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National Overview Germany Peter Fritz. EAES Combined Meeting 2011 Amsterdam, June 18 - 22, 2010. Vice President for Research and Innovation. Germany within the Top Ten. (Electricity production of Nuclear Power Plants in 2010). German nuclear power phase-out (Status 2002). 2002.
National Overview GermanyPeter Fritz EAES Combined Meeting 2011 Amsterdam, June 18 - 22, 2010 Vice President for Research and Innovation
Germany within the Top Ten (Electricity production of Nuclear Power Plants in 2010)
German nuclear power phase-out(Status June 2011) 2011 2022 inoperative (Moratorium) inoperative (Moratorium) inoperative (Moratorium) inoperative (Moratorium) inoperative (Moratorium) inoperative (Moratorium) inoperative (Moratorium)
Press Articles „on Fukushima“: until 14.04.2011 Germany43.640 All other EU member states 9.300 Source: Meltwater News • Until12.04.: • morethan 300 registered inquiriesat Helmholtz • More than150 articlesin printmedia, • More than50 TV reports, • More than80 radiointerviews, • More than270 articlesin online media.
Election in the state of Baden-Württemberg Vote-% change for the parties
Election in the state of Baden-Württemberg Seats for the parties
Title: „Germany‘s Turnaround in Energy: A Joint Effortforthe Future“ Chairs: Klaus Töpfer & Matthias Kleiner Conclusions: The diversityandcomplexityoftheproposals, whichconcerntheprocedure, themeasuresandtheinstitutionsoftheturnaround in energy, makeclearthatthisisindeed a jointeffort (‚Gemeinschaftswerk‘). The EthicsCommissionconsidersthestepwisephase-out ofnuclearenergyas an extraordinarychallengeto all participantsand, atthe same time, as a sourceofnewopportunitiesforthecontributionofthepublic in localdecisions. The EthicsCommissionisconvincedthatthephase out ofnuclearenergycanbeachievedwithin a decade, bymeansofthereportedmeasures. This objectiveandtherequiredmeasuresshouldbetakenupbysociety in a binding form. The requireddecisionsforplanningandinvestmentscanonlybetaken on basisofdistinctandtimedgoals. The processrequires a consequent, goalorientedandpoliticallyefficientmonitoring (analysis, assessment, recommendations). Ethics-Commission: Safe Energy Supply (1/3) Final Report dated May 30 2011
Title: „Germany‘s Turnaround in Energy: A Joint Effortforthe Future“ Chairs: Klaus Töpfer & Matthias Kleiner Conclusions: The phase out isrequiredandrecommended in ordertoomitfutureriskswhicharisefromnuclearenergy in Germany. This ispossibleasthereare alternatives withlessrisk potential available. Initially, thephase out meanstotakenuclear power plants off thegrid. The EthicsCommissionis well awarethatnuclear power plantsrequire intensive worksfor a long time, asfarassecurityanddecommissioningareconcerned. Final disposalofnuclearwastes must berealisedunderhighestsafetyrequirementsand in a retrievableway, asfuturegenerations must havetheoptiontoreducethedangerandvolumeofthewastes, ifrespectivetechnologiesareavailable. Ethics-Commission: Safe Energy Supply (2/3) Final Report dated May 30 2011
Title: „Germany‘s Turnaround in Energy: A Joint Effortforthe Future“ Chairs: Klaus Töpfer & Matthias Kleiner Conclusions: The safetyofnuclearinstallationsandthebuildupof a futureenergysupplyaretopicsof high importancefor European and international politicsandcollaboration. The Ethics-Commissionrecommendstothe German Governmenttoundertakeapproaches, in ordertogloballyaddresssafetyaspectsofnuclearenergysupplyandto promote furtherdevelopmentandadjustmentoftheIAEA‘swork. Ethics-Commission: Safe Energy Supply (3/3) Final Report dated May 30 2011
Electricity production from Photovoltaics in Germany Installed capacity PV: 2010 = 17.320 MW Average11.3.-23.3. Source: Data Bundesnetzagentur 2011
Electricity production from wind in Germany Installed windpower : 2010 = 27.204 MW Average11.3.-23.3. Source: Data Bundesnetzagentur 2011
Electricity production from wind and PV in Germany Installed windpower : 2010 = 27.204 MW Installed capacity PV : 2010 = 17.320 MW 44.524 MW Total Average11.3.-23.3. Source: Data Bundesnetzagentur 2011
Electricity production from wind and PV in Germany Installed windpower : 2010 = 27.204 MW Installed capacityPV: 2010 = 17.320 MW 44.524 MW Source: Data Bundesnetzagentur 2011
Electricity production from wind and PV in Germany Installed windpower : 2010 = 27.204 MW Installed capacity PV : 2010 = 17.320 MW 44.524 MW Average11.3.-23.3. Source: Data Bundesnetzagentur 2011
Electricity production from wind and PV in Germany Installed windpower : 20XX: 54.000 MW Installed capacity PV : 20XX: 35.000 MW 20XX: 89.000 MW Average11.3.-23.3. Source: Data Bundesnetzagentur 2011
Electricity Production in Germany (2008 – 2010) TWh 24% 23% 57% Fossil 23% Nuclear 16% Renewables 19% 13% 6% 5% 4% 3% 2% 1% Installed capacity 14 % 13% 18% 15% 3% 17% 11%