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Inquiry based learning. Art & ICT Unit Year 3. Lesson 1- Questioning. This is the concept development phase. It connects students with what they already know and motivates them to bring their own questions to the phenomenon What do you know about Aboriginal Art? How can you describe it?
Inquiry based learning Art & ICT Unit Year 3
Lesson 1- Questioning This is the concept development phase. It connects students with what they already know and motivates them to bring their own questions to the phenomenon • What do you know about Aboriginal Art? • How can you describe it? • What does it mean to you? • How can we find out about Aboriginal Art?
Lesson 1 Activity • Show a short clip of a VoiceThread movie. • Inform students that this will be the end product of our art unit piece • Read the dreamtime story ‘How the kangaroo got its tail’ by George MungMungLirrmiyarri • Whenreadingthebookpointoutsomelanguagefeaturesandquestionthestudents on capitalletters, nouns, verbs, speechmarksetc. (intergratingliteracy) • Have a discussionaboutthebookandrecordquestionsforfurtherlearning
Lesson 2- Planning and Predicting After students explore ideas through hands-on experiences, they formulate a question and create a plan for investigating their question. • Howcanweretellthedreamtimestorythroughour eyes usingplasticinetocreate thescenesofthestory?
Lesson 2 Activity • Students brainstorm the retelling of events of the story sequentially in squares drawn on the whiteboard • Separate students into 5 groups and allocate students to plan and predict the amount of plasticine needed for the making of their scene/s • Students are to keep their planning and predicting sheet of paper while making the placticine creatures eg. kangaroo, tree, surf board etc
Lesson 3- Investigating • Students become involved in their inquiries. It is vital to give them ample time to complete their investigations.
Lesson 3 Activity • Students think, sort and arrange the plasticine creatures into a sequence on a flat surface. • They can refer back to the dream time book or negotiate with their peers to change the scenes to their own liking. • Each student uses the digital camera to take different photographs of the plasticine creatures.
Lesson 4- Recording and Reporting • Studentsrecordandcommunicatetheirfindings in thisstageofinquiry learning. Theycanreporttheirfindingsin a varietyof ways.
Lesson 4 Activity • Students are already familiar with the VoiceThread program • Group 1 are downloading image files to the computer • Group 2 and 3 are using the images and are uploading to Voicethread and are arranging the pictures in sequential order • Group 4 and 5 are taking turns at recording their voices as they retell the story of ‘How the kangaroo got their tails’
Lesson 5 Reflecting This is the final step of inquiry-based learning, students reflect by revisiting the essential and foundation questions. Students share and reflect on their work. Students have the opportunity to view their VoiceThread as a whole class completion task. They can even show it to another class or share it at the school assembly.
Lesson 5 Activity • What part was the hardest/easiest? • What were your feelings as you re created the Dreamtime story? • Where have you seen similar work? • What intrigues you? • What was frustrating for you? • What were you uneasy or unsure about? • What surprised you, what got you excited? • What would you add? • Where were you reminded of something in your own life? • What part are you most confident about? • What questions do you have?