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AGN and Star Formation at High Redshift

Explore the evolution of active galactic nuclei (AGN) and star formation at high redshifts, their influence on galaxy growth, and the relationship between black holes and galaxy formation. Investigate the formation of massive black holes, the ionizing budget of AGN, and the evolution of obscured AGN ratios. Utilize wide + deep X-ray, optical, and infrared surveys to study AGN and star formation evolution, including surveys like COSMOS, GOODS, and SXDF.

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AGN and Star Formation at High Redshift

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  1. AGN and Star Formation at High Redshift Anton Koekemoer (Space Telescope Science Institute) + CDFS/GOODS-AGN(Alexander, Brandt, Bergeron, Conselice, Chary, Cristiani, Dickinson, Elbaz, Grogin, Mainieri, Schreier, Treister, Urry, Wiklind...) +COSMOS-AGN (Brusa, Carilli, Capak, Civano, Comastri, Daddi, Elvis, Fiore, Hasinger, Ilbert, Impey, Jahnke, Mainieri, Martinez-Sansigre, Mobasher, Murayama, Nagao, Oyama, Salvato, Sanders, Sasaki, Schinnerer, Scoville, Smolcic, Treister, Taniguchi, Trump, Urry, Zamorani)

  2. Black holes in context: • Likely tracer of hierarchical dark matter halos • Provide hard ionizing continuum, relevant to low- reionization • May regulate galaxy growth / SFR via feedback • M-s relation suggests intimate connection between BH/galaxy formation and growth • To date: • At z ~ 6 - 6.5, already havesupermassive BHs to ~ 109 Mo(Fan et al 2001-06; Willott et al. 2003;Vestergaard et al. 2004) • AGN LF evolves stronglyfrom z~6 to z~2; PLE isruled out (Fan et al. 2001+;Richards et al. 2006) • Faint end of AGN LF steepensat z~6 (Jiang et al 2009, Fan et al. • (Richards et al. 2006)

  3. Instead of PLE, AGN appear to follow “anti-hierarchical evol” -- luminosity-dependent density evolution “LDDE” at least for XLF (Ueda et al. 2003, Hasinger et al. 2005; Gilli, Comastri, Hasinger 2006), QSO LF (Richards et al. 2006); also Merloni et al. (2004): • luminous AGN peak earlier (z~2-3) • fainter AGN peak more recently (z~1) • (XLF; Hasinger et al. 2005) • (QSO LF, Richards et al. 2006)

  4. Below LX ~ 1044 erg s-1, density evolution is drastically different from higher-lum sources, peaking at lower z • higher-lum sources show essentially pure density evolution • suggests possible difference in accretion / galaxy evolution as a function of luminosity (Hasinger et al. 2005)

  5. Questions: • How do the most massive BHs form within < 1 Gyr? • How does BH growth influence the M-s relation? • What is the ionizing budget of AGN integrated over the LFbeyond z ~ 6, and its contribution to reionization? • (How) does obscured/unobsc. AGN ratio evolve at high z? • Our knowledge has been limited by the following: • only the top of the AGN LF has been studied at z ~ 6 • no AGN previously confirmed at z > 7 • Approach: • Understand AGN / SFR evolution at z ~ 2 - 5 • Set out to quantify the faint end of AGN LF at z ~ 6 • Search for more luminous AGN at z > ~ 6 - 7

  6. AGN log FX (erg s-1cm-2) FOpt (mag) • Require Wide+Deep X-ray / Optical / IR Surveys: • Depth probes faint/moderate-lum AGN to high z • Area probes high-lum AGN at high z • (Hard) X-rays penetrate obscuring torus, IR probes rest-frame optical emission from AGN + host galaxy • New part of parameter space: • Combined optical + X-ray depth allows wider exploration of FX/FOpt:

  7. Some current relevant surveys


  9. A Brief Selection of Extragalactic Survey Fields • UDF: • 3’x3’ HST/ACS (B,V,i,z) + NICMOS (JH) • Other coverage same as CDFS • GOODS/CDFS+CDFN: • 2x 10’x16’ HST/ACS (B,V,i,z) • Chandra 1Ms, Spitzer (3-70 mm), ATCA, VLA, VLT, KPNO • GEMS/ECDFS: • 30’x30’ HST/ACS (i,z) • Chandra 1Ms+4x 250ks, Spitzer, ATCA, CTIO • EGS: • 10’ x 1o HST/ACS (i,z) • Chandra 7x50ks, CFHT (UBVRIz) • COSMOS: • 1.4o x 1.4o HST/ACS (z) + NICMOS (J,H) • Subaru (UBVRiz), XMM, Spitzer, VLA

