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Sermons From Science -- Sep 2018 科学布道 -- 2018 年 9 月

Sermons From Science -- Sep 2018 科学布道 -- 2018 年 9 月. Sermons from Science have been published in both YouTube under the name “Pastor Chui” and their PowerPoint slides and corresponding videos in the website http://ChristCenterGospel.org since 2011. Just type “Pastor Chui” in Google Search.

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Sermons From Science -- Sep 2018 科学布道 -- 2018 年 9 月

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  1. Sermons From Science -- Sep 2018科学布道-- 2018年9月 Sermons from Science have been published in both YouTube under the name “Pastor Chui” and their PowerPoint slides and corresponding videos in the website http://ChristCenterGospel.org since 2011. Just type “Pastor Chui” in Google Search. The contents of this presentation were taken from different sources and in the Internet. May God have all glory. Pastor Chui http://ChristCenterGospel.org ckchui1@yahoo.com 12/19/2019 1

  2. SUSY is not the solution to the dark matter crisis超级对称并不是暗物质危机的解决方案 • The Creation.com website published an article by Dr. John Hartnett. I now quote his article below: • “What is supersymmetry? In particle physics, supersymmetry is a proposed type of spacetime symmetry that relates two basic classes of elementary particles: bosons, which have an integer-valued spin, and fermions, which have a half-integer spin. Each particle from one group is associated with a particle from the other, known as its superpartner. It has been these supersymmetric partner particles that have been sought in high energy particle experiments.1 12/19/2019 2

  3. SUSY is not the solution to the dark matter crisis超级对称并不是暗物质危机的解决方案 Wikipedia.org A section of the LHC On 19 August 2016, the ‘SUSY Bet’ event took place in Copenhagen at the conference on Current Themes in High Energy Physics and Cosmology at the Niels Bohr International Academy. An adjudication of the wager on supersymmetry (SUSY) first made in 2000 was given. The detail of the wager is explained in figure 1. 12/19/2019 3

  4. SUSY is not the solution to the dark matter crisis超级对称并不是暗物质危机的解决方案 “The bet involved two aspects of supersymmetry theory: Figure 1. Details of the famous SUSY Bet, adjudicated on 16 August 2016. 12/19/2019 4

  5. SUSY is not the solution to the dark matter crisis超级对称并不是暗物质危机的解决方案 • “1. That after 10 years (from 2000) the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) would have collected enough experimental data to confirm or deny the existence of the supersymmetric particles that the theoretical physicists were thinking about at that time. • “2. That supersymmetric particles with sufficiently low masses would be discovered like “sitting ducks” (as Gerard ’t Hooft put it). • “String theory does not have any experimental support and SUSY has not fulfilled its promise, therefore it does not help us trust in such a theory. • “At the event the ‘Yes’ side of the bet, who believed the particles would be detected, conceded the loss of the bet to the ‘No’ side. The bet was meant to be decided on 16 June 2016, if no SUSY particle was detected after effectively 10 years of operation of the LHC. The adjudication of the bet was extended by the ‘No’ side by an additional six years due to delays in getting the LHC online, which included a two-year delay due to an explosion. 12/19/2019 5

  6. SUSY is not the solution to the dark matter crisis超级对称并不是暗物质危机的解决方案 • “On the larger question of the significance of the negative LHC results, a recorded video statement by Nobel Laureate Gerard ’t Hooft (who had bet against SUSY) can be viewed online,2 and a statement by Stephen Hawking (not in on the bet, but in the audience) claimed that if arguments for SUSY were correct, the LHC should have seen something, so they think nature has spoken and there’s something wrong with the idea. • “The losers of the bet who spoke at the event—Nima Arkani-Hamed, David Gross and David Shih—demonstrated the lesson about science that supersymmetry and superstring theory have taught us: particle theorists backing these ideas won’t give up on them, no matter what. They all took the position that they still weren’t giving up on SUSY, despite losing the bet. 12/19/2019 6

