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INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION. Presentation by: Said Wahab Senior International Relations Officer International Affairs & Training Division Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission. My Profile. Name: Said Wahab (MBA)

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  1. INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION Presentation by: Said Wahab Senior International Relations Officer International Affairs & Training Division Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission Slide 1

  2. My Profile • Name: Said Wahab (MBA) • I am working as Senior International Relations Officer at Directorate General of International Affairs & Training at PAEC. • Since my appointment (May, 2000) with PAEC I have been associated with implementation of IAEA Technical Cooperation Projects including RCA activities in Pakistan. • I have been assisting DG, (IA&Trg) PAEC (who is also National Liaison Officer as well as RCA National Representative from Pakistan) as supporting staff regarding implementation of RCA Projects in Pakistan particularly hosting of RCA Regional events in the country and interaction with National stakeholders. Slide 2

  3. Country Profile of Pakistan • Pakistan is a low income developing country and is ranked as the 160th in terms of its Gross National Product per capita amongst total 204 countries. • Population of the country is 137 millions and population density is 171 inhabitants/sq. km with a population growth rate of about 2.3% per annum. • Pakistan’s commercially exploitable energy resources consist of coal, gas, oil, hydropower, Nuclear power and traditional fuels in the form of fuel wood, agricultural & animal wastes. • Hydropower is providing about 30% of electricity. Although Pakistan has relatively high endowment of hydropower potential. • Two Nuclear power plants are operating in Pakistan satisfying 3% of electricity needs of the country. Slide 3

  4. Country Profile of Pakistan • The integrated power system of Pakistan consist of two utilities, namely WAPDA and KESC. Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission owns nuclear power plants which are connected to WAPDA and KESC networks. • WAPDA Planning and execution of thermal and hydro power KESC Responsible for generation, transmission and distribution of power to the city of Karachi & sindh • IPPs Only generates electricity. Transmission and distribution is the responsibility of distribution companies. Slide 4

  5. NPP Profile of Pakistan • Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission PAEC is responsible for Nuclear power project planning & implementation Operation & maintenance of nuclear power plants PAEC owns two nuclear power plants • KANNUP, a 137 MWe integrated in KESC network • CHASNUPP, a 325 MWe connected to WAPDA grid since June 2000. Slide 5

  6. ORGANOGRAM PAKISTAN ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION Chairman Member (Physical Sciences) Member (Technical) Member (NPG) Member (Fuel Cycle) Member (Bio-Sciences) Member (Admin) Member (Finance) SES Directorate Medical Sciences Establishment Division PINSTECH CHASNUPP (C-1) Directorate of Safety Finance Division NORI PIEAS Administration Division NCNDT CHASNUPP (C-2) Accounts Division DNFC INOR International Affairs & Training Division DTD INMOL Legal Affairs Division KANUPP Audit Division LINAR DGNPO CENUM MINAR Bio- Sciences PINUM CENAR NIAB NIMRA NIBGE AEMC Khi. NIFA KIRAN NIA Gujranwala IRNUM Slide 6

  7. International Affairs • Monitoring and implementation of Technical Assistance from IAEA & other international organizations. • Exchange of experts • Hosting of international/regional meetings/ seminars/symposia/training courses • Visits of foreign dignitaries to PAEC establishments • Management of RCA activities in Pakistan • Formulation and execution of bilateral/trilateral agreements • Posting in the Pakistan Missions abroad and Liaison. … Contd. Slide 7

  8. International Affairs • Appointment in international organizations i.e. IAEA, OPCW • Appointment of PAEC Representative at COG and WANO • Research grants from IAEA, IFS/TWAS/TWANSO/ICTP • Membership of scientific organizations for Chairman PAEC • Preparation of brief for Pakistan’s delegation in IAEA General Conference, Board Meetings and its committees • Preparation of briefs on cooperation with other countries on peaceful uses of atomic energy • Preparation of budget and payment of Pakistan’s share of contribution to IAEA • Preparation of official passports and Obtaining of visas Slide 8

  9. Training • Fellowship training and Scientific Visits under IAEA regular & Project related activities • Foreigners training/scientific visit at PAEC establishments under IAEA T.C. • Training under CERN, AS-ICTP, UICC, JICA, TWAS etc. • Higher studies (M.S / Ph. D) studies under HEC, University Assistantships, IDB, Cultural / Merit Scholarship, PAEC Funded Scholarship and on Self-finance basis etc. • Post doctoral fellowships under HEC, IDB, RCA ..Contd. Slide 9

