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Forestry and GAP by Michelle Gauthier (Forestry Conservation Service) (FORC) Christine Holding-Anyonge (Forestry Policy and Institutions Service) (FONP) Laura Russo (Forest Products Service) (FOPP) Presented at FAO Workshop on GAPs Thursday 28 October 2004
Forestry and GAP by Michelle Gauthier (Forestry Conservation Service) (FORC) Christine Holding-Anyonge (Forestry Policy and Institutions Service) (FONP) Laura Russo (Forest Products Service) (FOPP) Presented at FAO Workshop on GAPs Thursday 28 October 2004 Working PowerPoint updated April 2006
GAP Concept and Forestry Good Agricultural Practices is the application of available knowledge to the use of the natural resource base in a sustainable way for the production of safe, healthy food and non-food agricultural products, in a humane manner, while achieving economic viability and social stability.
Complexity of the forestry resource Resources: Forests, planted forests, agroforestry systems, other trees outside forest systems Lands: Forests and other wooded lands, agricultural Urban and Rural Products: Wood, pulp and paper, fuelwood Non Wood Forest Products (nwfp),Agroforestry products Services: Watershed conservation, soil fertility, erosion Control, windbreak, landscape management * Definition of nwfp (land origin); and agroforestry
Driving forces… Challenges • Tree and land tenure - Public and private • Scale/level: farming systems; watershed; landscape; production systems • Goods and services • Stakeholders: small-farmer, community, private enterprise, government, local authorities Three pillars Economic, social and environmental “Good Practices in Forestry” … GAP, GAFP, SFMP, GHP, GMP, … ..Good Agricultural Practices, ‘Good Agroforestry Practices’, Sustainable Forest Management Practice, Good Hygiene Practice, Good Manufacturing Practice..
Social equitable Environmental friendly Economic viable Three Pillars Forestry Policy and Information Division (FON) Forest Resources Division (FOR) Promotion of the sustainable forestry Forest Products and Economics Division (FOP)
GAP PAPER II Food safety B Environment M Social S FORESTRY Environmental Social Food Safety FAO Expertise in GAP and Good Forestry Practice(GFP)(Speedy dot classification system) … Synergy, Complementarity, Commonalities …
FAO Forestry Department roleas it relates to GAP and GFP • Assist member countries in developing & implementing Good Practices in the Forestry Sector • Provides with a Neutral Forum for dialogue – equitable corporate & small-holders partnership, negotiations process • Facilitates International and National Processes – C&I, standards, codes of conducts, codes of practices, guidelines.
Equitable Partnerships, Markets, and Forest Extension (C. Holding – FONP) Forest extension seeks to: • Promote problem solving and multi-stakeholder approaches to enhance the contribution of trees and forests to sustainable land use and food security • Tackles issues of social justice, using principle of dialogue, learning processes, and balanced with parameters of environmental sustainability • Emphasis on partnerships that facilitate access to markets and market information • Forest extension is elaborating and implementing a variety of partnership approaches base don the principles social, economic equity and environmental sustainability
Corporate Small-holder partnership (1)Why now? • Demand for forest products • Harvesting in natural forests proscribed: environmental and conservation concerns; biodiversity; indigenous rights • Future production foci: planted forests and trees on farms • Livelihoods diversification opportunities for smallholders
Corporate small-holder partnership (…2)Conditions for mutually beneficial partnerships • Policy • Economic • Socio-cultural • Ecological • Management - Preconditions - Mutually beneficial - Recognition of diverse and multiple objectives - Sustainability - Respectful practices, joint action learning Outgrower schemes in Brazil, Colombia, Ghana, India, Indonesia, New Zealand, Portugal, Solomon Islands, South Africa, Vanuatu, Zimbabwe…
Corporate small-holder partnershipsVision (…3) • Improved effectiveness, efficiency and equity of partnerships between corporate and smallholder investors in planted trees and forests landscapes • Corporate smallholder partnerships exhibiting greater equity supported by and integrated into institutional, legal frameworks, corporate strategies and policy process in their respective countries
Corporate small-holder partnerships (…4)How to get there • Understanding of appropriate contexts for partnerships improved • Guidance for partnerships improved • Capacity for partnerships improved • Governance of partnerships improved
