Thành lập tháng 1 năm 2001 Hội đồng tư vấn chuyên môn liên bộ cho các CIO Thành lập tháng 12 năm 2003 [Ex. Meeting for one-stop services of procedures relating to the ownership of automobiles ]
Structure of GCIO for Promotion of e-Government Ministerial CIO Council Established in September 2002 Chair: Assistant Chief Cabinet Secretary Vice-Chair: Director-general of Administrative management Bureau, MIC, Member: CIO of all ministries Council of Representatives from the Government, Prefectures, and Municipalities Ministerial Committee of Directors in charge of e-Government Inter-Ministerial Meeting of Government Information Systems Inter-Ministerial Task force of Information Systems Procurement Other Inter-Ministerial Meeting
Technical Adviser to CIO [Assignment]to provide supports and advices to the CIO and heads of the departments in charge of work process reform and information systems, when analyzing and evaluating work process and information systems as well as formulating a optimization program. [Human Resource]Outside experts with independency and neutrality, who have expertise and experience in work process analysis methods, information system technology, and information security [Selection]Each ministry selects its Assistant CIOs by document screenings and interviews. 1-3 for each ministry.
Appointment Of CIO (Chief information officer) Appointed CI0 or Not Appointment Of CI0 Prefecture Prefecture 13 (52.0%) 15 14 13 12 11 10 Already Appointed・・・31 9 5 (20.0%) 31 (66%) 8 4 (16.0%) 7 16 (34%) 3 (12.0%) 6 5 Not Already Appointed ・・・16 4 3 2 1 0 governor chief of division other deputy governor chief of a section Municipality Municipality 1,142 (78.1%) 1200 1000 Already Appointed・・・1,225 800 618 (34%) 1,225 (66%) 600 Not Already Appointed ・・・618 96 (6.6%) 134 (9.2%) 400 88 (6.0%) 2 (0.1%) 200 0 mayor chief of division other 4 deputy mayor chief of a section
Social Cognition of CIO IT Revolution (Maximizing the effectiveness of IT investment) New business models Issues: ◆HRD for CIO-Lack of high-skilled IT manpower in industry ◆“e-Japan Strategy”-Aiming to make Japan the world’s most advanced IT nation ◆ Changes in working environment-Recurrent education (re-training) ◆ Shift to Ubiquitous society-Need for advanced IT professionals
The changing roles of CIOs In the 1980s - CIOs are chief information officers who manage information systems and information distribution in offices. In the 1990s - CIOs are information officers who plan and implement information strategy as part of management strategies. In the 2000s - CIOs are innovative chief information officers who focus on “management” and “strategy” as a mediator between ICT and Management departments. The CIOs is “the Chief Information Officers whose main activities are to plan and implement management and business strategies on ICT.”
Sự thay đổi vai trò của CIOs Trong thập niên 80s- CIOs là nhà quản lý hệ thống thông tin và lưu chuyển thông tin trong các đơn vị. Trong thập niên 90s- CIOs là người lập kế hoạch và thực hiện các chiến lược về thông tin như là một phần của chiến lược quản trị. Trong thập niên 2000s- CIOs are innovative chief information officers who focus on “management” and “strategy” as a mediator between ICT and Management departments. CIOs là những nhà lãnh đạo CNTT&TT với nhiệm vụ chính là lập kế hoạch và thực hiện các chiến lược quản trị kinh doanh dựa trên các thế mạnh của CNTT&TT”
Ideal Model of CIO • Capable Expert both in “information system” and “users’ side/ project mgt” • to the new areas: -Security/IPR/Compliance/Knowledge and Assessment • Usage of New business models~ERP,EA,SCM,CRM • Directorate and full-timeーcandidate for”next” CEO/ More authority
Core Competences for CIO CTO/CRO/CFO/CKO Core Competences for IT Strategy CTO Management Strategy Intellectual Property MOT / R&D CFO Procurement Management System Architecture IT Investment Core Competences IT services / EA / CRM/ e-Government / e-Municipality Security / MOT/ R&D CKO Policy decision-making process Knowledge Management CRO Project Management Risk Management Leadership / Communication / Global Standard / knowledge Management
Current CIOs • Qualitative change of CIO after IT revolution • New role of CIO as follows: • the next position to CEO • Leadership and communicative competence • shifting to business management • Project management • Enterprise Architecture • Security Risk Management • Knowledge Management • Disaster Prevention
Vai trò của CIOs hiện nay • Thay đổi năng lực của CIO sau cuộc cách mạng CNTT • Những vai trò mới của CIO: • Người kế cận CEO • Khả năng lãnh đạo và giao tiếp • Chuyển dịch sang quản lý kinh doanh • Quản trị dự án • EA • Quản trị rủi ro an ninh • Quản trị tri thức • Ngăn chặn thiên tai
Clinger Cohen Core Competencies 1.0 Policy and Organization 2.0 Leadership / Management 3.0 Process / Change Management 4.0 Information Resources Strategy and Planning 5.0 IT Performance Assessment; Models and Methods 6.0 IT Project / Program Management 7.0 Capital Planning and Investment Control 8.0 Acquisition 9.0 e-Governance 10.0 Information Security/Information Assurance 11.0 Enterprise Architecture 12.0 Technology Management and Assessment
Progress of Core Competencies of CIOs in US 1999-2004-2006 Source: "Survey on CIO Core Competences for ICT Value-added”(Obi / Iwasaki 2006)
Preferential core competence in US 1. Information Resources strategy and Planning 2. Enterprise Architecture Source: "Survey on CIO Core Competences for ICT Value-added”(Obi / Iwasaki 2006)
Preferential Study Goals top 10 items Source: "Survey on CIO Core Competences for ICT Value-added”(Obi / Iwasaki 2006)
Preferential core competence in Japan Leadership and Management Policy and Organization Source: "Survey on CIO Core Competences for ICT Value-added”(Obi / Iwasaki 2006)
Preferential core competence in ASEAN 1. Policy and Organization 2. Leadership and Management Source: "Survey on CIO Core Competences for ICT Value-added”(Obi / Iwasaki 2006)
Comparative CIO core competences amongUS, Japan and ASEAN Source: "Survey on CIO Core Competences for ICT Value-added”(Obi / Iwasaki 2006)
So sánh chức năng chính của CIO giữa Mỹ, Nhật Bản và ASEAN Source: "Survey on CIO Core Competences for ICT Value-added”(Obi / Iwasaki 2006)
Widening Gap between Core Competence and Real Roles for CIOs in USin 2004 & 2006
Conversion ( Exchange) of the CIO between the private and public sectors • According to conversion between the private and public sectors has been enabled,according to US CIO core competence. • The measurement of the evaluation by the guideline of the core competence is possible. • However, US version of core competence can not be used in Asia and Japan, • different organizational system due to the different society, culture and tradition. • Reform of the personnel affairs, government system and business environment are able to be key for success to globalization of CIO. • In conclusion, we must make a kind of global standard based on revised core competence of US CIO system to work out with Japan and other APEC member economies, since there will be huge demand of CIO in the Information society of the world
Summary on CIO survey • The difference of the preferential core competencies among Japan, US and ASEAN depends on the maturity of CIOs. • CIO has shifting the priority to business management fieldfrom IT Investment • CIO has become the next position to CEO.
