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w hat m otivates y ou to learn?

w hat m otivates y ou to learn?. Intrinsic Motivation. Extrinsic Motivation . t he children’s story b y james cl a vell. 3. 1. 2 . Questions for class discussion. (Click here). X. j ames c lavell. 1924-1994.

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w hat m otivates y ou to learn?

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  1. what motivates you to learn? Intrinsic Motivation Extrinsic Motivation

  2. the children’s story by jamesclavell 3. 1. 2. Questions for class discussion (Click here) X

  3. jamesclavell 1924-1994 James Clavell was a British,laternaturalized American, novelist, screenwriter, director, and World War II veteran. “The Children’s Story” was written in 1963 and published in 1981. While a very short and simple story, it touches on many important concepts, such as freedom, religion, and patriotism. It is similar in nature to George Orwell’s 1984 in its treatment of propaganda, control, and inter-generational warfare.

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  5. What pedagogical strategy does the New Teacher employ on her students—intrinsic motivation or extrinsic motivation? The final words of Clavell’s story are “It was 9:23.” Why does Clavellend “The Children’s Story” by drawing our attention to the time? Why is the New Teacher so successful? After the New Teacher explains what “allegiance” means, she says, “So you are promising or pledging support to the flag and saying that it is much more important than you are.” She then asks her students, “How can a flag be more important than a real live person?” How would you answer that question? She then remarks, “But we don’t need a sign to remind us that we love our country, do we?” What do you think?

  6. What pedagogical strategy does the New Teacher employ on her students—intrinsic motivation or extrinsic motivation? The final words of Clavell’s story are “It was 9:23.” Why does Clavellend “The Children’s Story” by drawing our attention to the time? Why is the New Teacher so successful? After the New Teacher explains what “allegiance” means, she says, “So you are promising or pledging support to the flag and saying that it is much more important than you are.” She then asks her students, “How can a flag be more important than a real live person?” How would you answer that question? She then remarks, “But we don’t need a sign to remind us that we love our country, do we?” What do you think?

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