C&I, Guidelines, Codes of conduct/practices,E&S assessments, Standards and Certification Sustainable forest management (SFM) • International and national processes on criteria and indicators for SFM • C&I as a framework for SFM and certification schemes • 9 international processes, 150 countries • Tenure and use rights and responsibilities; Indigenous Peoples’ Rights, Benefits from the forests, Environmental impact, Management plan, Monitoring and Assessment; Maintenance of high conservation values forest; plantations • Stakeholders • FAO Model Code of Forest Harvesting Practices (next …) • Model and demonstration forests (next …)
C&I, Codes, Standards, Guidelines (…2) Sustainable forest management (SFM) (…2) • FAO Model Code of Forest Harvesting Practices • Social dimension in codes of forest practices: ILO and labour standards in forest industries • Environmental and social assessment of forest utilizations • Regional codes: Asia-Pacific (1999) , Central and West Africa • National codes (e.g. Australia, British Colombia, Fiji, Guyana, Indonesia, Malaysia, New Zealand, South Africa)
C&I, Codes, Standards, Guidelines (…3) Sustainable forest management (SFM) (…3) • Model and demonstration forests • Canada … voluntary partnership of all individual, organizations, interest groups and private companies who have a stake in the SFM • International Model Forest Network (IMFN) in 32 model forests in 12 Countries (Canada, USA, Mexico, Chile, Argentina, Russian Federation, Japan, China, Myanmar, Thailand, the Philippines and Indonesia) • FAO/Japan Regional Forest Project in Asia covering China, the Philippines, Thailand and Myanmar • FAO/Technical Cooperation Project (TCP) project in Argentina • FAO : Identification of potential future model and demonstration forests • Other partners: CIFOR, ITTO, CATIE, …
C&I, Codes, Standards, Guidelines (…4) Sustainable forest management (SFM) (…4) • Forest management certification: Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), Pan European Forest Council (PEFC), Rainforest Alliance SFM for goods (e.g. wood, pulp & paper, nwfp, fuelwood, wildlife) … services and welfare
C&I, Codes, Standards, Guidelines (…5) Planted Forests Code • Draft publicly released – a framework of guiding principles & key considerations for planted forest developments (multi-stakeholder process on-going) http://www.fao.org/forestry/plantedforestscode • Feedback & dialogue (on-going) Fire Management Code • 2nd draft Code & Strategy to Enhance International Cooperation in Implementation of the Fire Management Code (multi-stakeholder process on-going) • Expert consultation, Madrid, May 2006 to review Code and Strategy Processes for Planted Forests Code & Fire Management Code & Strategy supported by Africa Forestry & Wildlife & Asia Pacific Forestry Commissions (March/April 06), Private Sector Associations & International NGOs Final Drafts of Planted Forests Code & Fire Management Code & Strategy to COFO, 2007 for consideration & appropriate action, incl. capacity building, monitoring & reporting
C&I, Codes, Standards, Guidelines (…6) Non-wood forest products (nwfp) • Best practices for selected NWFP: • TCP on gum arabic, agarwood • Case studies Bolivia (brazil nut, Nuevo Milenio); Ghana (shea, TechnoServe), Namibia (Devil’s caw, CRIAA SA-DC), Germany (devil’s claw, TRAFFIC) and UK (Brazil nuts, consultant) • FOP is assessing the impact of trade and marketing on the sustainable use of nwfp • Publications: e.g. “Labelling, standards and certification issues for forest gathered food products” • Collaborators for certification and guidelines: WHO, ILO, ITTO, IFOAM, IUFRO, CIFOR, CRIAA SADC, IUCN, WWF/TRAFFIC, UNCTAD
C&I, Codes, Standards, Guidelines (…7) Agroforestry, urban forestry and other Trees outside forests • Agroforestry and Special Programme for Food Security (SPFS) such as: • Nigeria - introduction of an agroforestry component; with ICRAF • Guatemala – community forestry • Agroforestry Extension and Food Security: Web material (in preparation) • 1st World Congress of Agroforestry (Orlando, USA, 2004): Parallel session on Agroforestry & Food Security • Low forest cover countries (LFCC) and the Tehran Process • Trees Outside Forests (TOF) and Forest Resources Assessment (FRA) – assessment (data collection and methodology development) • Certification : IFOAM, Forest Garden Initiative (FGI), Rainforest Alliance/Smartwood Programme (FSC Draft Principle # 11)
Sustainable Forest Managementand NWFP Certification (1) • Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) Certification • Organic Certification • Social Certification • Product Quality Certification
Sustainable Forest Management and NWFP Certification (...2) Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) Generic guidelines for assessing the management of NTFP in natural forests: 1. Commitment to FSC principles and legal requirements; 2. Land tenure and use rights and responsibilities; 3. Forest management planning and monitoring; 4. Forest management practices; 5. Environmental impacts & conservation; 6. Social & cultural impacts; 7. Community & worker relations; 8. Benefits from the forest and economic viability; 9. Chain of custody. Draft Principle # 11 on NTFP