  7. SUSY is not the solution to the dark matter crisis超级对称并不是暗物质危机的解决方案 • “Gerard’t Hooft commented that all evidence so far has been circumstantial at best. No direct evidence has ever been found in support of supersymmetry and hence string theory, because SUSY would be an essential element in string theory.3 String theory does not have any experimental support and SUSY has not fulfilled its promise, therefore it does not help us trust in such a theory. Therefore he found the ‘No’ side won the bet. • “With the non-detection of any SUSY particles and the essential demise of string theory (that is how good experimental physics should work) it also does not bode well for dark matter. 12/19/2019 7

  8. SUSY is not the solution to the dark matter crisis超级对称并不是暗物质危机的解决方案 • “Dark matter • “We all know that the Higgs boson—the so-called God particle—was discovered after the LHC became fully operational, but SUSY has not been established. And the Higgs discovery has meant some very important restrictions on the type of fields the universe might have undergone in the alleged cosmic inflation epoch.4 However there is one more ramification. • “It was hoped that the lowest mass SUSY particle would turn out to be a dark matter candidate. Now that observations have ruled out MACHOs5 as possible candidates for dark matter, WIMPs (or Weakly Interacting Massive Particles) are the only remaining contender. They comprise an entirely new class of fundamental particles that has emerged from supersymmetry theory.6 12/19/2019 8

  9. SUSY is not the solution to the dark matter crisis超级对称并不是暗物质危机的解决方案 • “Supersymmetry is a theoretical idea where known elementary particles have supersymmetric partner particles.1 This is not part of the highly successful, and experimental tested, standard model of particle physics, but is an untested theoretical extension beyond the standard model. In the so-called Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM), which was hypothesized to explain the hierarchy problem (which is, why elementary particles have the various masses they do), the lightest stable supersymmetric particle is the neutralino. And the neutralino is the WIMP, the best hope for a dark matter particle.6 12/19/2019 9

  10. SUSY is not the solution to the dark matter crisis超级对称并不是暗物质危机的解决方案 • “Conclusion • “With the non-detection of any SUSY particles and the essential demise of string theory (that is how good experimental physics should work) it also does not bode well for dark matter. The dark matter crisis has just gotten into a bigger crisis. The best candidate has been experimentally shown now to be extremely improbable. Where does that leave dark matter and the standard model of particle physics? Where does that leave the standard big bang model and big bang nucleosynthesis? In big, big trouble. It is a failed paradigm and should be discarded.” • Thank God for the contribution of Dr Hartnett. 12/19/2019 10

  11. Gloria Deo 愿荣耀归上帝 12/19/2019 11

  12. Sermons From Science -- Sep 2018科学布道-- 2018年9月 Sermons from Science have been published in both YouTube under the name “Pastor Chui” and their PowerPoint slides and corresponding videos in the website http://ChristCenterGospel.org since 2011. Just type “Pastor Chui” in Google Search. The contents of this presentation were taken from different sources and in the Internet. May God have all glory. Pastor Chui http://ChristCenterGospel.org ckchui1@yahoo.com 12/19/2019 12

  13. Higgs boson and top quark coupled together希格斯玻色子和顶夸克耦合在一起 • The Creation.com website published an article by Mary Beth De Repentigny on July 24, 2018. I now quote her article below: • “As of 4 June 2018, new results from the two independently run particle detectors at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in Geneva, Switzerland, establish the associated production of the Higgs boson together with top quarks. A report in the prestigious journal Nature stated: • “The observations showed directly — for the first time — that the strength of the interactions between the Higgs and the top quark is consistent with the expectation of the Standard Model.1 12/19/2019 13

  14. Higgs boson and top quark coupled together希格斯玻色子和顶夸克耦合在一起 wikipedia.org Higgs boson 12/19/2019 14

  15. Higgs boson and top quark coupled together希格斯玻色子和顶夸克耦合在一起 • “The CMS collaboration of the European Council for Nuclear Research (CERN) has just published results,2 while its sister collaboration known as ATLAS, also at CERN, has also just submitted new results for publication.3 Both teams have reached a statistical significance exceeding the gold standard of five standard deviations. These results are said to prove that the quark’s interaction with the Higgs field is what causes quarks to have mass. Although physicists have had indirect evidence of it for some time, now we have direct proof that this hypothesis is correct. Precision measurements of the Higgs boson such as this give new clues of where to look for new physics. So what kind of new physics are physicists looking for, and why the fervent search? 12/19/2019 15

