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This Adolescent Life

This Adolescent Life. An exploration of the physical, individual, social, and cognitive developments of adolescents. Group 3M Michael Gadient Melanie Harrington Brenda Hummel Erin Richards. Leptin. Fat Cells. Hypothalamus. Initiation of Puberty (1.35).

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This Adolescent Life

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  1. This Adolescent Life An exploration of the physical, individual, social, and cognitive developments of adolescents Group 3M Michael Gadient Melanie Harrington Brenda Hummel Erin Richards

  2. Leptin Fat Cells Hypothalamus Initiation of Puberty (1.35) Sex Hormones (Estradiol, Testosterone) GnRH Gonads Leads to bodily change Gonadotropins (FSH, LH) Pituitary Gland Gametes Adrenal Gland Androgens ACTH GnRH = gonadotropin-releasing hormone ACTH = adrenocorticotropic hormone FSH = follicle-stimulating hormone LH = luteinizing hormone

  3. Physical Growth (2.5, 2.14, 3.2, 3.5)

  4. Physical Growth (2.7-13) • Muscle growth is due to testosterone and is therefore greater in males. • Weight lifting is not recommended during pubertal muscle growth.   • During puberty fat levels increase dramatically in both sexes. Ratio of muscle to fat: • Girls 5:4 • Boys 3:1 • Female fat accumulation peaks just before menarche.

  5. Physical Growth (1.38)

  6. Primary Sex Characteristics (1.41) • At birth: 400,000 immature eggs • During puberty: 80,000 immature eggs in each ovary • Menarche: Begins between ages 9-16 • a thick layer of blood and tissue cells is formed in uterus • ovary releases mature egg • egg is either fertilized (pregnancy) or released (menstruation) • egg becomes mature every 28 days during regular menstruation • At birth: No sperm • During puberty: millions of sperm produced every day • Spermarche: Begins around age 12 • 1st production of sperm • appearance of nocturnal emissions about every 2 weeks

  7. Primary Sex Characteristics(1.41, 3.3, 4.2) Changes in reproductive anatomy caused by changes in hormones

  8. Secondary Sex Characteristics(4.1-2, 3.1) Hair increases, changing from soft and fine to thick and coarse, and grows where it didn’t before. Females 9-14 years of age • Pubic • Underarm • Facial • Limbs Males 12-16 years of age • Pubic • Underarm • Facial • Limbs • Chest • Back • Shoulders

  9. Secondary Sex Characteristics(1.42-43) Female Breast Development Process Areolar Enlargement Breast Buds Overall Breast Enlargement • Breast Development • Most girls and some boys experience enlarged breasts. These breasts disappear in boys within 1 year of appearance. Nipple Projection • Skin • Rougher • Increased sweat production makes skin oilier • More prone to acne and odor

  10. Order of Pubertal Events (5)

  11. Self Reflection Behaviors • Lie on bed alone and listen to music • Look in the mirror and groom oneself • Sit alone and fantasize Thoughts • Who am I? • What do people think of me? • What kind of life will I have?

  12. Consequences of Self-Reflection (1.164)

  13. Self-Concept (1.165) • Focus on abstract traits • “I’m really nice, smart, and mature, but when I am with the guys I can be a real jerk.” • Actual self or feared self • “I’ll probably be a loser just like my brother. He’s 30 and still lives with my parents.” • Possible self or ideal self • “I’m going to be a famous writer, make money and buy my own island.”

  14. Four Domains of Self-Image that may affect Self-Esteem (6) * Susan Harter * • Appearance • “Chelsea, does my butt look fat in these jeans?” • Social Acceptance • “Three people have already invited me to the party.” • Close Friendship • “Jessica totally understands me. It’s like we’re twins.” • Romantic Appeal • “I can’t believe he called me and asked me to the dance.”