  10. CDFS/GOODS-S+N survey: • powerful combination of wide area and depth, opt/Xray: CDFS + CDFN have 1 & 2 Msec Chandra depth respectively • X-ray depth sufficient for AGN LF faint end (LX~1043-44 erg s-1) up to z ≥ 6 - 7 • area sufficient (0.1 sq deg) to provide number statistics on AGN LF at these redshifts • More than 800 AGN from Chandra in GOODS-N & S (> 600 covered by HST/ACS and Spitzer) • Extensive optical spectroscopic coverage • Deep multi-band optical/NIR/Spitzer coverage: • JHK + Spitzer/IRAC 3.6 – 8 mm observations trace host stellar mass for z > 1-2 • Spitzer/MIPS 24 mm data helps constrain thermal dust emission

  11. GOODS = GreatObservatoriesOriginsDeepSurvey(Hubble, Chandra, Spitzer) • Centered on CDFS, CDFN • Supporting observations: • VLT, Gemini, Keck, Subaru, KPNO, CTIO, VLA, ATCA, JCMT • Goals: • Extensive, deepmulti-l coverage • Large enougharea to probeboth galaxy andAGN evolution • Two fields reduceimpact of cosmicvariance

  12. Advantages of X-ray selection: • avoid obscuration effects in optical/IR • at z > 2-3, hard X-rays are redshifted into soft observed X-ray bandpass, allows a more complete selection of obscured AGN (except for Compton thick sources) • allows selection of more AGN than radio selection. • Other wavelengths needed: • deep optical to ensure good identification of dropouts: • at least R,I, preferably also z • deep near-IR to provide detections relative to optical: • at least K, preferably also J,H • Spitzer data to allow SED fitting: • at least IRAC 3.6 - 8 micron, preferably also MIPS 24 micron

  13. (Brusa et al. 2009) • Starformation in obscured AGN: IRAC colours • Significant fraction (~50%) of z~2-4 obscured AGN show strong SFR signatures (Brusa et al. 2009): • S(8.0)/S(4.5) < 2 classified as SFR-dominated (Pope et al. 2008) Green points: 24m selected field galaxies Blue points: AGN LX < 1043 erg s-1 Red points: AGN LX > 1043 erg s-1 Purple, yellow: other samples of high-z obscured AGN (Pozzi et al 2008, Pope et al 2008)

  14. (Brusa et al. 2009) (Brusa et al. 2009) • Starformation in obscured AGN: SFR • Comparison with field galaxies: • For 65% of the obscured AGN, find significant SFR (>10M/yr) • Result is robust for both optically and MIR-selected samples Upper panel: optically-selected field galaxies, AGN Lower panel: MIPS 24m-selected field galaxies, AGN

  15. Starformation in obscured AGN: SSFR • Significant fraction of AGN still have active SSFR w.r.t mass (Alonso-Herrero et al. 2008, Busa et al. 2009) • Red colours likely due to dust (not stellar population age)

  16. Increased warm dust in z~1-2 obscured AGN: • Lanzuisi et al (2009) sample: SWIRE sources, F24/Fopt > 1000 • X-ray spectral properties used to compare with AGN in the local universe (yellow shaded region) • Result: majority of the AGN have significant MIR excess wrt intrinsic Lx: requires excess dust component relative to local

  17. LFs: Della Ceca et al (2009) Yencho et al (2009) Normalized to Treister et al Treister et al. (2009) • Compton-Thick AGN Redshift Evolution Red: Lx > 1043 erg/s Blue: Lx > 1044 erg/s Steep rise above z~2 relative to non-CT AGN

  18. Expected contributions of AGN & starbursts to LIR • Examine triggering of AGN and starbursts in mergers (Hopkins et al 2009) - how significant is the contribution from AGN to the MIR LF? • Find that, for log(LIR)>12-13, both starburst & AGN dominate LF To a similar extent, up to z~3

  19. HST Morphologies of MIR Excess AGN

  20. CDFS (Brandt et al, Koekemoer et al, Treister et al) FX/Fopt = 0.1 FX/Fopt = 10 u u u u u u u • High-z AGN Candidates: “EXOs” • Based on SED change with z: • Drop-outs in z850lp (>27) • Anomalous Fx/Fopt (>100) • Red z850lp - K (>4) • Expect mostly obscuredsources, but unobscuredAGN are not excluded • Highest FX/FOpt: • found in several studies so far (Koekemoer et al 2002,2004; Brusa et al. 2004; Treister et al 2006; Koekemoer et al 2009) • EXO’s - ExtremeX-ray/Optical sources • Only revealed by extending optical depth below ~27 • Optically faint sources with anomalously high FX/FOpt >100 • Typically have extremely red z-K > 4-6 • Appear to have no comparable analogs in the local universe

