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Engaging the South in ICPD Advocacy

Engaging the South in ICPD Advocacy. The principles of increased ownership in development strategies and civil society participation – new channels for IPCD advocacy. EU development policy & practice – Cooperation with the South.

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Engaging the South in ICPD Advocacy

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  1. Engaging the South in ICPD Advocacy The principles of increased ownership in development strategies and civil society participation – new channels for IPCD advocacy EU development policy & practice – Cooperation with the South Lisbon 11 October 2007 Slide 1/ 16

  2. EU development policy & practice – cooperation with the South • Legal framework for EU development cooperation • Policy framework • Implementation • Role of civil society • Future perspectives & opportunities Overview of presentation Engaging the South in ICPD Advocacy – Lisbon 24 September 2007 Slide 2/ 16

  3. EU development policy & practice – cooperation with the South • Inaccessability of EU development Key points Engaging the South in ICPD Advocacy – Lisbon 24 September 2007 Slide 3/ 16

  4. EU development policy & practice – cooperation with the South • Development policy in the EU Treaties • Appropriate legal base for development • Implementation on own objectives • Governance in EU for implementation of EU development • Legal Instruments • Parameters defining acceptable use of EU aid • Incorporation of key principals in legal framework • Key role played by Southern civil society in definition Legal framework for EU development cooperation Engaging the South in ICPD Advocacy – Lisbon 24 September 2007 Slide 4/ 16

  5. EU development policy & practice – cooperation with the South • Inaccessability of EU development • Defining legal tools for accountability of EC • Involvement of Southern actors in defining framework Key points Engaging the South in ICPD Advocacy – Lisbon 24 September 2007 Slide 5/ 16

  6. EU development policy & practice – cooperation with the South • International agreements • ICPD, Sexual & Reproductive Rights, Social development, gender, environment, education, etc • → MDGs • Aid effectiveness • → Ownership, partnership, division of labour • European Consensus on Development • Policy statements, communications Policy framework for EU development cooperation Engaging the South in ICPD Advocacy – Lisbon 24 September 2007 Slide 6/ 16

  7. EU development policy & practice – cooperation with the South • Eradication of poverty • Social Development (MDGs, …) • Gender equality • Ownership • Partnership • Participation of stakeholders • Division of labour Key principals of the Policy framework Engaging the South in ICPD Advocacy – Lisbon 24 September 2007 Slide 7/ 16

  8. EU development policy & practice – cooperation with the South • EU Aid planning 2007 - 2013 • Results • Ownership – Country strategies principally determined in Brussels • Partnership – pressure on ACP to sign up to EPAs • Participation – unconvincing • Focus – governance, infrastructure, GBS (even when not wanted), trade, social sector support not prioritised • Division of labour – scepticism Putting policy into practice Engaging the South in ICPD Advocacy – Lisbon 24 September 2007 Slide 8/ 16

  9. EU development policy & practice – cooperation with the South • Inaccessability of EU development • Defining legal tools for accountability of EC • Involvement of Southern actors in defining framework • Policy evaporation in implementation Key points Engaging the South in ICPD Advocacy – Lisbon 24 September 2007 Slide 9/ 16

  10. EU development policy & practice – cooperation with the South • Promotion of specific interest groups • Increased emphasis on southern actors • Central to “ownership” • Initiators and/or implementers • Means to pressure national authorities • Increased emphasis on policy advocacy • Impact: EPAs, Social development, Transparency/ access to information Role of civil society Engaging the South in ICPD Advocacy – Lisbon 24 September 2007 Slide 10/ 16

  11. EU development policy & practice – cooperation with the South • Inaccessability of EU development • Defining legal tools for accountability of EC • Involvement of Southern actors in defining legal framework • Policy evaporation in implementation • Assertion of “ownership” Key points Engaging the South in ICPD Advocacy – Lisbon 24 September 2007 Slide 11/ 16

  12. EU development policy & practice – cooperation with the South • Understanding EU & its aid • Define expectations of EU and its aid • Promote Democratic scrutiny • Follow implementation of national strategies • Development as a right & obligation • Increased transparency Future Challenges Engaging the South in ICPD Advocacy – Lisbon 24 September 2007 Slide 12/ 16

  13. EU development policy & practice – cooperation with the South www.eurostep.org www.csp-programming.eu www.ct-europe.eu Engaging the South in ICPD Advocacy – Lisbon 24 September 2007 Slide 13/ 16

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