  10. Training • RCA Meetings, Seminars workshops Symposiums abroad • WANO TC Plant Managers Meetings and Peer Reviews • TWAS/UNESCO Associateship Scheme • Official Visits/Tours to CERN • INPRO Steering Committee Meetings (Int. Project on Innovative Nuclear Reactors & Fuel cycles) • COG Training/Activities • Pre-shipment Inspections and Training Slide 10

  11. INTERNATIONAL AGENCIES • International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Vienna, Austria • Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (AS-ICTP), Trieste, Italy • World Association of Nuclear Operators (WANO), Tokyo & Atlanta Centres • Candu Owners Group (COG), Toronto, Canada • European Centre for Nuclear Research (CERN), Geneva, Switzerland • Synchrotron Light for Experimental Science and Application in the Middle-East (SESAME), Jordan Slide 11

  12. INTERNATIONAL AGENCIES • International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGEB), Trieste, Italy • Third World Academy of Sciences (TWAS), Trieste, Italy • Islamic Development Bank (IDB), Jeddah, Saudi Arabia • Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), Tokyo • Organization for Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), The Hague, Netherlands • International Union against Cancer (UICC), Geneva, Switzerland • International Foundation for Science (IFS), Stockholm, Sweden Slide 12

  13. Managing TC in Pakistan The International Affairs & Training Division of PAEC is responsible for: • Keeping Liaison with the IAEA and RCA Offices • Coordinating design, development, implementation and Monitoring of all TC Projects • Collaboration with the national counterparts Slide 13

  14. COOPERATION WITH IAEA 50 Years of PAEC-IAEA Cooperation • Technical Cooperation • Training • Fellowships • Scientific Visits • Participation in International Events/Fora • Expert Missions/Assignments • Provision of Equipment • Joint Hosting of Events (Meetings/Seminars/Training Courses/Workshops) Slide 14

  15. Areas of Technical Cooperation • Nuclear Power Generation • Nuclear Safety • Radiation Protection • Radioactive Waste Management • Agriculture • Industry • Environment • Health Slide 15

  16. TECHNICAL COOPERATION • National Projects (21) Core national problems / issues (Fellowships, Scientific Visits, Experts, Equipment) • RCA Projects (15) • Regional Projects (42) Problems of a specific region - Asia & the Pacific (Meetings, Seminars, Training courses, No Equipment) • Inter- Regional Projects (10) Problems of international / inter-regional concerns (Meetings, Seminars, Training courses, No Equipment) Slide 16

  17. COUNTRY PROGRAMME FRAMEWORK OF PAKISTAN • A Country Programme Framework for 2003-2008 for Technical Co-operation between Pakistan and IAEA was prepared in September, 2003. • A new Country Programme Framework for 2009-2013 for Technical Co-operation between Pakistan and IAEA is being prepared in cooperation with IAEA. Slide 17

  18. National Priorities for TC • Nuclear Power • Nuclear Safety • R&D and Application in Industry, Hydrology, Environment, Materials and Analytical Techniques • Agriculture and Biotechnology • Health • Radioactive Waste Management Slide 18

  19. EXCHANGE OF EXPERTS • Experts to Pakistan • Nuclear Safety • Nuclear Medicine • Nuclear Waste • Experts from Pakistan • Non-Destructive Testing • Radioisotope Applications • Energy Planning Slide 19

  20. Achievements • Over the years a number of personnel trained • Lab / Infrastructure established/developed • Pakistan received assistance worth US$ 23 million during the years 1957-2008 • Pakistan was generally placed at 3rd and 4th positions during the pervious years • In 2004, Pakistan was on top of the list of IAEA Technical Assistance recipients • Pakistan was placed in 3rd position during the year 2006 Slide 20


  22. VISITS ABROAD Slide 22

  23. Arranging of Official Passports 2005 876 2006 983 2007 869 2008 521 International Affairs & Training also assists PAEC employees in getting visas from Foreign Embassies/ Missions in Pakistan Slide 23

  24. T H A N K Y O U Slide 24

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