  16. Higgs boson and top quark coupled together希格斯玻色子和顶夸克耦合在一起 • “The unnatural mass of the Higgs • “No one knows the reason that some particles interact strongly with the Higgs field, giving them a large mass, while other particles react weakly, giving them a smaller mass. These so-called coupling strengths are treated as constants of nature that must be measured. According to the very successful Relativistic Quantum Field Theory (QFT), the Higgs mass should be 10¹⁷ (a hundred million billion) times larger than the 126 GeV that has been observed at the Large Hadron Collider, due to quantum mechanical (QM) interactions among the underlying quantum fields. This must mean that the QM interactions that make large positive contributions dozens of digits long to the Higgs mass have added to the large negative contributions dozens of digits long to give the Higgs its tiny resulting mass (cf. proton’s mass = 0.938 GeV). 12/19/2019 16

  17. Higgs boson and top quark coupled together希格斯玻色子和顶夸克耦合在一起 • “Physics’ nightmare scenario • “Physicists are left to explain how the positive and negative factors for these quantum corrections, all dozens of digits long, have magically canceled out, leaving an extraordinarily tiny value behind. • “The actual Higgs mass that we have observed from the LHC is its rest mass plus quantum corrections predicted by QFT. Physicists are left to explain how the positive and negative factors for these quantum corrections, all dozens of digits long, have magically canceled out, leaving an extraordinarily tiny value behind. “It seems as inevitable that we have to face the ‘nightmare scenario’ and the unprecedented collapse of decades of speculative work.”4 The nightmare comes as the LHC has offered no path at all toward a theory of nature that better satisfies an evolutionary Big Bang worldview. Creationists, on the other hand, can have sweet dreams. 12/19/2019 17

  18. Higgs boson and top quark coupled together希格斯玻色子和顶夸克耦合在一起 • “The Higgs field was first theorized to make the Standard Model (SM) of particle physics consistent. The Standard Model is a collection of theories that embodies all of our current understanding of fundamental particles and forces. It is supported by a great deal of experimental evidence, making predictions that match experiments to one part in 10 billion. Without the Higgs field to give particles mass, the SM would make nonsensical predictions such as probabilities greater than one for some interactions. With the discovery of the Higgs boson in 2012, the Standard Model (SM) of particle physics is now complete. One would think everybody should be celebrating this milestone achievement for high-energy physics. On the contrary, the singular reaction of particle physicist Kyle Cranmer expresses the sentiments of so many of his colleagues: • “We don’t like it.”5 12/19/2019 18

  19. Higgs boson and top quark coupled together希格斯玻色子和顶夸克耦合在一起 • “Supersymmetry to the rescue • “Supersymmetry theory says that the Standard Model particles each have a heavy supersymmetric twin: for the electron, there is the hypothetical “selectron”, for the quark, there is a “squark”, and so on. If supersymmetry is correct, there should be a whole new set of elementary particles to discover. These supersymmetry (SUSY) super-partners would give quantum corrections with opposite signs to the Higgs mass. Thus, with SUSY, it would not be unnatural for the Higgs mass to be at its measured value of 126 GeV. Are you beginning to get the feeling that physics may be losing its objectivity with SUSY? 12/19/2019 19

  20. Higgs boson and top quark coupled together希格斯玻色子和顶夸克耦合在一起 • “An article in Evolution News & Science Today states that physicists seem to be “expanding sets of hypotheses to avoid some embarrassing metaphysics.”6Scientific American clearly reports the reason physicists have fallen in love with SUSY: “by far the biggest motivation for studying supersymmetry—it solves the conundrum of the Higgs hierarchy problem.”7 In other words physicists are making a fervent search for supersymmetry particles at the LHC because SUSY explains why the Higgs mass is low in a “natural” way, with no fine-tuning. 12/19/2019 20

