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Wifi : Norwayhouse Code : norway10. NSPA Open Days side event 7.10.2014. Kari Aalto, East and North Finland EU Office. NSPA Regional Offices in BRU. East and North Finland EU Office Kari Aalto kari.aalto@eastnorth.fi
Wifi: Norwayhouse Code: norway10 NSPA Open Days side event 7.10.2014 Kari Aalto, East and North Finland EU Office
NSPA Regional Offices in BRU • East and North Finland EU Office Kari Aalto kari.aalto@eastnorth.fi • Mid Sweden EU Office Kerstin Brandelius‐Johansson kerstin.brandelius@midsweden.se • North Sweden EU Office Mikael Janson mikael.janson@northsweden.eu • North Norway European Office Trond Haukanes trond.haukanes@northnorway.org info@nspa-network.eu | www.nspa-network.eu
NSPA and the Future Challenges • Main focus has been in interest promotion • Support to more developed regions will be decreasing in the future. What is the role of the NSPA? • Need to show the results of the special allocation • Need to make the NSPA more visible
NSPA and how to respond to our challenges • Interest promotion will be an important focus also in the future • More focus on the concrete activities in the region • More active dialogue on NSPA related topics • Finding out what we have in common and is there something we should do together? • Extensive study to support future interest promotion
NSPA interest promotion • Regional policy • Transport policy • Regional State Aid • Arctic and northern issues • Raw materials and the refinement • EU financing instruments and trenghtening the R&D in the region • Eastern border of the EU, especially Russia • EU priorities such as Europe 2020 strategy, thematic concentration, smart specialisation • European Territorial cooperation
NSPA congrete activities • Activating the network dialogue in the regions • Mapping of project activities • Mapping of regional strategies and evaluating the cooperation potential. What we have in common? • Closer dialogue with the existing cooperation structures in the region. • Exhanging of best practises • NSPA will maintain as a network, but there is a need to find ways of handling the common challenges in more coordinated ways.
NSPA strategy for Europe 2020 – How are we doing and What do we need to do? Kerstin Brandelius Director Mid Sweden European Office
Europe 2020 SMART SUSTAINABLE INCLUSIVE An agenda for new skills and jobs Innovation Union ResourceefficientEurope Youth on the move An industrial policy for the globalisation era European platformagainstpoverty Digital agenda
Europe 2020 targets • Employment • 75% of the 20-64 year-olds to be employed • R&D • 3% of the EU's GDP to be invested in R&D • Climate change and energy sustainability • greenhouse gas emissions 20% (or even 30%, if the conditions are right) lower than 1990 • 20% of energy from renewables • 20% increase in energy efficiency • Education • Reducing the rates of early school leaving below 10% • at least 40% of 30-34–year-olds completing third level education • Fighting poverty and social exclusion • at least 20 million fewer people in or at risk of poverty and social exclusion
Early leavers from education and training, ages 18-24, % 10 %
Clear message from the Commissionen: Stop talking and start acting! • NSPA region can pioneer innovation for sparsely populated areas • Broadband for SME a necessity and an attractiveness • ITC solutions – citizen service – demographic challenge • Green solutions; using wood instead of oil, green mining • Renewable energy & energy efficiency • Funding programming period 2014-2020 • Focus on achieving the Europe 2020 targets • Cooperation for common challenges Showing results and added value for Europe!
