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Barn Owls Tyto alba

General Description. Medium sized owl Classification: Tytonidae vs. Strigidae or ?true owls"One of most common types of land birds worldwide46 Barn Owl racesVocalizationscreams and hissesTypical CallYoung Found on all continents except Antarctica. Physical Description. 13 ? 19 inches in leng

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Barn Owls Tyto alba

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    1. Barn Owls Tyto alba Sarah Brochu LT 130 Spring 2006

    2. General Description Medium sized owl Classification: Tytonidae vs. Strigidae or “true owls" One of most common types of land birds worldwide 46 Barn Owl races Vocalization screams and hisses Typical Call Young Found on all continents except Antarctica

    3. Physical Description 13 – 19 inches in length 39 – 49 inch wing span Female slightly larger and darker than male Heart shaped face

    4. Diet Prey include: Pocket gophers Voles and moles House and deer mice Rats Insects Rabbits Crayfish Frogs and lizards Bats Birds

    5. Hunting Hunt at dusk and dawn Silent flight Acute hearing Excellent low light vision In flight capture of prey

    6. Reproduction Can breed year-round Nest in: Hollow trees Cliff cavities Buildings Nest boxes Lay 3 – 9 dull white eggs 30 -33 day incubation period Mature in 10 – 12 weeks

    7. Barn Owl Habitat Found in open habitats such as: Grasslands Open woodlands Marshes Agricultural areas Deserts Endangered in some states

    8. Barn Owl Vulnerability 60-80% die before 1 yr. old Short life span due to: Pesticides Predation by Great Horned Owl Power lines Starvation

    9. How You Can Help… Build a Barn Owl Box Barn Owl Headquarters Rescue

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