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LESSON PLANI. GENERAL INFORMATIONEducative Institution : ……………….. Year of instruction : 4º Component : Oral and written Communication Theme : “Healthy food”Time : 90’Number of students : …………………Trainee : ………………… II.METHODOLOGICAL STRATEGIES 2.1 Method : Communicative 2.1.1. Techniques: Skimming-Scanning, Role Play, Group work, realia.2.1.2. Materials: Markers, Board, CD, Radio, English – Spanish dictionary.
III. EXPECTED OUTCOMES3.1. Transversal content : Environmental Education.3.2. Fundamental capacities : Critical and creative thought.3.3. Area capacities:3.3.1 Oral comprehension and expression: - Express rightly the food they normally eat3.3.2 Text Comprehension: - Extract and gather the main idea of the text. - Identify the sort of healthy food of the text. 3.3.3 Text Production: - Write a summary of the new learning at classifying and explaining what food is healthy. 3.3.4 Attitude to the areaValues and Attitudes - Values the importance of having healthy eating habits.
IV. BASIC CONTENT 4.1 Grammar : Modal “would” 4.2 Lexical items : Apple, potatoes, tomatoes, beans, egg, cucumber, lettuce, bread, meat. 4.3 Phonetic Transcription : /ˈæpəl/, /pəˈteɪtəs/ /təˈmeɪtəs/, /bins/, /ɛg/, /'kjʊ:kʌmbəʳ/, /'letɪs/, /mɪlk/, /bred/, /mi:t/ 4.4 Previous knowledge : Vocabulary related to food.V. BIBLIOGRAPHY - ENGLISH SECONDARY 4. Santillana S.A. Editores, Lima- Perú. 2008.
VI. METHODOLOGICAL STRATEGIES1.Situation to get previous knowledge. (10 minutes)- Teacher takes an apple out of his backpack and asks: What’s this? Do you like apples? Why is an apple important? Later, he shows a saying ¨An apple keeps a doctor away ¨ and aks: what does it mean? -After that, he asks some questions about the food they eat: What do you usually eat for each meal? What you eat, is it good for your health? What kind of food is good for our health? - Then, he asks for the topic: ¨Healthy food¨ 2. Situation to elaborate new knowledge (20 minutes)- He presents some new vocabulary: vitamins, energies, proteins, calories, carbohydrates. - He asks the students to listen to a conversation (without opening the book). - Now open books, he asks the students to read the text “Healthy Eating”
“HEALTHY EATING” Eating healthy foods is important at any age. As we get older though, our food needs change. We usually exercise less as we age, and our bodies tend to lose muscle and gain fat. This happens even when our weight does not change. Being overweight can lead to high blood pressure, diabetes and heart disease. Continuing or starting an exercise program, and eating lean foods can limit weight gain and muscle loss. Most of our vitamin and mineral needs stay about the same as we age. One exception is CALCIUM. Older adults need more calcium. If calorie needs fall, but other nutrient needs stay the same, the food choices we make should be good ones.
Next, he asks the students to read the text in silent way, taking about 10 minutes, in order to: 1. Identify the main idea in each paragraph, through a questionnaire (next slide). 2. Underline key words. • Later, the students presents their task on a wall chart. • Finally, he asks to listen to the text once again, so that they read the text in groups.
QUESTIONNAIRE PART A:Which are true, and which are false? • High blood pressure, diabetes and heart disease are problems caused for being overweight . ( ) ( ) • People usually exercise. ( ) ( ) • Junk food is good for our body. ( ) ( ) Part B: Write • One main idea for each paragraph. • What adults have to do for healthy life.
3. Situation to incorporate learning to life(35 minutes)- He asks to work in pairs these exercises: A. Mr. Gomez wants to prepare a salad. What combination would be your favorite. Tell your partner. Lettuce--- Peppers------ Cucumber ------ Peas------ Tomatoes----- Carrots------ Green Beans B. You have to prepare breakfast for your family . What would you serve? Why? Choose from the box ad explain you choose.I would servemilk and bread because children needs vitamins in milk and bread gives us energy4. Situation to evaluate (25 minutes) - He asks the students to write about what usual food is healthy and why. - He asks to read their summary. Pineapple / orangejuice, milk, cereal, bread, tea, crackers, eggs,
GRADING SCALE 0 = Worst work/ Fail 1 = Shoddy work/ Poor 2 = Satisfactory work/ Satisfactory 3 = Good work/ Good 4 = Great work/ Very good 5 = Perfect work/ Excellent