Platforms and initiatives as tools to reach the EU2020 targets for the NSPA • NSPA a Smart Region in the EU - Smart Specialization • NSPA commitment in the European Innovation Platform for Smart Cities and Communities • NSPA and Arctic EU affairs • OECD study a tool for lobbying
Keys for success during 2007-2013 • NO-RUS Chamber of Commerce • Northern Dimension Steering group • EP Intergroup 174 • Barents regional Council Various NSPA position documents… Publications/position papers NSPA forums Meetings Presentations Seminars/workshops Letters to COM etc. Open Days + 2 workshops Objective 2 initiative -CPMR -27 Regional Counselors Next step for the NSPA? Open Days + 1 workshop Breakfast meeting & seminars European Parliament April, June & December Meeting DG Regio January & October & December Meeting DG Regio January and September Transport seminar March Open Days + 2 workshops Meeting DG Regio January 2003-2005 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Umeå October Sundsvall April Future EU cohesion policy Tromsö January Study 2009 Study 2005 EU strategy Baltic Sea Region Kuopio September W. paper – Territories with specific Geo. features Green Paper – Territorial Cohesion policy • Continuous meetings and conversations with: • The permanent representations • DG Regio/COM Hahn’s cabinet • DG Enterprise / Head of Unit Raw Material • European Parliament; MEPs, co-workers • Members of the CoR • Other representatives in Brussels Haparanda August Non-paper Artic policy Kiruna December
Ahead is 2014-2020 Long term planning and proactivity Various NSPA position documents… Publications/position papers NSPA forums Meetings Presentations Seminars/workshops Letters to COM etc. Open Days Open Days Next step for the NSPA? Breakfast meeting & seminars European Parliament Transport seminar Meeting DG Regio Meeting DG Regio Open Days Open Days 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 NSPA Forumr NSPA-Forum OECD Teritorial Review NSPA Forum Bodö November EIP Smart Cities & Communities initiative NSPA-forum Sweden NSPA forum Finland Kiruna December • Continuous meetings and conversations with: • The permanent representations • DG Regio/COM cabinet • DG Enterprise / Head of Unit Raw Material • European Parliament; MEPs, co-workers • Members of the CoR • Other representatives in Brussels
NSPA – a Smart Region in the EU Mikael Janson –
www.northsweden.eu The northernview from outside… NorthernSparselyPopulated Areas And relativelymorespacely it becomes….
www.northsweden.eu …or maybethis is ustheythink… Gold rush for Gold curse?! - No matterif black or glimmering!
www.northsweden.eu …butmostly like this, to be frank… Bild: LKAB To be or not tobe…on the map…
www.northsweden.eu Butalso, suddenly, like this… The cool Arctic hot spot! Bild: LKAB
www.northsweden.eu …or maybe not… Bild: LKAB Still a white spot to drill a black hole in on the worldmap!
…if not really turning the maparound! • Thereis morethancold dark forestsand deep oceans and mining shaftswherethe mapends! ! Raw Material There is not leastinnovative peoplecreatingglocaladdedvalue, also for Europe and the EU! ? norske forsvarets karttjeneste www.northsweden.eu
EC: ”Show us arguments!” Strong, Specific and Promising to ”Vision” ”Misery”
www.northsweden.eu In the same timeFirst innovation union scoreboard 2011! "This year’s results are a clear warning that more efforts to boost innovation are needed. If we want to close the gap with our main economic partners and to overcome the current crisis, innovation deserves all our attention. In particular I count on enterprises as they have proven to be the key to success in innovation. But successful start ups in other parts of the world show that some lessons are still need to be learnt in Europe.” European Commission Vice-President Antonio Tajani, Commissioner for Industry and Entrepreneurship 2012-02-08.
Europe 2020 strategy Regional Capacitybuilding Lubricators: EU:s Cohesionfunds & Research funds etc. innovation EU specialisation SMART European Excellence Sectorfunds cluster growth GlobalCompetiveness (on the market) INCLUSIVE SUSTAINABLE Dig whereyoustand and aim for the green treecrowns (= make a SWOT) Innovation eco-system www.northsweden.eu
www.northsweden.eu Unleashing the regional EU-2020 potential Smart specialisation by using the obstacles in an innovative way The center of the car industry winter testing The home of Santa Claus and the Ice Hotel and Arctic tourism • Arctic shipping, drilling and excavation expertise • The first site outside US for servers for Facebook and alike • Few people in vast area far from big markets creates need to be creative and go global • Developing E-health and other tools is also know-how export possibilities Smart specialisation as help in transition out of being pragmatic If we can move cities, we can also balance excavation with tourism and creative businesses • Finding the growth spots to support taking advantage of each other (=critical mass) Mining, forest and oil is mainly male business, so make it also a female business • If lack of people, make people from abroad come and live and getting job • If we are few people, then let’s work together with the whole NSPA-region and neighborsSmart specialisation for strategic investments and expanding clusters • Broadband to connect rural IT-companies and spread-out clusters to academy and the world • If functioning infrastructure, also small cities can be motors for surrounding regions • Work strategically with knowledge in base industry for entrepreneurial growth/cross fertilization • Use the big outdoor areas as global spots for climate research, wind parks and niche tourism
Strong, Specific and PromisingEC:“Now, show that you really exist to create the common critical innovative mass you need!”