  21. Higgs boson and top quark coupled together希格斯玻色子和顶夸克耦合在一起 • “Despite the enormous effort to search for signs of supersymmetry in the LHC data, none have emerged so far. If supersymmetry is responsible for keeping the Higgs mass low, then sparticles should show up at energies not much higher than the Higgs mass. The fact that nothing has been found already rules out many popular forms of SUSY. Professor Chris Parkes, spokesman for the UK participation in the LHCb experiment, told BBC News, “Supersymmetry may not be dead, but these latest results have certainly put it into hospital.”8 He adds that superparticles are “running out of places to hide.” 12/19/2019 21

  22. Higgs boson and top quark coupled together希格斯玻色子和顶夸克耦合在一起 • “Dragan Hajduković laments the situation in which particle physicists find themselves: • “After three years of work at LHC, the experimental findings strongly confirm the Standard Model and have nearly eliminated supersymmetry as a possible physical theory… The current crisis is worsened by the fact that the long domination of supersymmetric theories has largely suppressed alternative thinking.4 12/19/2019 22

  23. Higgs boson and top quark coupled together希格斯玻色子和顶夸克耦合在一起 Gian Francesco Giudice 12/19/2019 23

  24. Higgs boson and top quark coupled together希格斯玻色子和顶夸克耦合在一起 • “Supersymmetry is dead… or is it? • “Physicists gathered in Copenhagen on 22 August 2016, to settle a bet on supersymmetry. The original wager was made in 2000 just as construction began on the Large Hadron Collider. Twenty renowned physicists signed “Yes”, that at least one SUSY particle would be experimentally detected within a given amount of time, while twenty-four physicists signed “No.” As the declared losers, each who signed “Yes” was obliged to buy the winners who signed “No” a bottle of good cognac worth at least $100. • “Yet not all theorists are ready to concede that supersymmetry is dead. “The fact that the Higgs fits the Standard Model means new physics is farther up the energy scale. We know it is there, we just don’t know if it is tomorrow or the next decade,” said Guido Tonelli, a professor at the University of Pisa in Italy and a leader in the Higgs hunt.9 12/19/2019 24

  25. Higgs boson and top quark coupled together希格斯玻色子和顶夸克耦合在一起 • “The trick is that supersymmetry can never really be completely disproved: • “It can always be tweaked so that sparticles appear only at energies that are just out of reach of the best existing colliders. Yet the more such tweaks are applied, the more they erode the elegance for which the theory is admired.10 • “Gian Giudice, head of CERN’s theory department, admits that these are difficult times for theoretical physicists: “Our hopes seem to have been shattered. We have not found what we wanted.”9 • “Our hopes seem to have been shattered. We have not found what we wanted.— Gian Giudice, head of CERN’s theory department • “Concerning the new 4 June 2018 declaration from CERN about the coupling of the top quark and the Higgs, although the data analysis is not yet complete, at this point it seems unlikely something more than statistical anomalies will show up.11 12/19/2019 25

  26. Higgs boson and top quark coupled together希格斯玻色子和顶夸克耦合在一起 • “Low Higgs mass invokes anthropic reasoning • “To date, the Large Hadron Collider has not seen any new physics besides the Higgs particle. The laws of nature have turned out to not be “natural” in the way most particle physicists wanted them to be. This desire comes from the fact that physicists can see there are two logically viable explanations for the “unnatural” fine-tuning of the Higgs mass. Either: • there is a God, and He created the universe very finely-tuned for life as we know it, or • there is a very big ensemble of universes out there, and we just happen to be in a universe suitable for life as we know it. This collection of universes is commonly referred to as the “Multiverse.” 12/19/2019 26

  27. Higgs boson and top quark coupled together希格斯玻色子和顶夸克耦合在一起 • “Within the hypothetical Multiverse, the laws of physics would be different in each individual universe: • “Out of all these universes, only the ones with accidentally lightweight Higgs bosons will allow atoms to form and thus give rise to living beings. But this ‘anthropic’ argument is widely disliked for being seemingly untestable.12 • “Fine-tuning is no longer an issue to physicists who believe in the unfalsifiable existence of the Multiverse. By placing their faith in chance and a very large number of universes, evolutionary-minded physicists no longer have to explain why the Higgs mass is low in our universe. Thus they attempt to erase the fingerprints of God in His creation. 12/19/2019 27

