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Ch. 15 Lud ī Funebr ēs Ch. 16 In Aula. Ch 15 Vocab. alius, -a, -um - aqua - claudere, claus ī - commodus, -a, -um - deb ēre, debuī - effigiēs, effigiis - equus - etiam - fractus, -a, -um -. Ch 15 Vocab. imped īre, impedīvī - lectus - lentē - *mare, maris -
Ch. 15 Ludī Funebrēs Ch. 16 In Aula
Ch 15 Vocab alius, -a, -um - aqua - claudere, clausī - commodus, -a, -um - debēre, debuī - effigiēs, effigiis - equus - etiam - fractus, -a, -um -
Ch 15 Vocab impedīre, impedīvī - lectus - lentē - *mare, maris - miser, -a, -um - nauta - *plaustrum - praesum, praeesse -
Ch 15 Vocab princeps, principis - qui, quae, quod - redīre, rediī - sacerdos, sacerdotis - *saxum - tenēre, tenuī - unda - vincere, vicī -
Chapter 15 Sentences • Translate the sentences on p.52-53 • Copy chart on p. 199
Caerimonia - p.56-57 • Translate the story (may work with a partner) • Homework - answer the questions (p.57) about the translation
Gender • All nouns have a gender • Masculine, feminine, neuter • All adjectives can change their endings to match the gender of the noun • commodus, -a, -um (1st/2nd decl. adj) • facilis (3rd decl. adj) • Adjectives should be declined to match the nouns • The declension of the noun or adjective will not change • Facilis will never become facila or facilus
Adjectives and Gender Sacerdotēs effigiem ceratam portabant. Rex fabrōs callidōs laudavit. Ancilla ignava laborare nolebant.
Adjectives and Gender Quintus regī Britannicō donum elegit. Varica contentionem cum praecursoribus iratīs habēbat.
PRACTICE • complete exercise 15.8 (p.28)
RelativeClauses • p. 58 C • p. 63 A, B
RelativeClauses • p. 63 C • worksheet
Ludī Funebrēs (p.60-62) • As a table, translate the story • Either as a timeline of activities or as a “Sports Center” style broadcast • Once you have completed the story, use the information to complete 15.6 (p.26) in the workbook
Ch. 16 vocab aedificāre, aedificavī - * auxilium - consentīre, consensī - consilium - deinde - delectāre, delectavī - deridēre, derisī - dimittere, dimisī - effugere, effugī -
Ch. 16 vocab faber - flos, floris - imperator, imperatoris - inter - ita - melior - navigāre, navigavī - nonne? - paratus, -a, -um
Ch. 16 vocab perīre, periī - ponere, posuī - postridie - punīre, punivī - simulac - summus, -a, -um - supersum, superesse - tollere, sustulī - vertere, vertī -
Review • Review the vocab from ch. 15 &16 • If you finish early, begin the sentences on p.72-73
Review Day • Go over crossword puzzle • Go over ch. 16 sentences • 16.5 (verbs) • 16.1 1-2 (places)
Final Review- Day 1 • As a table, come up with 25 review questions. • Topics: • Vocab (no more than 5) • Verbs/tenses • Declensions/usage • Short sentence translations (no more than 5) • Adjectives • Indirect/Direct objects • Prepositions * Have an answer key on a separate sheet of paper *
Viridis Caeruleus Rosea Orangeus