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Manchester Metropolitan University Academic Infrastructure and Assessment Framework www.mmu.ac.uk/academic/casqe/regulations/index.php. Academic Infrastructure and Assessment Regulatory Framework. Associated Policies and Procedures for the Management of Assessment (i).
Manchester Metropolitan UniversityAcademic Infrastructure and Assessment Frameworkwww.mmu.ac.uk/academic/casqe/regulations/index.php Assessment Regulations Workshop
Academic Infrastructure and Assessment Regulatory Framework Event Name and Venue
Associated Policies and Procedures for the Management of Assessment (i) Appendices to the Assessment Regulations Assessment Regulations Workshop
Associated Policies and Procedures for the Management of Assessment (ii) Guidance Documents for Assessment Boards Assessment Regulations Workshop
Associated Policies and Procedures for the Management of Assessment (iii) Other relevant Policies and Procedures Assessment Regulations Workshop
Monitoring of the University’s Assessment Regulations • Regulations Review Group meets formally in the Autumn Term • Group consists of senior academic staff, senior Faculty Student and Academic Services staff, students • Considers comments received from University staff throughout the academic year, together with comments in External Examiner reports. • Recommends revision of regulations to Academic Board for implementation at the commencement of the next academic year • Revisions to regulations published on the CASQE website (Assessment Regulations and External Examiners webpages) Assessment Regulations Workshop
Regulations for Assessment Boards taking place over the summer period 2013 Assessment Regulations Workshop
Key DocumentsThe Assessment Regulations for Undergraduate and Taught Postgraduate Programmes of Studywww.mmu.ac.uk/academic/casqe/regulations/assessment.php NOTE: For the next few years there will continue to be two distinctive sets of regulations for Undergraduate provision Assessment Regulations Workshop
The 30 credit structure applies to: • Most students studying at levels 3 - 5 and commencing from September 2011 Exceptions include: • BSc (Hons) Environmental Health • BSc (Hons) Sport and Exercise Science (Distance Learning) • Some part-time students at level 4 and most part-time students at level 5 who will be undertaking 20 credit units • Some students on externally validated programmes delivered by collaborative partners – most at level 5 and some at level 4. Assessment Regulations Workshop
Assessment Regulations (30 credit structure) (i) Key principles - progression Student progression is determined by performance Level 3 students must successfully complete all units before progressing to level 4 [B7]. Students must successfully complete all credits at each level before progressing, unless the Programme Specification indicates otherwise. Condonment only applies at levels 3 and 4 in whole units up to a total of 30 credits where the weighted average is in the marginal fail category (35 – 39) [B9] Assessment Regulations Workshop
Assessment Regulations (30 credit structure) (ii) • Automatic right to one reassessment opportunity [B 16] Key principles - reassessment • Reassessment only in those elements that have been failed [B 15] • Failure of up to 60 credits may be reassessed before the beginning of the next academic period [B 17] Failure of more than 60 credits may not be reassessed earlier than the normal assessment point of the following academic period [B18] • Second reassessment is conditional on full engagement with the first reassessment opportunity and/or approval for non-engagement by the Exceptional Factors Panel [B 16] Assessment Regulations Workshop
Assessment Regulations (30 credit structure) (iii) • Failure of optional units Key principles - reassessment • subject to availability, a student may choose to substitute a failed optional unit for another optional unit • The assessment status of the student shall be the same as for the original unit A student shall not be entitled to be reassessed in elements, or by methods that are no longer available Assessment Regulations Workshop
Assessment Regulations (30 credit structure) (iv) • Repeating with or without attendance Key principles - reassessment • the only regulatory point regarding repeating with or without attendance is that a student is entitled to repeat a unit with attendance on only one occasion • Unless the Assessment Board requires a student to repeat with attendance because attendance is necessary for a student to achieve the unit outcomes, the default position should be to repeat without attendance • See guidance notes on CASQE website Assessment Regulations Workshop