  28. Higgs boson and top quark coupled together希格斯玻色子和顶夸克耦合在一起 • “Christian physicists, on the other hand, can confidently proclaim that the created things they study clearly point to God's invisible attributes, namely His eternal power and Godhead. For by the witness of creation, no one has an excuse for unbelief in the Creator God.” • Thank God for the contribution of Mary Beth De Repentigny. 12/19/2019 28

  29. Gloria Deo 愿荣耀归上帝 12/19/2019 29

  30. Sermons From Science -- Sep 2018科学布道-- 2018年9月 Sermons from Science have been published in both YouTube under the name “Pastor Chui” and their PowerPoint slides and corresponding videos in the website http://ChristCenterGospel.org since 2011. Just type “Pastor Chui” in Google Search. The contents of this presentation were taken from different sources and in the Internet. May God have all glory. Pastor Chui http://ChristCenterGospel.org ckchui1@yahoo.com 12/19/2019 30

  31. Inflation—all in the ‘Dark’宇宙膨胀 - 一切都在'黑暗' • The Creation.com website published an article by Dr John G. Hartnetton July 11, 2014. I now quote his article below: • ““It took $10 billion, the world’s largest particle accelerator and decades of research, but now scientists are convinced: The universe doesn’t exist.” [emphasis added] • “Or so says a web news article1 titled “It’s okay. Nothing really matters. We don’t actually exist, anyway. Or so the Higgs boson particle suggests.” Well, what’s this all about? 12/19/2019 31

  32. Inflation—all in the ‘Dark’宇宙膨胀 - 一切都在'黑暗' Figure 1 12/19/2019 32

  33. Inflation—all in the ‘Dark’宇宙膨胀 - 一切都在'黑暗' • “Cosmology PhD student Robert Hogan, of King’s College London, told a meeting of the Royal Astronomical Society2 at the University of Portsmouth on June 24th, that what has been learnt about the Higgs boson and the idea of cosmic inflation (that supposedly propelled the early universe into an enormous volume increase3 over a very short time, a quintillionth of a quintillionth of a second after the alleged big bang) does not add up. • “In other words, the universe never was stable and vanished before it ever got going. • “The Higgs boson, the so-called ‘God’ particle,4 is supposed to give mass to all elementary particles, according to the standard model of particle physics. By combining what we know of the Higgs boson and the standard model of particle physics with the idea of cosmic inflation as supposedly determined from the recent research of the BICEP2 Collaboration team, Hogan has come to the conclusion that the universe, as we know it, should not exist. 12/19/2019 33

  34. Inflation—all in the ‘Dark’宇宙膨胀 - 一切都在'黑暗' • “The BICEP2 Collaboration, which used a South-Pole-based telescope to look at the CMB radiation in a very small region of the sky, concluded that the B-mode polarization they observed in the CMB photons was indicative of primordial gravitational waves soon after the big bang. It was claimed as both a ‘direct’ and a ‘smoking gun’ detection of the big bang. • “By comparing the microscopic with the macroscopic it seems something does not add up. The energy in the universe due to the ‘inflaton-field’ (see shortly) is more than sufficient to force the Higgs-field into a regime whereby the rapidly expanding universe would have suddenly and rapidly collapsed back into the singularity.5 In other words, the universe never was stable and vanished before it ever got going. But of course we are here discussing this so someone got it wrong. 12/19/2019 34

  35. Inflation—all in the ‘Dark’宇宙膨胀 - 一切都在'黑暗' • “The irony is that now that this problem has been realised, those with the worldview that ‘the big bang must be correct’, are now discussing new physics that allows the universe to exist, even though the standard model of particle physics says it should not. • “This may be illustrated with the following graph. 12/19/2019 35

  36. Inflation—all in the ‘Dark’宇宙膨胀 - 一切都在'黑暗' Figure 2 The irony is that now that this problem has been realised, those with the worldview that ‘the big bang must be correct’, are now discussing new physics that allows the universe to exist, even though the standard model of particle physics says it should not. Theorists have proposed various models of inflation.6 12/19/2019 36

