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Risk. Risk = Problems that are likely to occur. Risk of Academic Quality Risk of Safety and Welfare Risk of Logistics of Mobility. Risk of Academic quality Identify risk Quality of member Universities Students couldn’t get courses they want to study Credits are not recognized

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  1. Risk Risk = Problems that are likely to occur

  2. Risk of Academic Quality Risk of Safety and Welfare Risk of Logistics of Mobility

  3. Risk of Academic quality Identify risk Quality of member Universities Students couldn’t get courses they want to study Credits are not recognized Suggestions to minimize risk Clear and transparent criteria to select universities by Ministry Shortlists of courses and programs students want to attend Orientation to students Clear procedure of CTS by AIMS

  4. Risk of Safety and Welfare Identify risk Students do not how to react to different culture Students’injury Natural disaster and the unrest Suggestions to minimize risk Good Planning Emergency procedure and protocol Health insurance and information Orientation of cultural differences

  5. Risk of Logistic of Mobility Identify risk IRO communication with program/faculty Visa procedure Unequal distribution of students to Universities/countries Suggestions to minimize risk Immigration bureau to help or IRO take leads Strict with discipline allocation, but encourage bilateral mobility Pre-arrival package IRO to communicate efficiently

  6. Proposed Solutions • Identified Risks • Academics – • Program structure - Japan Universities’ plan to implement AIMS is highly thematic • Different School Calendars of participating Universities • Matching educational focus – the rule/ principle of AIMs has risk in terms of equitable distribution of students • Credit units • Safety and welfare • Mobility issues in time of real disaster risks – cultural differences, floods – risk of students of not knowing certain rules of countries, car accidents, overcoming emergency procedures • Are we capable of handling emergency cases? • Consortium partners that we select must already select courses to be offered under the AIMS • University-University discussion • Sign bilateral agreement, AIMs will serve as a starting point for the agreement • Minimize risk by establishing protocols, emergency / risk management plans • Conduct fire and earthquake drills • Provide emergency numbers • Require students to have insurance (health, others)

  7. Identified Risks Proposed Solutions Good planning issuance of changes in visa requirements at least three months before its implementation Give students enough information Giving guidance to students to manage students’ expectations • Logistics / Mobilization issues - Strict visa requirements in some countries • Some governments change the rules without prior notice creating havoc among students

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