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Courtney Dawson Samantha Fabbri Nish Pais Cristian Rocha Avik Sarkar

Commentary: Memory for spatial locations, motor responses, and objects: triple dissociation among the hippocampus, caudate nucleus, and extrastriate visual cortex (Raymond P. Kesner , Bridget L. Bolland , Manoli Dakis , 1992). Courtney Dawson Samantha Fabbri Nish Pais Cristian Rocha

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Courtney Dawson Samantha Fabbri Nish Pais Cristian Rocha Avik Sarkar

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Commentary:Memory for spatial locations, motor responses, and objects: triple dissociation among the hippocampus, caudate nucleus, and extrastriate visual cortex(Raymond P. Kesner, Bridget L. Bolland, ManoliDakis, 1992) Courtney Dawson Samantha Fabbri Nish Pais Cristian Rocha Avik Sarkar

  2. BackgroundIntroductionContradictory Evidence Recent StudiesFollow-up StudyConclusion Schedule • Background • Introduction • Contradictory Evidence • Recent Studies • Follow-up Study • Conclusions

  3. Samantha Fabbri BackgroundIntroductionContradictory Evidence Recent Studies Follow-up Study Conclusion Background 1. Hippocampus exclusively mediates all incoming information INPUT Spatial Location Response Visual Object Info Hippocampus

  4. Samantha Fabbri BackgroundIntroductionContradictory Evidence Recent StudiesFollow-Up StudyConclusion 2. Triple dissociation among the hippocampus, caudate nucleus and extra-striate visual cortex INPUT Extra-striate Visual Cortex Hippocampus Caudate Nucleus Visual Object Info Spatial Location Response

  5. Samantha Fabbri BackgroundIntroductionContradictory Evidence Recent Studies Follow-up Study Conclusion Introduction • triple dissociation among: • hippocampus • caudate nucleus • extra-striate visual cortex • Response • Spatial location • Visual object recognition

  6. Courtney Dawson BackgroundIntroductionContradictory Evidence Recent Studies Follow-up Study Conclusion Lesions ? • Spatial location controls received cortical lesions • Response and visual object controls received sham-operated control Lesions • The extent of each lesion was variable

  7. Avik Sarkar Olfactory Cues BackgroundIntroductionContradictory Evidence Recent Studies Follow-up Study Conclusion • One study regarding odor familiarity in a radial maze hypothesized that such patterns of exploration would depend upon the olfactory environment • olfactory information can act as directional cues for animals exploring the radial maze.

  8. Courtney Dawson BackgroundIntroductionContradictory EvidenceRecent StudiesFollow-Up StudyConclusion Recent Studies Voermans et al. 2004. Interaction between the Human Hippocampus and the Caudate Nucleus during Route Recognition. Neuron. 43:427-435.

  9. Avik Sarkar Mizumori, S., Yeshenko, O., Gill, K., and Davis, D. 2004. Parallel processing across neural systems: Implications for a multiple memory system hypothesis. Neuro. Learning and Memory. 82:278-298. BackgroundIntroductionContradictory EvidenceRecent StudiesFollow-Up Study Conclusion

  10. Courtney Dawson BackgroundIntroductionContradictory EvidenceRecent StudiesFollow-Up StudyConclusion Follow-Up Study Purpose  Is there an interaction between the hippocampus, caudate nucleus and extra-striate visual cortex in mediating working memory? Method  Selectively lesion either: • 1. The hippocampus and caudate nucleus • 2. The hippocampus and extra-striate visual cortex • 3. Extra-striate visual cortex and caudate nucleus • 4. Only the hippocampus

  11. Avik Sarkar BackgroundIntroductionContradictory EvidenceRecent StudiesFollow-Up StudyConclusion Conclusion Our Revised Conclusion • Multiple-memory systems exist and converge at a higher processing level.

  12. IntroductionBackgroundMethods / Results Supporting EvidenceContradictory Evidence Further ResearchConclusion References Birke, L., Sadler, D., 1999. Effects of odor familiarity on the development of systematic exploration in the spiny mouse, Acomys cahirinus. Developmental psychobiology. 20(6):627-40 Cohen, Y., Reuveni, I., Barkai, E., Maroun, M. 2008. Olfactory learning-induced long-lasting enhancement of descending and ascending synaptic transmission to the piriform cortex. Journal of Neuroscience. 28(26):6664-9. Kesner, P. Bolland, B. and Dakis, M. 1992. Memory for spatial locations, Motor responses and objects: triple dissociation among the hippocampus, caudate nucleus, and extrastriate visual cortex. Exp. Brain Res. 93:462-470. Mizumori, S., Yeshenko, O., Gill, K., and Davis, D. 2004. Parallel processing across neural systems: Implications for a multiple memory system hypothesis. Neuro. Learning and Memory. 82:278-298. Voermans et al. 2004. Interaction between the Human Hippocampus and the Caudate Nucleus during Route Recognition. Neuron. 43:427-435.

  13. BackgroundIntroductionContradictory EvidenceRecent StudiesFollow-Up StudyConclusion The End

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