Next step toprepare for 2021OECD Territorial Review of NSPA • Socio-economic analysis • Trends • Potentials for growth • Development strategies and initiatives • For example innovation clusters and the role of higher education • Governance • Strategic planning • Horizontal cooperation • Partnerships with private sector and civil society • Case studies • Approx. 10 pages per region • Will be the basis for the analysis of the whole NSPA area www.northsweden.eu
Why then an OECD review? • OECD is a respected authority with experience conducting this kind of exercise • A transnational review can identify political obstacles to cooperation • The study can help the regions in their individual development efforts • A tool for lobbying • The reasons the bonus to sparsely populated areas was extended were strong arguments backed up by research Now furthermore work on-going to align to Arctic funding www.northsweden.eu
Alsoshift EU-focus from Smart Cities… • European programmes and platforms for Smart Cities focus strongly on continued urbanisation (= large cities). www.northsweden.eu
…to Smart Cities and Regions: • European programmes and platforms for Smart Cities focus strongly on continued urbanisation (= large cities). • The unique innovation potential for Europe is the blend of some few mega-cities, a wide range of medium/small cities and the interaction, the “eco-system”, between the cities and surrounding rural areas and sparsely populated areas (SPA). www.northsweden.eu
Smart Cities and Regions • European programmes and platforms for Smart Cities focus strongly on continued urbanisation (= large cities). • The unique innovation potential for Europe is the blend of some few mega-cities, a wide range of medium/small cities and the interaction, the “eco-system”, between the cities and surrounding rural areas and sparsely populated areas (SPA). • The long distances in NSPA create a need for innovative ways to increase connectivity to reduce the cost in time, money and environmental impact. This is however as true for urban areas, due to congestion, crowded space and need to lower the carbon footprint. For example innovative ICT services developed and tested in smaller scale in SPA may therefore be replicated in larger scale in urban areas. www.northsweden.eu
Strategies for Smart regional Specialisation (”S3”) Three northerncooperation-trianglenodes Cooperation in ThreeDimensions (”C3D”) Exchange betweensectors Society/ Public sector A test bed and uniqueinnovation eco-system for Europe!? Timetounleashthe Smart Region potential!? Academy Business Creativesector Cross-border Exchange over geographicalborders Innovation! Exchange amongcompetence clusters Raw Materials Natural Resources Macro-regional (NSPA) Globally …oxygenate from the outside ”Long distances, butclosebetweenpeoplecreateunique innovation potentials!” www.northsweden.eu
NSPA commitment to the EIP SmartCities and Communities 7 October 2014 Sointu Räisänen, East and North Finland EU Office
European Innovation Partnerships (EIPs) • EIPs act across the whole research and innovation chain, bringing together all relevant actors at EU, national and regional levels to: • step up research and innovation; • coordinate investments in demonstration and pilots; • anticipate and fast-track regulation and standards; • mobilise ‘demand’ in particular through better coordinated public procurement to ensure that any breakthroughs are quickly brought to market. • EIPs are not funding instruments, but different funding instruments are exploited for their implementation • EIPsinfluencecallslaunchedwithin EU fundinginstruments
European Innovation Partnerships (EIPs) EIPs are launched in areas in which government intervention is clearly justified, and where combining EU, national and regional efforts in R&D will achieve the target quicker and more efficiently:
EU Urban Agenda: focusshiftingtowardslarge cities • Commission Communication (COM(2014) 490 final): “The Urban dimension of EU policies – key features of an EU Urban Agenda” • 3/4 of EU citizens live in urban areas, consuming 70% of the EU's overall energy consumption and emitting roughly the same share of greenhouse gases (Source: SIP) • EC keen to obtain maximum impact and hence focus on large cities - yet over 4000 of the currently more than 5000 Covenant of Mayors cities have less than 50 000 inhabitants → smaller and medium sized cities working togethercan have a huge impact
The NSPA position on Smart Cities: voice of small and medium sized cities and rural areas
Evaluation results 440 evaluated commitments resulting in 369 eligible commitments
What did we commit to? To map communities’ plans for future neighborhoods, use indicators of the CONCERTO and Smart City-projects for analyzing how to optimise existing and planned neighbourhoods, develop tool kits facilitating integrated planning and infrastructures To map research organisations’ common and complementary research and innovation excellence and capacities in the Smart City areas To map viable existing business models with viable pay-back time To map existing sustainable urban/mobility transport plans, facilitate the transfer of successful models across the NSPA and beyond To study and analyse best examples related to horizontal, integrated ICT solutions and infrastructures, existing Living Labs, Open Data, Service Design, wireless smart measurement systems and digitalization of services To map local and regional initiatives related to resource efficiency and circular economy, transfer and replication of best concepts and solutions.
The NSPA-lead EIP consortium • Arctic Power, Castilla y León, Castilla y León Innovation, Financing and Internationalisation Agency, Castilla y Leon Regional Energy Agency (EREN), Center for Internet Excellence (Oulu), Centria University of Applied Sciences, City of Joensuu, City of Kuopio, City of Lappeenranta, City of Luleå, City of Mikkeli, City of Oulu, City of Rovaniemi, City of Skellefteå, City of Umeå, City of Östersund, Cyberlightning Ltd, DataföreningeniNorr, Federation of municipalities, enterprises and provinces of Aragón (FAMCP), FREE initiative, JoensuuSciencepark, KainuunEtuOy, Kajaani University Consortium, Kajaani University of Applied Sciences, Karelia University of Applied Sciences, KemiDigipolisOy, Kiruna Municipality, Kuopio Innovation, Lapland University of Applied Sciences, LTU Business, LTU-CDT-Botnia Living Lab, Luleå University of Technology, Measurepolis Development, Mikkeli University of Applied Sciences, Municipality of Piteå, Municipality of Sundsvall, Municipality of Örnsköldsvik, Piteå Science Park, RIC Lower Silesia-consortium (Climate-KIC Regional Centre), Rovaniemi Development Agency, Savonia University of Applied Sciences, TECNARA (Aragón’s ITC, Electronics and Telecommunications Companies Cluster), Teruel Province, Troms county council, Umeå University, University of Jyväskylä, Kokkola University Consortium, University of Lapland, University of Oulu
The NSPA commitment to the EIP Smart Cities • The NSPA carry out many ongoing Smart City-type actions: the FIREBALL FP7-project, SmartHiukkavaara-district, Digital Mikkeli, Östersund Green Highway… and many more • Through the EIP commitment, the NSPA will strengthen collaboration and share existing, integrated Smart City solutions and concepts within the NSPA partners and beyond • The NSPA will set up Task Forces to coordinate the work and follow progress. The partners will organise workshops and meetings and deliver reports, publications and policy recommendations • The NSPA will actively contribute to the Action Clusters of the EIP
Benefits of NSPA commitment • EIP commitment provides a platform to promote sparsely populated/rural areas on a European level • Participation in EIP strengthens capacity to respond for example to Horizon 2020 calls on energy, ICT and transport sectors • Commitment promotes an image of NSPA regions with its cities, universities and companies as trusted partners for calls launched within European financing instruments • Participation increases NSPA’s credibility regarding lobbying activities connected to Smart Cities and urban development • European cooperation will bring about market opportunities for companies located in the NSPA