  37. Inflation—all in the ‘Dark’宇宙膨胀 - 一切都在'黑暗' • “The cosmic inflation was supposedly driven by what is called an inflaton field, which is an as-yet-unidentified field, akin to an unstable electric field. This is an unknown proposed to explain what powered cosmic inflation. It is nothing short of new physics. And they would very much like the inflaton to be identified with the Higgs boson. • “Large-field inflation models, as the name implies, result in large changes but theorists favour small-field inflation models. These are inherently more stable and this keeps weird quantum effects under control. • “ These models were tested against the recent data of the BICEP2 Collaboration. The large-field inflation model is now currently favoured by those results, not small-field inflation. But theorists don’t like this because to make inflation persist long enough to stretch the universe as flat7 as it is, the amplitude of the inflaton field must have changed immensely. 12/19/2019 37

  38. Inflation—all in the ‘Dark’宇宙膨胀 - 一切都在'黑暗' “Figure 38 And the Higgs boson models produce small-field inflation. Therefore they are disfavoured by the new BICEP2 data. The small-field models predict much weaker swirls than BICEP saw. So those models are now dead. “But Hogan’s approach to the Higgs boson means that the universe should be ‘sitting’ in a valley of the ‘Higgs field’, which tells us why all particles have mass. See Figure 3. But, according to him, there is a different valley, which is much deeper, and the universe is prevented from falling into it by a large energy barrier. 12/19/2019 38

  39. Inflation—all in the ‘Dark’宇宙膨胀 - 一切都在'黑暗' • “As mentioned above, from BICEP2 data this necessarily must be a large-field model, and is inherently unstable. It follows from this approach then that the universe would have been subject to large quantum fluctuations during the cosmic inflation phase, ‘kicking’ it over the energy barrier into the other valley of the Higgs field, within a fraction of a second. Consequently the universe should have quickly collapsed in a big crunch. That means it should have disappeared back into the singularity from whence it supposedly came. Hogan says: • ““This is an unacceptable prediction of the theory because if this had happened we wouldn’t be around to discuss it.” • “At least that much should be self-evident! 12/19/2019 39

  40. Inflation—all in the ‘Dark’宇宙膨胀 - 一切都在'黑暗' • “That means theorists are backed into a corner. The Higgs boson is at odds with the allowable inflaton-field models from the BICEP2 data and they are forced to accept an inherently unstable universe model. They are left with the need for more unknown new physics to plug up the hole. • “We see experimental science again at odds with so-called big bang cosmogony, particularly the inflationary start to their universe. The latter is historical science as it tries to reconstruct history, but the contradiction introduced by the Higgs boson means that they have to find new physics from the dark side (again9) to save the standard big bang model. 12/19/2019 40

  41. Inflation—all in the ‘Dark’宇宙膨胀 - 一切都在'黑暗' • “Hogan is bound by his own big bang worldview when he concludes that the standard model of particle physics may be deficient, suggesting something could be missing there: • ““If BICEP2 is shown to be correct, it tells us that there has to be interesting new particle physics beyond the standard model,” Hogan said.10 • “In short, if the BICEP2 data were ‘confirmed’, he would favour the unverifiable inflation interpretation over the experimentally sound theory of particle physics. This clearly illustrates the effect of a worldview. • “Then there are those who have reacted to these problems by making any connection with particle physics irrelevant—by invoking the multiverse as an explanation for the failure of String theory to predict any meaningful model.11 12/19/2019 41

  42. Inflation—all in the ‘Dark’宇宙膨胀 - 一切都在'黑暗' • “The multiverse is an all-purpose excuse for not being able to explain anything about particle physics. They argue that particle physics is random and inexplicable, different at different points of the multiverse. Different ‘universes’ in the multiverse must have different laws of physics, which does not leave you with much confidence that anything you test in the lab has any relevance to the origin of the universe. • “But inflation is preferred over any alternative, which must explain why a big bang universe leaves the universe so flat—that is, Euclidean space. As one blogger in support of cosmic evolution wrote (bold emphases added): 12/19/2019 42