  15. Personal Relationships (1.75) Identity Beliefs and Values Work

  16. Psychosocial Moratorium(7) Periods of trying things out Identity exploration No adult responsibility + + = Identity Achievement *It’s what parents can’t wait for*

  17. Awareness of Identity(1.184) I don’t think of myself as Asian American. I’m just American. Assimilation I’m not part of two cultures. I’m just African American. Separation When I’m with my Somali friends I feel American, and when I’m with my American friends I feel Somali. Marginality Being Mexican and American means I get the best of both worlds. Biculturalism

  18. Social Aspects of Adolescent Development

  19. Parent Child Relationships (8,9) • The establishment of Autonomy. • There is an increase in distance in parent-child relationships. • Autonomy is necessary if the teen is to become self-sufficient in society.

  20. Leisure can be separated into 3 categories: How Adolescents Spend Their Time (10) Adult/ Parent 15% School 23% • 40% Socializing with friends • 23% Maintenance (self-care) • 29% Productive (homework, volunteer activities) Sleep33% Leisure 29%

  21. Establishing Identity Through Associations (1.249-253) An important part of establishing an identity in adolescence involves associations with cliques and crowds. • Cliques are small groups of friends who know each other well, do things together, and form regular social groups. • Crowds are larger, reputation-based groups who are not necessarily friends and do not necessarily spend much time together. • Cliques and crowds help define their own identities and the identities of others. • In late adolescence as identities are better established, and adolescents become more individualistic, the significance of crowds diminishes.

  22. What’s up Rodgerson? Need a lift?

  23. Interactions with the Opposite Sex As adolescence progresses, teens begin to spend more time in mixed sex crowds.

  24. Types of Dating (11) Dating helps adolescents develop intimacy and the ability to love and care for others. • Group dating - A group of many boys and girls go out together. • Casual dating - Individuals go out once in a while with no committed relationship. This gives adolescents a chance to experiment with dating and discover who they enjoy spending time with. • Serious dating - The couple is committed to one another in an exclusive relationship.

  25. Social Skills (1.257) Popularity and the ability to make friends easily are often associated with healthy social skills. Unpopular adolescents tend to lack social skills and have difficulty making friends. The two types of unpopular adolescents are: Rejected adolescents have a greater risk of dropping out of school and having aggression-related problems. Neglected adolescents are likely to have low self esteem and suffer from loneliness, depression and alcohol abuse.

  26. Interventions (1.259) Teachers can help students counteract the affects of unpopularity by incorporating activities in the classroom that focus on learning social skills. • Rejected students should be taught how to control and manage anger and aggressiveness. • Neglected students should be taught how to enter a group, how to listen in an attentive and friendly way, and how to attract positive attention from peers.

  27. Ways in which Adolescents Support One Another (1.247) Advice and guidance in solving personal problems. Informational Support Instrumental Support Help with tasks. Ability to rely on one another in social activities. Companionship Support Esteem Support Encouraging success and consoling failure.

  28. Cognitive Learning Theory Cognitive Learning Theory – Explains learning by focusing on changes in mental processes and structures that occur as a result of people’s efforts to make sense of the world.(12.237) 4 basic principles

  29. Cognitive Development “You cannot teach a 9-year-old something that only a13-year-old can learn.”(1.66) Piaget’s Stages of Development Classroom Application: (13) Preoperational - Use concrete props and visual aids to illustrate lessons and help children understand what is being presented Operational - Ask students to deal with no more than three or four variables at a time. Require reading with a limited number of characters. Formal Operational - Give students an opportunity to explore many hypothetical

  30. Cognitive Development- In Emerging Adulthood - “The gains that take place in emerging adulthood appear to be due more to education than to maturations.” (1.71-73)

  31. Information Processing Information Processing – Theory of learning that explains how stimuli enter our memory systems, are selected and organized for storage, and are retrieved from memory. (1.74)

  32. Memory(12.240,242) Stimuli Sensory Memory Attention/ Perception Working Memory Long-term Memory

  33. Can Adolescents Make Competent Decisions? Critical Thinking – Way of thinking that involves not merely memorizing information but analyzing it, making judgments about what it means, relating it to other information, and considering ways in which it might be valid or invalid. (1.81-82) Results of Research • Studies suggest that critical thinking skills do not develop automatically in adolescence. • Adolescents appear to be capable of making some decisions although psychological factors may be more likely to influence their decisions.

