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Revelations from Science: Sermons on Natural Selection versus Creation

Explore the nexus of natural selection and creation through Pastor Chui's enlightening sermons based on scientific insights. Delve into the intricate design of life and unravel the mysteries of adaptation.

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Revelations from Science: Sermons on Natural Selection versus Creation

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  1. Sermons From Science -- June 2012科学布道-- 2012年6月 In order to benefit the public, I now publish my Sermons from Science in both YouTube under the name “Pastor Chui” and also in PowerPoint slides in the website http://ChristCenterGospel.org. The contents of this presentation were taken from various sources. Most of the entries were taken from the website of the Institute for Creation Research http://icr.org. May God have all the glory. Pastor Chui http://ChristCenterGospel.org ckchui1@yahoo.com 1/7/2020 1

  2. Natural Selection Presupposes Creation 自然选择预先内设创造 • Natural selection is the flagship of Darwinism • 1. Natural is not a person. It does not select. • 2. Nature provides the conditions for organisms. • 3. An organism already possesses the genes to adapt. Those who do not adapt would die off. • 4. It is not a creative process, but conservative. • 5. Therefore, natural selection presupposes creation. 1/7/2020 2

  3. Natural Selection Presupposes Creation 自然选择预先内设创造 • Natural selection and adaptation preserve life forms, and not generate new ones • Life was created fully functional • Natural selection does not think or provide • Organisms show adaptation, not natural select • Genome study shows purpose, not selection • Eyes were designed rather than natural select • Natural selection is not nature’s intelligence • Genetic cross-over does not help evolution 1/7/2020 3

  4. Natural Selection Presupposes Creation 自然选择预先内设创造 • Life depends on non-natural DNA information • Mutation buildup indicates life is young • Mimicry is based on elegant genetic switches • An energy conversion system is required • Natural selection does not explain flight • Ancestors were faster than modern Olympians • Living fossils display no signs of long ages • Beetle larva bifocals are better than manmade 1/7/2020 4

  5. Natural Selection Presupposes Creation 自然选择预先内设创造 • Researchers see fish adapt in one generation • Mind behind the design: life’s specifications • Octopus cold adaptation surprises scientists • Oldest animal fossils evolved in wrong places • Even bacteria seem to follow the Golden Rule • Preadaptation is not a blow to irreducible complexity • Gecko eyes make great night vision cameras • Fish’s mirror eyes reflect the Creator 1/7/2020 5

  6. Natural Selection Presupposes Creation 自然选择预先内设创造 • Probability and order versus evolution • Natural selection versus supernatural design • Natural selection was coined by Edward Blyth • Pseudo-science attacks irreducible complexity • Snail changes outpace evolution’s slow crawl • Caterpillar discloses evolutionary disagreement • Study shows bird species change fast • Fish rapidly adapted to cold water • Mutation fixation: dead end for macro-evolution 1/7/2020 6

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  8. Richard Leakey’s Mistake 理查德·利基的错误 Richard Leakey is the son of the late Louis Leakey. Richard found the famous Skull 1470 over 20 years ago The Skull 1470 shook the interpretation of the fossils at that time. It was quite modern and yet found in old formation. Recently, Richard Leakey made the mistake of announcing that fossil discoveries will soon convince skeptics to give up their views 1/7/2020 8

  9. Richard Leakey’s Mistake 理查德·利基的错误 Richard Leakey forgot that all fossils must be interpreted based on one’s preconceived ideas. Regardless how many fossils will be discovered, they are always subjected to interpretations based on the perceiver. Therefore, Richard Leakey made the grave mistake of announcing that “fossil discoveries will soon convince skeptics to give up their views.” 1/7/2020 9

  10. Richard Leakey’s Mistake 理查德·利基的错误 Human foot bone misidentified as Lucy’s Man, apes, australopithecines: each uniquely different New evidence shows duck-like birds lived at the same time as dinosaurs Archaeoraptor: featured dinosaur from National Geographic doesn’t fly 1/7/2020 10

