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School of Civil and Environmental Engineering GEORGIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY

School of Civil and Environmental Engineering GEORGIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY . 2012-2013. AGENDA 10:00 Students arrive 10:30 Welcome and Overview of CEE Dr . Don Webster 10:50 CEE Student Services Robert Simon 11:00 Library Information Lisha Li

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School of Civil and Environmental Engineering GEORGIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY

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  1. School of Civil and Environmental Engineering GEORGIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 2012-2013

  2. AGENDA 10:00 Students arrive 10:30 Welcome and Overview of CEE Dr. Don Webster 10:50 CEE Student ServicesRobert Simon 11:00 Library InformationLishaLi 11:15 CEE Information Systems               Mike Anderson 11:30 Closing Remarks and Segue into Lunch Dr. Don Webster NoonLunch 1:00 Breakout sessions Construction Engineering SEB 316 Env. Fluid Mech. & Water Res IPST 372 Environmental Engineering ES&T 3229 Geotechnical Engineering CoC 17 Structural Engng, Mech, Mat’lsCoC 16 Transportation Engineering SEB 316 2012-2013

  3. BY THE NUMBERS No. 3 879 CIVIL ENGINEERING Grad Program UNDERGRADUATE students No. 6 ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING Grad Program 362 GRADUATEstudents $16 CORE VALUES: 54 Rigor DiversityEntrepreneurial spirit 3 MILLION in new researchfunding FY 2012 tenure-trackFACULTY CEE @ GT OVERVIEW

  4. DEMOGRAPHICS – FALL 2011 362 Total Students: 201 Ph.D., 156 M.S., 5 Special Graduate student body 31% FEMALE 34 countries and 24 states represented CEE @ GT OVERVIEW

  5. CEE AFFINITY GROUPS +Construction Engineering +Environmental Engineering + Environmental Fluid Mechanics and Water Resources +Geosystems Engineering+ Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Materials +Transportation Systems Engineering CEE @ GT OVERVIEW

  6. PRINCIPAL CEE BUILDINGS Mason Building* Daniel Lab Sustainable Education Building *under renovation through 2013 Check http://www.ce.gatech.edu/ for Swing Space Directory Structures Laboratory Environmental Science & Technology CEE @ GT OVERVIEW

  7. GRADUATE DEGREE OPTIONS IN CEE M.S. CivilEngng(requires previously earned B.S. Civil Engng) M.S. EngngSci& Mech (requires B.S. in Engng or PhysSci) M.S. Environ Engng (requires B.S. in Engng) M.S. Ph.D. Multidisciplinary Programs BioEngineering Computational Sciences & Engng Transp Planning/SystEngng (Dual Degree w/City Planning) CEE @ GT DEGREES

  8. M.S. DEGREE • Course Option (Cr Hrs) 18 Courses in Major Area of Specialization 12 Approved Electives30 Total • Thesis Option (Cr Hrs) 12 Courses in Major Area of Specialization 12 Approved Electives 6 Thesis 30 Total CEE @ GT DEGREES

  9. Ph.D. DEGREE • Program of study – approximately 50 semester hours (16-17 courses) beyond Bachelor’s degree • Minor Field of Study – 9 Credit Hrs (3 courses) • Ph.D. Qualifying Exam • Thesis proposal • Original Research Project • Thesis and Defense DEGREES

  10. RESPONSIBLE CONDUCT OF RESEARCH (RCR) • All incoming Ph.D. students, • M.S. students with GRA supported by NSF or NIH grant, you must complete ethical research conduct training: • PART I: CITI RCR Online Course • PART II: In Person Training (e.g., PHIL 6000 Responsible Conduct of Research) • http://www.compliance.gatech.edu/calendar/rcr-policy/ CEE @ GT ETHICS

  11. GENERAL RESOURCES Registrar’s Office (http://www.registrar.gatech.edu/) General Catalog (http://www.catalog.gatech.edu/) Library (http://www.library.gatech.edu/) Office for Information Tech (http://www.oit.gatech.edu/) Grad Student Gov’t (http://www.sga.gatech.edu/) Grad Studies and Admissions (http://www.gradadmiss.gatech.edu/) Int’l Student & Scholar Services (http://oie.gatech.edu/) Study Abroad (http://oie.gatech.edu/) CEE @ GT RESOURCES

  12. STUDY ABROAD: MUNDY FUND Funding designated for CEE students to participate in an international learning experience during their enrollment.Priority is given to undergraduate students! Examples of funded projects: + Brandon Strellis traveled to Norway to study hydropower,including simulations in the River Nidelva + Lynne Schleiffarth traveled to Shanghai and Beijing, China to study how port systems respond to earthquakes. Deadlines and information: http://www.ce.gatech.edu/academics/overview CEE @ GT RESOURCES