  43. Inflation—all in the ‘Dark’宇宙膨胀 - 一切都在'黑暗' • ““The concept of inflation was motivated, not by the science, but by a philosophical argument to explain the universe we live in without a Creator, an Intelligent Designer. • ““But the inflationary claim is more spectacular because it was even more unexpected. Inflation was Alan Guth’s attempt to explain why the early universe after the Big Bang was so very “flat,” which is to say, why the force of the explosion matched the force of gravity to one part in 1060. To put this in perspective, there are about 1080 protons in the visible universe, so 1020 protons, about one grain of sand, would have unbalanced the Big Bang, causing it either to recollapse into a black hole, or to expand so fast as to never form stars and galaxies. One grain of sand more, one grain less and we would not be here.”12 • “Wow, talk about faith! That is some faith! 12/19/2019 43

  44. Inflation—all in the ‘Dark’宇宙膨胀 - 一切都在'黑暗' • “The concept of inflation was motivated, not by the science, but by a philosophical argument to explain the universe we live in without a Creator, an Intelligent Designer. Evidence in support of inflation was unlikely but necessary, else they would be left in an intolerable position. • “So what caused the big bang? If there is no Creator then there is no First Cause. Some theorists have hypothetically constructed a cause before the big bang using mathematical arguments with some new exotic theories. For example, some suggest colliding higher-dimensional membranes. But that involves untestable String theory, higher dimensional brane-worlds, M-theory and other weird stuff, where membranes representing some higher dimension spaces supposedly collided producing the big bang of this universe, and maybe many others. 12/19/2019 44

  45. Inflation—all in the ‘Dark’宇宙膨胀 - 一切都在'黑暗' • “Conclusion • “I would not be surprised if after reading this, you feel like you are ‘still in the dark’. The Higgs boson and the standard theory of particle physics, which is the most successful physical theory ever developed by man, is at odds with the theory of cosmic inflation. That tension is such that the universe, as we know it, should not exist. But it does! Therefore the science of how the universe started in a big bang is all in the dark. • “This is, again, a case of where cosmic inflation must be given essential help to survive—some suggesting new physics is needed to solve this quandary (the mess with the Higgs boson). The big bang paradigm is believed as fact, so one more new unknown must be invented that allows the universe to exist. 12/19/2019 45

  46. Inflation—all in the ‘Dark’宇宙膨胀 - 一切都在'黑暗' • “Yet inflation was in the first instance invoked to eliminate the Creator, because of, among other things, what was perceived as a serious fine-tuning problem for the standard big bang model. But the inflation scenario that is favoured by the BICEP2 data, is disfavoured by the God particle. However, the Higgs boson detection has now been put at a confidence limit of 99.999999999%13which is much, much higher than that for the detection of cosmic inflation, via the signature of primordial gravitational waves, which has now been thrown into doubt.14” • Thank God for the contribution of Dr. Hartnett. 12/19/2019 46

  47. Gloria Deo 愿荣耀归上帝 12/19/2019 47

  48. Sermons From Science -- Sep 2018科学布道-- 2018年9月 Sermons from Science have been published in both YouTube under the name “Pastor Chui” and their PowerPoint slides and corresponding videos in the website http://ChristCenterGospel.org since 2011. Just type “Pastor Chui” in Google Search. The contents of this presentation were taken from different sources and in the Internet. May God have all glory. Pastor Chui http://ChristCenterGospel.org ckchui1@yahoo.com 12/19/2019 48

  49. Has the dark matter mystery been solved?暗物质之谜已经解决了吗? • The Creation.com website published an article by Dr John G. Hartnett. I now quote his article below: • “Unseen dark matter has been invoked several times to solve problems in astrophysics and cosmology. Historically the most significant problem has been the rotation curves of galaxies, particularly spiral galaxies. Using the Doppler Effect the speeds of the stars and gases in the disk regions of spiral galaxies can be measured. See Figure 1. • “By now hundreds of thousands of galaxies have been measured this way. What is observed is that the speeds of the stars, and the gases beyond where the stars are observed, are much greater than it would appear Newtonian physics allows for.  12/19/2019 49

  50. Has the dark matter mystery been solved?暗物质之谜已经解决了吗? “Figure 1: Edge on spiral galaxy and a rotation curve. Speeds of stars measured from the centre of a galaxy like this, as a function of distance in light-years. Using carbon-monoxide (CO) as a tracer gas the speeds of gas in the rotating disk can be also measured where there are no visible stars (labelled “No Stars”).  12/19/2019 50

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