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  12. Fossils are Subjected to Interpretations化石必须基于成见来解释 • If fossils are dated with carbon-14, they must be young (thousands of years) • If fossils are dated with potassium-40 to argon-40, they must be old (millions of years) • All fossils must be interpreted to fit preconceived ideas • Zinjanthropus was dated to be about 10,000 years old using carbon-14 dating on the bone • Australopithecus was dated to be about 2 million years using K-40 to Ar-40 on the rocks! 1/7/2020 12

  13. Fossils are Subjected to Interpretations化石必须基于成见来解释 • Why don’t we find more human fossils? • Fossil political correctness in the 16th century • What are polystrate fossils? • Did Noah’s flood cover the whole earth? • Do millions of laminae in the Green River shales document millions of years? • How did marine organisms end up in tree sap? • Illustrations of ancient humans skew facts • Oldest fossils are just naturally occurring minerals 1/7/2020 13

  14. Fossils are Subjected to Interpretations化石必须基于成见来解释 • Mystery fossil study fits creation • Evolution can’t explain organic fossils • Fossil preservation required rapid burial and water-mediated mineral replacement • Extraordinary mosasaur fossil reveals original soft tissues • Remarkably preserved shrimp is 350 m.y. old? • Is fossil really a “game changer” for human evolution? • The Coconino Sandstone: A flood or a desert? 1/7/2020 14

  15. Fossils are Subjected to Interpretations化石必须基于成见来解释 • Marine shells on hilltops were results of Flood • Spectacular spider is a long-living fossil • If it’s in the museum, doesn’t that make it right? • Did snakes prey on dinosaurs 67 m. y. ago? • Our great ancestors were… sponges? • Fossil fibers befuddle dinosaur evolution • Alleged evolutionary ancestors coexisted with modern humans • Carbon dating of 70 million old mosasaur soft tissues yields surprising results 1/7/2020 15

  16. Fossils are Subjected to Interpretations化石必须基于成见来解释 • T. rex cousin evolved 60 million years too early • “Fedex” fossil calls into question the age of amphibians • The Apple (Computer) bites the African Eve • Stunning new evidence of a higher ancient sea level (70 feet higher) • New species was just a tiny human • Fossils fall into separate distinct catergories, but catastrophism is the rule of geology • Fossil pigment paints long ages into a corner 1/7/2020 16

  17. Fossils are Subjected to Interpretations化石必须基于成见来解释 • Banner fossil for evolution is demoted • Ancient teeth overturn human evolution • Scientists late to recognize human and giant mammal coexistence • Circular reasoning in evolutionary biology • Frozen penguin DNA casts doubt on DNA-based dates (mutation rates are not reliable) • Did the frozen mammoths die in the Flood or in the ice age? • Laetoli footprints out of step with evolution 1/7/2020 17

  18. Fossils are Subjected to Interpretations化石必须基于成见来解释 • Did NASA find life in Martian rocks? • Study shows many scientists manipulate results • The mystery of octopus fossils • Calibrating the Flood? • Did humans evolve from Ardi? • Dinosaur soft tissue: biofilm or blood vessels? • Discovery: Sponges and man are not related! • Sharks remain sharks • Did dinosaurs die from an impact? 1/7/2020 18

  19. Fossils are Subjected to Interpretations化石必须基于成见来解释 • Tracking those 3000 dinosaur tracks • A classic polystrate fossil • Scientists back off of Ardi claims • Fossilized insect remains from the Paleozoic • 120 m.y.-old ants alive and well? • What is a turtle fossil doing in the Arctic? • Feathered dinosaur shows earth is young • Did plant growth require vast ages? • Evolutionist tosses out Ardi as human ancestor 1/7/2020 19

