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Analysis of Ds Meson Decays at 4170 MeV in e+e- Collisions

This study delves into the decay properties of the Ds meson at 4170 MeV in e+e- collisions, focusing on direct and indirect decay channels. Detailed selection criteria and results are presented, shedding light on the behavior of Ds meson decays.

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Analysis of Ds Meson Decays at 4170 MeV in e+e- Collisions

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  1. Introduction • At the 4170, the g* was proven to decay mostly into D*D*, DD*, and DsDs* • Directly produced Ds  Narrow MBC , theindirect Ds Wide MBC (gsmearing) Then plot • DSSelection • Loose cut on Ds Mbc,

  2. Tag Selection direct Ds DS+DS- Events peak at the right Ds mass Indirect Ds Indirect Ds

  3. DS+ fp, from DS+DS- yield = 40.3 ± 7.6 e    = (41.0 ± 0.5)% # of Events / 2MeV Mbc (GeV) |DE| < 18.2 MeV (98.8% of the area under the DE distribution, i.e. 2.5s)

  4. Thee+e-  Ds+Ds- Cross Section DS+ fp, from DS+DS- DS+ fp, from DS+DS-* # of Events / 2MeV Mbc (GeV) Invariant Mass (GeV)   yield = 40.3 ± 7.6 e    = (41.0 ± 0.5)%   yield = 1038.3 ± 34.6 e    = (41.6 ± 0.5)% s(e+e-  Ds+Ds-)/s(e+e- Ds+Ds-*)  = ( 3.93 ± 0.76 )%

  5. Ds+Ds- fp KKp # of Events / 2MeV Invariant Mass (GeV) |DE| < 18.2 MeV (98.8% of the area under the DE distribution, i.e. 2.5s)


  7. Invariant Mass of Ds Tags from DATA K-p+p0 Total Number of Tags = (5067 ± 112) The signal region is defined ascontaining 98.8% (2.5 r.m.s widths) of the signal events with invariant mass below and above the Dspeak.

  8. DsDs phipi dele 6mev Kkpi dele 6mev phipi dele 18.2mev Kkpi dele 18.2mev

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