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Niels Henrik Abel

Niels Henrik Abel. Early Life. Career. Death. Mathematical Work. Early Life. W as born in Norway , 5 August 1802. Niels Abel entered the Cathedral School at the age of 13.

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Niels Henrik Abel

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  1. NielsHenrikAbel Early Life Career Death Mathematical Work

  2. Early Life Was born in Norway, 5 August 1802 Niels Abel entered the Cathedral School at the age of 13. His mathematicalteachersaw NielsHenrik's talent in mathematics, and encouraged him to study the subject to an advanced level. He even gave Niels private lessons after school. Study at theRoyalFrederickUniversity.

  3. Career 1823, Niels Abel published his first article in "Magazin for Naturvidenskaberne", Norway's first scientific journal  Abel published his first notable work in 1824 Memoir on algebraic equations, in which the impossibility of solving the general equation of the fifth degree is proven

  4. Career He wenttoBerlin and to the Alps to study geology. visit Gauss in Göttingen and then continue to Paris. On the way, he visited the astronomerHeinrickChristianSchumacherin Hanburg. In Freiberg Abel did brilliant research in the theory of functions, particularly: elliptic, hyperelliptic, and a new class now known as abelianfunctions.

  5. Death While in Paris, Abel had contracted tuberculosis. For Christmas 1828, he traveled by sled to Froland to visit again his fiancée. He became seriously ill on the journey and, although a temporary improvement allowed the couple to enjoy the holiday together, died just two days before a letter arrived from August Crelle. All this time, Crelle had been searching for a new job for Abel in Berlin, and had actually managed to have him appointed a professor at a university. Crelle wrote to Abel on 8 April 1829 to tell him the good news, but it came too late.

  6. Mathematical Work Abel gave a proof of the binomialtheorem valid for all numbers At age 19, he showed there is no general algebraic solution for the roots of a quintic(5’th degree) equation. To do this, he inventedan extremely important branch of mathematics known as grouptheory. Abel wrote a fundamental work on the theory of ellipticintegrals, containing the foundations of the theory of ellipticfuntions.

  7. ThanksForListening

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