Kết quả của cuộc điều tra CIO • Sự khác nhau về chức năng chính của CIO giữa các nước Mỹ, Nhật Bản và ASEAN là do mức độ phát triển của CIO ở từng quốc gia. • CIO đang chuyển dịch dần nhiệm vụ trong tâm từ đầu tư CNTT sang quản trị kinh doanh • CIO đã trở thành vị trí kế cận của CEO.
Cooperation with APECto Establish Global Education Network • CIO program for global HRD plan • The importance and priority of high level IT manpowers in “ e-Japan strategy” and “World Information Society” • Need of developing CIO activities in e- government • The idea of “ e- community” and strengthening the role of CIO mechanism forged by government and private sectors • Cooperation with APEC to produce the CIO with world class standard • Collaboration among government, business and academia to establish the post-graduate level curriculum for CIO training
Scope and Targets of CIO Activities • The highest level leaders in e- government • e-Procurement strategy and talents • Specialists in the field of information security • Planner and Overseer of IT budget • Communicator • Creator of business innovation and solution
Waseda University Graduate School Comprehensive Research Council GITS (Global Information & Telecommunication Studies) Institution of e-Government [Director: Toshio OBI] APEC e-Government Research Center [Director: Toshio OBI] CIO/ IT Course [Head: Toshio OBI] 2-year-Master Program MIC, METI APEC, ITU, PECC
2 year Master Degree Program Japanese/English
Goal of CIO Course • Targeting the public in developing professional education of IT Business / technology • Cultivating CIO and IT management resources in e-government and institutions • Training specialists in CTO, CKO and risk management (CRO) as expanded role of CIO • Establishing effective collaboration among business, government and academia • Cooperating between Japan and Thailand to educate and cultivate CIO talents in the Asia/ Pacific area
Mục đích của khoá học CIO • Phát triển đào tạo chuyên nghiệp trong lĩnh vực kinh doanh/công nghệ ỈT • Phát triển nguồn nhân lực CNTT và CIO cho các chương trình chính phủ điện tử • Đào tạo chuyên gia trong lĩnh vực CTO, CKO và quản trị rủi ro như là vai trò mở rộng của CIO • Thiết lập sự hợp tác hiệu quả giữa doanh nghiệp, chính phủ và nghiên cứu khoa học • Hợp tác giữa Nhật bản và Thái lan để đào tạo CIO cho khu vực Châu Á Thái Bình Dương
International Academy of CIOJapan,USA,Thailand,China,Philippines,Indonesia,Taiwan,Korea,Europe Activities • Organizing workshops, conventions, symposia, lectures, seminars and meetings • Conducting academic researches and surveys • Issuing publications such as journals and proceedings • Cooperation with related Academies whenever possible to exchange resources and carry out joint research projects • Offering opportunities to young and top scholarly researchers actively engaged in the field of CIO including postgraduate students • Undertaking global projects • Carrying out any other worldwide activities to accomplish objectives of the Academy
International Academy of CIOCharacteristics 【Interdisciplinary Research】 The Academy transcends the boundaries of single academic disciplines to share research goals and engage in a wide range of research projects. 【Academic-Business-Government Cooperation】 Academic, business and government shall cooperate to conduct joint research projects for the creation and dissemination of knowledge in the field of CIO. 【Worldwide Scope】 The Academy shall be a dynamic and global association with democratic framework. Holding international Academy members, the Academy shall meet various demands of the world. 【Borderless】 The Academy shall facilitate the active exchange of information and ideas among scholars to become a leading association open to any individual engaged in the field of CIO.
Future Prospect of CIO in Japan • All Local governments need CIOs by law • All business firms need CIOs due to proposed Japanese version of SOX Act • Central Government Agencies will strengthen roles of CIO as full time officer • Function of CIO will be extend to CRO, CKO, CFO and CAO • Tremendous demand on CIO in non-businesssectors(Hospital, NGO, NPO, University & etc) • Global business model of US CIO
5 roles of New CIO Integration