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Ways of saving energy in the daily life. at home / at school / at office Student s ´ opinions. Why do we have to save energy ?.
Waysofsavingenergy in thedailylife athome/ atschool/ at office Students´opinions
Why do wehave to saveenergy? we obtain energy from oil, coal and gas, nonrenewable resources. On the other hand, we have resources that are renewable and those can regain power. It is not enough. Therefore, we must try not to waste energy and treat our planet environmentally that future generation can enjoy energy fortheir life as we do.
Green tips A green worldbeginswith a green home. The energy-saving ideas you used at home can also be used in school.
Buyenergy-efficientproducts Energy saving light bulbs utilize up to 80% less electricity than a standard bulb, producing the same amount of light. These bulbs can help save energy and money. From light bulbs to kitchen goods to home entertainment equipment - there are a plethora of energy efficient appliances now on the market. Advice: Fit your home and office with energy saving appliancesand save energy. Matej´s opinion: It´s expensivebutattheendyou´llsave a lot of money, becausetheirlifetimeislonger.
Neverleaveyourchargerplugged Leaving electronic gadgets plugged, even if they are not being utilized, cancontribute greatly to your electric consumption. You are so used to leaving everything plugged without knowing that your electric meter is still running even if theappliance is turnedoff. Advice:Unplugyour battery charger from the wall socket as soon as you finish charging your mobile phone battery. Dan´s opinion:It is difficult for us tounplugg the battery charger immediately after the charge, because usually we are notathome or sleep. I realize that I have to unplugg it because it consumes too much energy. Lucie´s opinion: Children don´t saveenergy, becauseparentspaythebill. Anywaytheyhave to payit!
Turnitdown Turningyourthermostatdownby just 1or 2 degrees can reduce your energy consumption by over 5 percent. You won't even notice the difference in room temperature. Advice: Don´t heatroomswhenyou are not usingthem. Ondra´s opinion: Lowering the temperature in the flatwe will reduce gas and electricityconsumption. Peoplefinditunnecessary, becausethey don´t realizethedifferenceatthebill. Fix the drafts In an average house, up to 50 percent of heat is lost through drafts. Youcansave a lot of money on youryearlyheatingbill. Advice:Fix draftsaround all exterior doors and interior if need.
Switchitoff Switch off the television when there are no viewers. Don't use the "standby" function on you TV, stereo and DVD player. Appliances left on standby mode can draw an average of 5-10 percent of household energy use! Turnifoff The same goes for computers, radios and stereos - if no oneis using it, turn it off. If you are going to be out of the room for more than five minutes, turn off the light. Advice:If you know of an appliance that everyone forgets to turn off, make a sticker or a sign to hang next to the switch that says "Lights Out!" or "Don't Forget!" Tomas´ opinion: Wedon´t switch on lightsathomeuntilit´s lightoutside. Petra´s opinion: People are lazyandforgetful.
Saveenergywhileyou are usingyourcomputer Turn off your computer. Leaving the screen saver on will not save any energy. Screen savers can use more energy than when you are using the computer yourself, and can reduce the life of your monitor. Another way to reduce power while you are using computers is to reduce screen brightness. This will also increase the battery time for your laptop. Advice: Turnoffyourcomputerandscreenwhenyouleave.
Chargethebattery If you buy things that can be used over and over instead of buying disposable items that are used once and then thrown away, you will save natural resources. You'll also save energy used to make them, and you'll reduce the amount of landfill space we need when they are thrown away. Advice: Don´t throw non-rechargeablebatteriesintothebin. Use a specialcontainerorbuyrechargeablebatteries. Dan´s opinion: I use onlyrechargeablebatteriesbecausetheyoutlast.
Clothesanddishes Never use the dishwasher or washing machine unless it houses a full load. Advice:Ifyoumustwash a partialload, use theeconomyor half loadsetting. Barca´s opinion: Ifyou are just two in a house, you don ´t need a dishwasher. Kaja´s opinion: The problem is that you sort white and colored clothes.Ifyou don´t do it, youwillfillthewashingmachineeverytime. Tumble dryers use up a huge amount of energy. Advice: If possible, hang your clothes on a line instead. This is better for your clothes as well.
Washeconomically Advice: Butthe most important point is to take a showerinsteadof a bath. Another simple way to save water and energy is to take shorter showers. You'll use less hot water - and water heaters account for nearly 1/4 of your home's energy use. Lucie´s opinion: Showeris also ideal from a health perspective.
Turnit on If you have fans, turn them on. The blowing air can make you feel 5 degrees cooler, without running the air conditioner. Fans use a lot less electricity than air conditioners! Decreasethehotwatertemperature Your hot water thermostat needn't be higherthan 60 degrees Celsius. You will only be mixing it with cold water to cool it back down for use.
Closethetap Whenyou are brushing teeth or shaving you should close the tap. You are wastingwater. If you can learn to brush your teeth with cold or cool water.Soonyougetused to and don´t need to wastehotwater, whichcosts money andenergy. Advice: Don ´t forget to closethetaps! Check your taps whether they are tight. Ifwateris dripping from themyouwastewateragain. Advice: Checkyourwaterbaterry!
Kitchenappliances Don't keep the fridge door open any longer than you need to. Close it to keep the cold air inside!Fridge needs more energy to compensate temperature, if it is open.Youprolongitslifetime, too. Advice: Keepthetemperature in yourfridgebetween 3 and 5 degrees Celsius. Defrostyourfreezerregulary. Don´t leaveit open. Advice: Keep the temperature in the freezer up to minus18 degrees Celsius.
Water Always boil only as much water as you need. Before you begin to pour hot water in the shower, turn the cold water flowing into the bucket and use it for watering and cleaning. • Wateryourflowersaftersunset. Reuse water which comes out of the tap that would drain otherwise. When you turn up the hot water on a tap, put a container under the tap until the water is warm enough. Then use the water in the container to water plants or use for other purposes. This saves a surprising amount of water. Barca´s opinion: Some people suffer from water shortage, we can help them if we are not wasting water.
Alternativeenergy Solar hot water systems are more economical than gas or electric water heaters and most solar hot water systems contain gas or electric boosters for times when there is insufficient sun. It´s more expensiveand no everyonecanbuythem. Butifyouinvestyour money, yourenergyis free forever. Advice: Installsolarpanels on theroof.
A fewwords in conclusion There are many other wayshow to save energyand money. Youprobablyhaveyourownideasandcouldrealizethematschoolorathome. If not, use ouradvices. Maybe you still think it's unnecessary.Buttheproblemtouchesus more and more andwehave to thinkofit. Youcan start whateveryouwantwith. Every step isright. The more people that take this step, themore we can change the world.