  21. X-ray properties: • Well-detected by Chandra(~10-16-10-15 erg s-1cm-2) • FX/FOpt is a lower limit,and is > ~100x abovethe average for AGN • Generally have soft andhard X-ray emission (excludes z<2 obscured AGN) • Redder z-K colour: • most AGN with FX/FOpt ~ 0.1 - 10 have fairly tight z-K ~1-2, with some slight scatter: • z-K ~ -1 to 2 for quasars/Seyferts • z-K ~ 2 to 4 for ERO’s • However, the EXO high-z candidates generally have z-K >4 Candidate high-z AGN: X-z-K selection:

  22. CDFS EXOs


  24. EXO Close-up (contours = Chandra 0.5-8 keV)

  25. Overall parameterization: • Use CB03, Maraston06, vary IMF, metallicity • h - stellar mass formed as SSP / CSP • t - reddening (Fall & Charlot; Calzetti; SMC; LMC) • Fits driven by two observational features: • red opt/NIR - IRAC • colours within IRAC • General results: • Use the fits to identify plausible z~2-3 interlopers • Down-select to the remainder that are not well fit by z~2-3: • Follow these up with NIR spectroscopy (Subaru/Gemini/VLT) • Use their number counts to directly constrain high-z logN-logS SED Fitting

  26. total ~2 million galaxies, ~1300 AGN (XMM: Hasinger et al, Brusa et al 2007) + radio (Schinnerer et al 2007) ~1.4°

  27. COSMOS X-Ray Observations (Comastri, Brusa 2007): • XMM dataset: 53 pointings, ~1.6 sq deg (Brusa et al) • Chandra dataset (1.8 Msec) ~1.4 sq deg, deeper than XMM • Total of ~1300 sources in XMM, ~1800 in Chandra • Limiting fluxes: • F(0.5-2 keV) ~ 1 x 10-15 erg cm-2 s-1 • F(2-10 keV) ~ 5 x 10-15 erg cm-2 s-1 • Full survey: • Combined XMM + Chandra ~2500 sources to date • identify with ACS sources • remove ambiguous IDs • Finally, produce sample of EXOs: • detect a total of 35 EXOs (cf ~7 for GOODS/CDFS) • Likely a mixture of z~2-4 sources and z>~6 candidates, similar to GOODS

  28. EXO/high-z candidates from COSMOS ACS-iKSPITZER/IRAC1,2,3,4

  29. (cont’d) ACS-iKSPITZER/IRAC1,2,3,4

  30. Constraining high-z AGN LF: • Use hard X-ray XLF to estimate expected number of optically unidentified sources as a function of redshift: • Most of the optically unidentified AGN are evolved interlopers at intermediate z > 2 • Compare with observed number of undetected sources: • use existing X-ray detection limits • apply optical detection cut-off (z(AB) ~ 27.5 for ACS) • Integrate over X-rayluminosities at eachredshift bin: • Use the difference tocalculate cumulativenumber N(>6) • Compare with N(>6)from XLF

  31. Number of optically unID’d sources N(z) based onz(AB)=27.5 limit, for current Chandra catalogs, using: • X-ray sensitivity • Optical flux limits • Spitzer flux limits • LDDE predicts total of ~5 AGN at z>7 in GOODS+COSMOS (out of all the X-ray sources with ACS coverage): • After removing low-z interlopers, currently have 4 likely z~7 candidates in GOODS+COSMOS - rough agreement with LDDE

  32. New results - MOIRCS Spectroscopy (special thanks to Yoichi Oyama!) • NIR spectroscopy of remaining high-z candidates • Subaru - MOIRCS: ~4 hours/mask; objects faint (K~23+) • Data reduction currently in progress • One example EXO spectrum (no lines detected so far..):

  33. Summary: • New results by several groups on z~2-4 AGN: • Many AGN are now found to have strong MIR SFR signatures • May be seeing “pre/post-blowout” QSO phase in action • Overall number of high-z candidate AGN found in GOODS+COSMOS supports steepening of LF at z~6-7: • Intermediate-z interlopers successfully accounted for, and removed from dropout samples • Not clear yet whether faint-end slope needs to change as well or whether evolution can be accounted for by change in L* • Next steps: • larger/deeper coverage at MIR with Spitzer and Herschel to better constrain rest-frame opt/IR and dust SEDs • MAIN QUESTION: • What observational signatures to look for in determining the direction of causality for BH / bulge growth?

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