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  21. Human Fossils are Extremely Rare人类化石是极其罕见的 • About 95% of all fossils are marine invertebrate fossils • Of the remaining 5%, 4.7% are algae and plants • Of the remaining 0.3%, 0.2% are insects and other invertebrates, and 0.1% are vertebrates • Only the smallest imaginable fraction of the 0.1% of vertebrate fossils consists of primates • All these primates were either apes or humans • We have not seen one single fossil that is between an ape and a human 1/7/2020 21

  22. Human Fossils are Extremely Rare人类化石是极其罕见的 1/7/2020 22

  23. Human Fossils are Extremely Rare人类化石是极其罕见的 • Why don’t we find more human fossils? • An amazing anomalous fossil – bronze bell • Fossil hand points away from human evolution • Was Lucy an ape-man? • Ancient teeth overturn human evolution • Ancient human footprints look human • Are evolution and gravity the same? • Skin sample is two million years old? • A. sediba: Another human ancestor? 1/7/2020 23

  24. Human Fossils are Extremely Rare人类化石是极其罕见的 • Neanderthal men were modern human • Humans are humans, after all • Design of man: No evolutionary evidences • Lucy’s new foot bone is actually human • What distinguishes man from ape? • 150 years later, fossils still don’t help Darwin • Human evolution story stumbles over footprints • 2011 another frustrating year for evolution • The profusion of living fossils 1/7/2020 24

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  26. Evolution is mathematically impossible 进化是数学上不可能 • Henry Morris posted the above amazing title in the icr website. • Natural selection is supposed to put good mutations in the genome. However, no one has ever observed such a good mutation. • To examine this process, start with an organism with only 1 part. Then build a simple organism gradually to only 200 parts. • Suppose each mutation has equal probability to be good or bad, 200 successive mutations to be good would be (0.5)200, or 1 chance in 1060. 1/7/2020 26

  27. Evolution is mathematically impossible 进化是数学上不可能 • We know that a one-celled plant or animal has millions of molecular parts. • Suppose we give 10 billion years (= 1018 sec). Suppose we give each mutation 0.5 sec. Then 200 mutations would require 100 sec. If not successful, start over again. Suppose every one of the earth’s 1014 sq ft has 109 mutating systems. • In 1018 sec, 1016 trials by each mutating system. No. of attempts = 1014x109x1016 = 1039. The probability of success = 1060/1039 = 1021. 1/7/2020 27

  28. Evolution is mathematically impossible 进化是数学上不可能 • This means that the chance that any kind of a 200-component integrated functioning organism could be developed by mutation and natural selection just once, anywhere in the world, in all assumed expanse of geologic time, is less then 1 chance in a billion trillion. • Emil Borel, a Swiss mathematician, declared that 1 chance in 1015 is negligible. • Therefore, evolution by mutation and natural selection is mathematically impossible and logically indefensible. 1/7/2020 28

  29. Evolution is mathematically impossible 进化是数学上不可能 • Other authors came to the same conclusion: • James Coppedge: “Evolution: Possible or Impossible” (Zondervan, 1973, 276 pp.) • W.A. Williams: “Evolution Disproved” (1943) • Wistar Institute Symposium: “Mathematical Challenges to the Neo-Darwinian Interpretation of Evolution” (1967, 140 pp.) While these scientists did not reject evolution, they did insist that the Darwinian randomness postulate would never work. 1/7/2020 29

  30. Evolution is mathematically impossible 进化是数学上不可能 • Many writers have used the law of increasing entropy to show evolution on any scale is impossible. Evolutionists have usually ignored the arguments or used vacuous arguments such as “Anything can happen given enough time”; “The earth is an open system, so the second law doesn’t apply”; “Order can arise out of chaos through dissipative structures”; etc. • In the real world of observation, as opposed to metaphysical speculation, no more complex system can ever “evolve” out of a less complex system. The probability of evolution is zero! 1/7/2020 30

  31. TAKE A BREAK 1/7/2020 31

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