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GRECO-ROMAN IDEAS. STD 10.1.1 Analyze the similarities and differences in Judeo-Christian and Greco-Roman views of laws, reason, faith and duties of the individual. 2005. Greek Systems of Government. Government System for controlling society Monarchy A government by a royal family

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  1. GRECO-ROMAN IDEAS STD 10.1.1 Analyze the similarities and differences in Judeo-Christian and Greco-Roman views of laws, reason, faith and duties of the individual 2005

  2. Greek Systems of Government Government System for controlling society Monarchy A government by a royal family Autocracy A government in which one person has all the power

  3. Greek Systems of Government Aristocracy Government ruled by the wealthy or upper class (small group of noble, land-owning families Oligarchy Government ruled by a few powerful people Democracy The council of citizens helped form laws and limited the power of rulers

  4. Contributions To The Development Of Democracy • Reformers • Solon – Increased freedom and participation in democracy • Passed law to outlaw slavery based on debt; cancelled farmers’ debt (avoid revolution/civil war) • Citizenship based on income not heredity (4 classes) • Created Council of Four Hundred • Cleisthenes – Decreased the power of the nobility • Founder of Democracy • Increased participation in government • Pericles – Introduced the idea of direct democracy (citizens rule directly and not through representatives)

  5. Greek Philosophers Assumptions: • The universe, is put together in an orderly way and is subject t absolute an unchanging laws • People can understand these laws through logic and reason

  6. Greek Philosophers • Socrates • Used a question and answer approach, Socratic Method • Plato • In his famous work the Republic, he set forth his vision of a perfectly governed society (governed by the wisest-philosopher-king) • Aristotle • Examined the nature of the world and of human belief, thought and knowledge

  7. Legacy of Greece • Used reason/intelligence to discover and explain natural laws • First to develop 3 branches of government • Legislative: pass laws • Executive: carry out laws • Judicial: settle disputes

  8. From Kingdom to Republic • 5 main points: • Aristocrats in Rome set up a republic. • A republic is an indirect form of democracy where representatives make decisions for you. • Only free born males were allowed to vote. • patricians (aristocratic landowners) and plebians (common farmers, artisans, merchants) fought for power • plebians were able to gain more control


  10. How Does Roman Law Influence The Development Of Democracy • Principles • Equal treatment under law • Innocent until proven guilty • Burden of proof rested with the accuser rather than the accused • Punishment only for actions • Any law that seemed to be unreasonable or grossly unfair could be set aside

  11. How Does Roman Law Influence The Development Of Democracy? • Written Legal Codes • 12 tables – all free citizens had right to protection of the law; laws would by fairly administered • Code of Justinian-guide on legal matters throughout Western Europe • Influence on Democracy • Laws were meant to be applied fairly and impartially to all

  12. Republican Government • Government with separate branches • Two officials-consuls commanded army and directed government Legislative branch-senate (patricians) and 2 assemblies

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