  34. Identifying the consequences that would result from each choice Identifying the range of possible choices Behavioral Decision Theory(1.81-82) Evaluating the desirability of each consequence Integrating information Assessing the likelihood of each consequence

  35. Awareness of Identity(1.83,86, 12.250-251) The limited ability to understand the thoughts and feelings of others. Perspective Taking Imaginary Audience Everyone is staring at me! The process people use to attach meaning to stimuli. Perception The number of connections or links between an idea and other ideas in long-term memory. Meaningfulness

  36. Psychometric Approach(1.88,92-93) Psychometric Approach – Focuses on measuring individual’s cognitive abilities through Intelligence Testing. • Sternberg: Intelligence measured by IQ tests. • Intelligence test scores improved throughout the teens and twenties for verbal tests, but performance scores peaked in the mid-twenties.

  37. Impact of Diversity on Information Processing(1.94-95) The role of culture in cognitive development cannot be underestimated. • Cultural psychology suggests that cognition and culture are inextricably related. • Some scholars have suggested that the Western adolescent intense exposure to electronic media has diminished information-processing abilities.

  38. So…what do you think of that?

  39. References • Arnett, J.J. (2001). (Custom edition.) Adolescence and emerging adulthood: A cultural approach. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall. • Maternal and Child Health Bureau. (2005). Adolescent Physical Development: Uses and Limitations fo Growth Charts. http://depts.washington.edu/growth/module7/text/page1a.htm • American Academy of Pediatrics. (2005). Puberty Information for Boys and Girls. http://www.aap.org/family/puberty.htm • University of Maryland Medical Center. (2001). Adolescent Development. http://www.umm.edu/ency/article/002003.htm • TAP Pharmaceutical Products Inc. (2005). Central Precocious Puberty Symptoms and Causes. http://www.toosoon.com/PL.do/cpp/Default.aspx • Harter, S. (1982). The Perceived Competence Scale for Children. Child Development. 53(1). • Strayer, J. (2002). The Dynamics of Emotions and Life Cycle Identity. Identity: An Intrinsical Journal of Theory and Research. 2(1), 47-49. • Zwick, S. Adolescence: What’s happening to the Child-Parent Relationship?http://inside.bard.edu/academic/specialproj/darling/adolescence.htm • Huebner, A. (2000). Adolescent Growth and Development. http://www.ext.vt.edu/pubs/family/350-850/350-850.html 10. Binger, J.J. (1994). Individual and Family Development, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, pp. 330-376. In Simon, J. How Do Adolescents Spend Their Time?http://inside.bard.edu/academic/specialproj/darling/adolescence.htm 11. Steinberg, L. (1989). Adolescence. New York: McGraw-Hill, Inc. In Oswald, A. Issues of Adolescent Dating.http://inside.bard.edu/academic/specialproj/darling/adsoc.htm#sexual

  40. References • Eggen, Paul and Kauchak, Don., Educational Psychology Windows on Classroom. 6th-ed. Pearson Education Inc., Upper Saddle River: New Jersey, 2004. • Huitt, W. (1997). Cognitive development: Applications. Educational Psychology Interactive. Valdosta, GA: Valdosta State University. Retrieved [date], from http://chiron.valdosta.edu/whuitt/col/cogsys/piagtuse.html. Photographs www.punchstock.com uuhsc.utah.edu/andrology/photo_gallery.html www.mos.org/cst/article/5671/4.html www.ppae.ab.ca/templates/ppae/images/puberty_female.gif www.ppae.ab.ca/templates/ppae/images/puberty_male.gif www.periphery.co.uk/guardian/142puberty.htm

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