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BY: Daniela Tijerina Period:3 Science. BUMIHUTAN. Temperate Rainforest. Producers. Rubus occidentails Raspberry. Rubus Parviflorous (Thimbleberry). Rubus fruticosus (Blackberry). Balanus Glandula (Acorns). First Level Consumers. Tamiasciurus (douglas squirrel. Ochotona

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  1. BY: Daniela Tijerina Period:3 Science BUMIHUTAN Temperate Rainforest

  2. Producers Rubus occidentails Raspberry Rubus Parviflorous (Thimbleberry) Rubus fruticosus (Blackberry) Balanus Glandula (Acorns)

  3. First Level Consumers Tamiasciurus (douglas squirrel Ochotona (Pika)

  4. Second Level Consumers Martes Americana (Pine marten) Lepus Califorocus (black tailed rabbit) Bassariscus Astutus (Ring Talied Cat)

  5. Third Level Consumers Puma Concolor (Mountain Lion) Lynx rufus (Bob Cat) CanisLatrans (Coyote)

  6. Top Level Consumer Homo sapiens (Humans)

  7. Decomposers Fungilo Septica Peziza Vilocea

  8. Scavengers Procyon Lotor (Raccoons) Haliaeetus leucocepnalus (Eagles)

  9. Symbiotic Relationships Predator/Prey Relationships The relationship between squirls and Acorns is considered mutualism because squirls get food and acorns get spread so more acorn trees grow Ring Tail cats Prey on Pika Bob Cats prey on the Ringtail Cats Competition Between Organisms Big Coniferous trees (sequoia semperuirens) Compete with Western Red Cedar (Thuja plicata) to get Nutrients The Relationship between Squirrels and trees is considered commencialism because the squirrel gets habitat while the tree does not mind The relationship between fleas and coyotes is considered parastatism because Coyote gets harmed while the flea is benefited

  10. *Fungi* Decomposers (peziza vilocea) (fungilo septica) Food Web Humans Top Level Consumers Coyote Bob Cat Mountain Lion 3rd Level consumers Ring Tail Cat Pine Marten Black tailed rabbit Scavengers (raccoons and eagles) 2nd Level consumers 1st level consumers Douglas squirrel Pika Producers Berries Acorns

  11. Abiotic Factors Day Length: 26 hours Year Length: 320 Days Precipitation: 200cm – 350 cm Temperature: 0ºc- 20ºc Sunlight: A little Description of Soil: wet and fertile Types of Landforms: Rivers, plains, small mountains There is no changes of season. there might only be some colder or hotter months

  12. Sources/bibliography http://temperaterainforestelynam.weebly.com/ www.eoearth.org http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Temperate_rainforest http://temperaterainforest.awardspace.com/wcpattern.htm http://prezi.com/onflkxxp-rua/temperate-forest-biome-project/

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