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The CHarME Project:

The CHarME Project:. C hallenges of Har monizing M edical E ducation in Europe Coordinator: Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin October 2008 – September 2010. Project Presentation: Intro.

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The CHarME Project:

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The CHarME Project: Challenges of HarmonizingMedical Education in Europe Coordinator: Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin October 2008 – September 2010

  2. Project Presentation: Intro • The CHARME Project envisages developing joint strategies for the modernisation of the medical curriculum in order to make them more transparent, more comparable, more compatible and (most importantly!) more responsive to theneeds of the 21st labour market and society ingeneral.

  3. Project Presentation: Context • Shared concern about employability. • Medical profession undergoes constant change. • CHARME will investigate different methods of curriculum reform, identify appropriate practice, suggest measures for improvement and widely disseminate results and outcome. • All this will materialise through a benchmarking exercise on medical education curriculum reform and employability!

  4. Project Presentation: Outputs • Questionnaire + handbook (Benchmarking) • Assessment Reports • Assessment Workshop I (Antwerp) • Best Practice Publication • Assessment Workshop II (Stockholm) • Valorisation Conference • Series of Articles

  5. Project Presentation: Impact • Improved comparability, ... • Improved mobility facilities, • Capacity building, • Creation of a Community for Curr. Reform, • Valorisation, • National Policies, • Extrapolation, • Stakeholders dialogue, • Better prepared professionals!

  6. Project Partners (1)

  7. Project Partners (2) • Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin (coordination) • ESMU (European Center for Strategic Management of Universities), Brussels • University of Antwerp • Leiden University Medical Center • Université Paris Descartes, Faculté de Médecine, Paris • Università Cattolica di Sacro Cuore, Rome • Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm • Semmelweis University, Budapest • BVMD (German Medical Students’ Association) • UEMS (European Union of Medical Specialists), Brussels • Basel University, Faculty of Medicine

  8. Calendar of Activities (1) • Pre-Kick-Off Meeting – Berlin 9 Oct. 2008 • Kick-Off Meeting – Berlin Oct./Nov. 2008 • Benchmarking Questionnaire Development Oct. 08 - Jan. 09 • Steering Committee Meeting – BXL Jan. 2009 • Questionnaire Completion Jan. - March 2009 • Drafting Assessment Reports April - June 2009 • Assessment Workshop I (Antwerp) July 2009 • Drafting WS I Report July - Sept. 2009

  9. Calendar of Activities (2) • Drafting Best Practice Publication Sept. – Dec.2009 • Assessment Workshop II April 2010 • Drafting WS II Report April - May 2010 • Validation Conference Berlin July 2010 • End Contract September 2010

  10. Role of each partner (1) • Project Coordinator: Berlin • Benchmarking Exercise Coordinator: ESMU • Benchmarking Group: ESMU, Berlin, Antwerp, Paris, Rome, Basel, BVMD & UEMS • Assessment Report (+ Scores): ESMU • Assessment Workshop I: Antwerp/ESMU • Assessment Workshop II: Stockholm/ESMU • Best Practice Publication: Leiden

  11. Role of each partner (2) • Final Conference Documentation: Semmelweis • Final Conference: Berlin • All university partners: take part in benchmarking exercise • All partners: management, dissemination and valorisation (as steering committee members!) • ESMU: Quality Assurance

  12. Steering Committee • Ulrike Arnold (Berlin) • Jan Bolk (Leiden) • Nadine Burquel (ESMU) • Robert Langer (Budapest) • Claire LeJeunne (Paris) • Jonas Nordquist (Stockholm) • Karl van Liempt (Antwerp) • Marco Westkemper (BVMD) • Federica Wolf (Rome)

  13. More Information www.charite.de/charme

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