  13. LANGUAGE INSTITUTE & CETL Credit Courses Language Support Center for International Students Short Courses Graduate Prep Workshops ITA Orientation Courses for Non-native/Non-fluent English Communicators http://www.esl.gatech.edu/esl/gt_studdiscounts/ http://www.cetl.gatech.edu/courses/gradcourses/comm#nonnative CEE @ GT RESOURCES

  14. CEE ENGNG COMMUNICATIONS PROGRAM Program Addresses: Written, Graphical, and Oral Communication Skills • Program Consists of: • Formal course: CEE 6754 (not remedial!) • Workshops (e.g., NSF fellowship essays) • Individual help on publications, presentations, applications, etc. Dr. Lisa Rosenstein 325 SEB CEE @ GT RESOURCES

  15. GRADUATE CO-OPS, INTERNSHIPS Graduate Co-operative Experience http://www.gradcoop.gatech.edu/student_info.php Internships Mary Fisher (mary.fisher@dopp.gatech.edu) Work Abroad Program http://www.profpractice.gatech.edu/ CEE @ GT RESOURCES

  16. FELLOWSHIPS Fellowship Office (http://fellowships.gatech.edu/) Help with Nationally-Competitive Awards Fellowships for International Students Common Fellowships for CEE Students NSF (https://www.fastlane.nsf.gov/grfp/) NSDEG (http://ndseg.asee.org/) SMART (http://smart.asee.org/) DOE (http://scgf.orau.gov/) EPA STAR (http://www.epa.gov/ncer/fellow/) Eisenhower (http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/tpp/ddetfp.htm) SWE (http://societyofwomenengineers.swe.org/) CEE @ GT RESOURCES

  17. STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS American Society of Civil Engineers Association of Environmental Engineers and Scientists Chi Epsilon Engineering Students Without Borders Earthquake Engineering Research Institute Institute of Transportation Engineers http://www.ce.gatech.edu/academics/student-organizations CEE @ GT RESOURCES

  18. THE HONOR CODE Georgia Tech Honor Challenge I commit to uphold the ideals of honor and integrity by refusing to betray the trust bestowed upon me as a member of the Georgia Tech community. Honor Agreement Having read the Georgia Institute of Technology Academic Honor Code, I understand and accept my responsibility as a member of the Georgia Tech Community to uphold the Academic Honor Code at all times. In addition, I understand my options for reporting honor violations as detailed in the code. http://www.honor.gatech.edu CEE @ GT HONOR CODE

  19. WHO TO SEE FOR QUESTIONS • Advisor in your area of interest. In many areas, one faculty member advises all non-thesis students. • Robert Simon or Ken Irwin in Bunger Henry 214 if you have questions regarding applications for graduation, petitions to the faculty, or other required forms for graduate school. • Melisa Singley in IPST 541E if you questions regarding your GRA/GTA payments. • Dr. Don Webster in College of Computing 047 if you have questions or concerns. CEE @ GT RESOURCES


  21. CEE STUDENT SERVICES Bunger Henry, 214 404-894-2246 gradinfo@ce.gatech.edu Robert Simon Graduate Programs Manager Ken Irwin Admissions Coordinator Carol Eason (Part-Time) Applying for graduation, enrollment waivers, questions on policy and procedures I-20’s, PhD progress documentation, general questions PhD Audits, admissions process, general questions STUDENT SERVICES

  22. REGISTRATION • Registration CLOSES at 4pm on Friday, August 24 – there is no late registration. • For course selection, see your Faculty Advisor. STUDENT SERVICES

  23. REGISTRATION (continued) • August 27 – Payment deadline • August 29 – cancellation date • Future Terms: Phase I and Phase II registration • Phase I = midway through semester before • Phase II = first week of classes • PHIL 6000 – strongly recommended first summer session (must be taken within first 12 months). STUDENT SERVICES

  24. GRA/GTA INFORMATION • If you are a GRA/GTA, please note the following: • The CEE Business Office in IPST 541 handles all GRA and GTA appointments • You must obtain permission from your advisor before leaving campus for vacation or during breaks between semesters CEE @ GT STUDENT SERVICES

  25. HELPFUL TIPS & REMINDERS • Institute Academic Calendar • registrar.gatech.edu • Adhere to ALL Institute and CEE deadlines • International Students MUST check-in with OIE by 4pm on Wednesday, August 22 • Familiarize yourself with BuzzPort • Always keep your emergency contacts updated • Check your GT email daily • GTENS http://www.gatech.edu/emergency/notification.html STUDENT SERVICES


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