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Vocabulary . Militarism- Glorification of a country’s military strength. Nationalism- Extreme pride and for one’s country and feeling of superiority towards other country. Alliance- An agreement made between nations to aid each other if attacked.

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  1. Vocabulary • Militarism- Glorification of a country’s military strength. • Nationalism- Extreme pride and for one’s country and feeling of superiority towards other country. • Alliance- An agreement made between nations to aid each other if attacked. • Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand- The heir to the throne of the Austrian Hungarian Empire. His assassination sparked events leading to WWI.

  2. Warm Up • What is an alliance?

  3. The great war

  4. The m.a.i.n. Causes of wwi • Militarism • The glorification of the Military • Military power is seen as a symbol of national prestige • Glorification of war • Arms race among the great powers • Influential military leaders

  5. Alliances • Agreements among nations to aid each other if attacked • Russian agreement with the smaller Slavic nations • Emergence of the Allies • Emergence of the Central Powers

  6. Imperialism • The political and economic dominance of a stronger country over a weaker one • Fierce competition between European countries to claim foreign land • British and French concern over German territorial growth

  7. Nationalism • Extreme pride in one’s own country and a feeling of superiority towards other countries • French revenge against Germany and return of Alsace-Lorraine • Serbian desire to create a Slav state • German pride in Industrial power and military growth

  8. The five great powers • Germany • Kaiser Wilhelm • Austria-Hungry • Franz Joseph • Great Britain • David Lloyd Carr • Russia • Czar Nicholas II • France • George Clemenceau

  9. Chain reaction to wwi • The Balkans “The Powder Keg of Europe” • June 28, 1914: Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand is killed by GavriloPrincip in Sarajevo, Serbia • Ferdinand was the heir to the throne of the Austrian Hungarian Empire • Princip was a member of the Black Hand, a Serbian Nationalist group that wanted Serbia to become independent from the Austrio-Hungarian Empire.

  10. Austria-Hungry blames Serbia for the murders of the Archduke and his wife and issues Serbia an ultimatum. • Serbia must end all anti Austrian agitation and punish any Serbian officials involved in the plot • They wanted to crush Serbian Nationalism

  11. Serbia refuses to comply with all of the demands. • Austria-Hungry declares war on Serbia on July 28, 1914 • This is where the alliance system kicks in

  12. Russia, a Slavic nation and friend of Serbia, mobilized its forces in preparation for war • Russia supported the Slavic people and feared Austria-Hungry wanted to rule the Slavic people • Germany, an ally of Austria declares war on Russia (Aug 1)

  13. Germany declares war on France, an ally of Russia • Felt like they must stand behind their ally, Austria-Hungry

  14. Germany invades Belgium on August 3, 1914 so that German forces could enter France more easily • Schlieffen Plan • To prevent a 2 front war the Germans would first attack France and defeat them quickly and then go and attack Russia. • It does not work because Germany gets into a stalemate with the French.

  15. August 4, 1914 England declares war on Germany • Britain felt a duty to protect neutral Belgium • Feared power of Germany • World War I Begins!

  16. Closing • Discuss how the 4 MAIN causes contributed to the outbreak of WWI. • What was the spark that ignited WWI? • What was Gavrilo Princip and the “Black Hand”? • What was the “Schlieffen Plan”? Was it successful? • Why did England enter the war?

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