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Agenda. Sit/Read Rules Fill out questionnaire Intro (who) Fill out Cm Study Buddy Expectations Why, What, How, When Safety. Sons: Jason- 20 KSU Jared-14 SMW 18:40 5k. BS- Basic Science MS- IT Systems Management MS- Strategic Planning Certified Math, Ph, Cm. Born Canada.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Agenda • Sit/Read Rules • Fill out questionnaire • Intro (who) • Fill out Cm Study Buddy • Expectations • Why, What, How, When • Safety

  2. Sons: Jason- 20 KSU Jared-14 SMW 18:40 5k BS- Basic Science MS- IT Systems Management MS- Strategic Planning Certified Math, Ph, Cm Born Canada Kid North Norway Grades 1-12 Mr Sandoy Cavalry Officer College West Point NY Runs 19:25 5k

  3. Introductions (who) • MrSandoy • Retired Army officer (2000) • You: • Study Buddy: • fill out, turn one in

  4. Physical Science Is? • + + • With simplest algebra 1 math • Butsimple ≠easy for all

  5. Why Physical Science? • Graduate SME HS • Need 3 Lab Science credits • KS Regents Curriculum • Need CM1 or PH1, PS makes these easier • College • Most degrees require College CM1 or PH1 • College CM1= High School CM1 + CM2 • OR Twice as much, half the time, less help • Career • Health Care = College CM1 + CM2 • Engineering or Chemistry • Note DNA/medicine revolution

  6. Average Student highly qualified • Text written for algebra 1 students • 80% of students completed algebra 1 • 40% in algebra 2 • 35% in geometry • Other students may have to work harder • Most are seated with algebra 2 or geometry students

  7. Success • #1= Effort: • do homework, attend, try all test questions, • #2= Math skills, • lots of practice available

  8. Success/ Failure? Three roads to A/B The road to perdition (D/F)

  9. New Textbook • Completely different sequence: • Easy to read  • Lead off with labs  • Overall flow changed, chem in middle • Chapter & section flow different • 6th & 7th hour will be different : • Something may not work in lead hour • Some topics I will compare old way (lab, worksheet etc) with new way • Some new test questions • May have to adjust test scores

  10. Rules “do the right thing” I dismiss; no throw; use near restroom • Prepare…e.g. on time, ready for quiz/ work • “Fortune favors the prepared” • Try…………………e.g. be here, work most tasks • “Half of life is just showing up” • Finish……e.g. complete tasks on own, extra effort • “Winners never quit… copiers fail tests” • Cooperate ………….…e.g. allow teaching, be safe, • “Silence is golden” • “You can hear a lot just by listening” • Be considerate…e.g. allow learning, helpful, neat, discrete: “Do unto others…” Stay in seat, 2/table,less A Lose restroom, pass, longer wait for all Take answer key, no keys

  11. How- Discipline • Cell Phones • 1= No purse/ bag on table • 2= Suspect = warn • 3= See/hear= office referral • Tardy • 1= warn ; 2= call home • 3= 15min t detention • 4= 30 min t detention • 5= office referral • Disrupt • 1= warn • 3= move • 2= hall, talk • 4= hall, call home • 5= hall, 15 min t detention, • 6= hall#4, office referral

  12. knowledge more reps= more skill How-Grades Semester=15% final + Qtr grades • 40% Tests • knowledge • 20% Daily Quizzes • knowledge • 20% In Class & Homework • More reps = more skill • 20% Labs • Apply concepts • Extra Credit available • More reps = more skill

  13. knowledge more reps= more skill Details-Grades • Testseventually can be unit grade for As ~2Q • 3x5 card written notes on tests; more time case by case • Daily Quizzes • Open notes; review homework/labs; even or odd by seat • Homeworkhttp://www4.smsd.org/andrewsandoy/ • Show work > correct; late 50%, > 2-30 days late 10% • Make up @ 50% before after school in 407 until test • Labs • Lab report + safety; insight/accuracy>>completion • Extra credit • Exceptional job … early work … more/harder problems • Graded harder: 1/3 value of regular questions For detailed progress report, provide e mail address

  14. Homework & In Class Grading • 9 = max, times weight, generally one point per question • 10 … E (early, in day early) or + (100%) • 9 …. = 90%; 8 …. 80% etc • 5 ….. Late (correct), OR NS (not stapled) • 3 ….. SW (show work for 2+ step problems) • 1 ….. TL (too late) • 0 … not turned in • Extra credit (XC) = 1pt/2 problems • Late Work • Write absent, date work due, reason absence excused • Note, not required to make up quiz/ lab

  15. When (Normal Schedule) • Questions 0-5 min • Quiz 6-10 min • Less test, review, short day… • Demo/Lesson1 5-15 min • Group Practice1 (#) 5-15 min • In class/homework1 10-30 min • Activity 2 20-45 • Bright/diligent finish in class • Conclusion 1 min

  16. Contact E Maileasandoy@smsd.org I check a lot & answer quickly Phone 993-6816; I check daily as I leave but becomes phone tag Available most days: Plan (7) 930-1020 (O) 0920-1054 (E) 1310-1440 Meet students 0700-0740; parents/students 1445-1600 Web Back Pack (chapter homework list by day) Moodle (homework documents +XC on line) http://www4.smsd.org/andrewsandoy/ USERID: your student # Password: smsd; Enrollment key: sandoy Text Show web sites See Wall: ID/PW=fps004s

  17. Summary • “Do the right thing” and: • Learn life skills • Opportunities to do well • Time to do work

  18. Conclusion • Today HW: • IC: Questionnaire/Study Buddy • HW: Sign Safety Contract (Test) • HW: Goggles or $2 check Thurs/Fri • Wednesday/Thursday • Quiz; Metric System Lab • Friday: • Length Lab

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