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Culture Ireland

Culture Ireland. At Professional Development Day 8 Nov 2013. Background. What is Culture Ireland? Established in 2005 to promote Irish arts worldwide Division of the Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht Advisory Committee appointed by the Minister

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Culture Ireland

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  1. CultureIreland At Professional Development Day 8 Nov 2013

  2. Background • What is Culture Ireland? • Established in 2005 to promote Irish arts worldwide • Division of the Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht • Advisory Committee appointed by the Minister • Funding [€2m in 2005 rising to €4.75m in 2008 , €3.16m in 2013 and reduced to €2.5m for 2014] • All Ireland agency

  3. Objectives • Create and support opportunities for artists to present their work at strategic international festivals, venues and showcases • Support the development of Ireland’s international cultural policy by advising the Minister and Government on international arts and culture policy • Build relationships, networks and contacts between Irish and international artists, arts organisations, presenters and promoters to create opportunities • Work closely with State agencies including Enterprise Ireland, Tourism Ireland, the Irish Film Board and the Arts Council, as well as with the Department of Foreign Affairs and the Embassy network to ensure coordinated approach and maximise benefits for Ireland.

  4. How does Culture Ireland achieve its objectives? • Grant Programme • Showcase Programme • See Here grants • Building international contacts • Focus on key initiatives including St Patricks Day, Government/Presidential visits and cross promotion of events in priority markets

  5. Funding € support allocated to Culture Ireland since establishment:- • 2005 - 2m • 2006 - 3m • 2007 - 4.5m • 2008 - 4.75m • 2009 - 4.63m • 2010 - 4.083m plus 1m for Imagine Ireland • 2011 - 3.997m • 2012 - 3.56m • 2013 - 3.166m plus 1.55m EU Presidency programme • 2014 - 2.5m

  6. Partnerships As a small executive team Culture Ireland achieve its aims through working closely with key partners • Irish Film Institute International • Ireland Literature Exchange • Irish Theatre Institute • First Music Contact • Dance Ireland • Centre CulturelIrlandais

  7. Strengths • Government has indicated that it is committed to Culture Ireland and to the benefits of promoting Irish arts abroad • Strong cultural links have been established between Ireland and many countries including key territories • Culture Ireland has moved from grant giving role to strategically placing artists to gain international opportunities and has developed a large network of important international contacts. Networking and showcase platforms such as the Edinburgh Festivals, WOMEX, APAP, Celtic Connections, SXSW and national showcasing have generated bookings and business for Irish artists • International work has helped many artists maintain sustainable careers and is key to survival for some art sectors particularly visual art • The importance of highlighting our creative strengths in this year, 40th Anniversary of EU Membership and Presidency, along with special events like The Gathering and Derry City of Culture

  8. Reach • In 2012 alone over 550 projects/events were supported in over 50 countries • In 2011 as part of Imagine Ireland 1,200 artists were presented at 500 + events in over 40 States • Under Culture Connects events were presented in every Member State

  9. Examples • Good international host – significant gallery space • Bologna Book Fair • Multidisciplinary opportunities • E.g. Linking in with Children’s theatre • Priority Countries • English speaking • BRIC • New Delhi Book Fair • China focus

  10. How to Apply • Apply online at www.cultureireland.ie • Next deadline is 15 Nov for events up to June 2014 • Decisions to be announced mid December

  11. Contact me • Contact me at Catriona.Ryan@cultureireland.gov.ie 016313894 Culture Ireland Dept of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht 23 Kildare Street Dublin 2

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