Particular Aspects of MMU’s Assessment RegulationsUndergraduate Assessment Regulations (20 credit – non EQAL) • Structure contained within the assessment regulations • Based on progression following full achievement of credits at Level • Level 6 programmes only during 2012/13 • Varying approaches to assessment workload Assessment Regulations Workshop
Assessment Regulations for students studying at Level 6 • Most students at level 6 will be assessed against the 20 credit regulations Exceptions – and where the 30 credit structure applies • BA (Hons) Public Services • BSc (Hons) Physiotherapy • BA (Hons) Sustainable Performance Management • BA (Hons) Architecture Assessment Regulations Workshop
Students with a mix of the 20 and 30 credit structures Part-time students who, in the same academic year, may have picked up units from the 20 AND 30 credit framework In these very few cases: • both sets of assessment regulations must apply • the key issue will be condonement at level 5/6 in the 20 credit regulations Assessment Regulations Workshop
Changes to the Undergraduate Regulations 20 credit structure • to remove reference to suspension of studies from the Assessment Regulations 30 credit structure • paragraphs D2.1 to D2.7 from the pre-EQAL Assessment Regulations have been reproduced in the Assessment Regulations for the 30 credit structure from 2012/13 [practice credits] Assessment Regulations Workshop
Changes to the Postgraduate Regulations • Revision to Regulation F1.7 to clarify that the ‘project or dissertation component’ refers to the unit as a whole and not just the thesis. • “For a Master’s Degree to be awarded with Distinction, a student must gain an overall average of 70% with at least 70% in the project or dissertation unit of the programme” Assessment Regulations Workshop
Changes to the Appendices of the Regulations (i) • Appendix 4: Assessment arrangements for Disabled Students taking into account the Equality Act 2010 • Definitions of disability in line with the 2010 Equality Act • Clarification of procedures and of the roles/responsibilities of Heads of Department and Course/Programme Leaders • Clarification of arrangements for students with Personal Learning Plans Assessment Regulations Workshop
Changes to the Appendices of the Regulations (ii) • Appendix 1: Submission of coursework and penalties for late submission • Rewording of sections 2(ii) and 2(iii) Assessment Regulations Workshop
Assessment Board Structures: Revisions for 2013 Boards Assessment Regulations Workshop
New for 2012/13 • Review of Tiered Board Implementation (2011/12) - Academic Board 20.02.13: Item 23 • www.mmu.ac.uk/academic/asu/ADC_and_Academic_Board_papers/Academic_Board/2013/20_February_2013/23_Review_Tiered_Board_Implementation.pdf • Work of Assessment Boards embedded within the Assessment Management Group • Oversight group to ensure the principles of the Two Tier Structure are maintained • Procedures for the Conduct of Single-tier Assessment Boards for Validated Provision in Collaborative Partnerships Assessment Regulations Workshop
Review of Tiered Board Implementation(i) • To review / revise the agenda and approach to note taking for Assessment Boards (Completed) Recommendations • To co-ordinate a training package for all involved in Assessment Boards (Ongoing) To review Assessment Board schedules and communicate Assessment Board dates (Completed) • To review (i) coding issues re Chairs Actions; and (ii) presentation of Board Reports Assessment Regulations Workshop
Review of Tiered Board Implementation(ii) • To review Chairs Action reports to identify whether issues that do not relate to systems need addressing Recommendations • To undertake a review of internal moderation and mark checking arrangements to ensure complete sets of marks are available in advance of Tier 1 Boards (Completed) To review / make adjustments to the role of Tier 1 and Tier 2 External Examiners (No role change made but additional guidance provided) Assessment Regulations Workshop
Review of Tiered Board Implementation(iii) • To review / recommend revision to Performance Reports (Completed) Recommendations • To review and where necessary, recommend revision to: • Board Membership (no change made but additional guidance provided) • Assessment Boards to ensure an effective link between Tier1 and Tier 2 Boards (Completed) Assessment regulations and QLS Assessment Module comments to be collated and given further consideration (Ongoing) Assessment Regulations Workshop
Exceptions to the Two Tier Board Structure At the resit stage the Unit Results and the Progression and Awards Boards will normally be combined. Where assessment boards take place at Collaborative Partner organisations and provision is very small it may be appropriate to combine the Unit and Progression and Awards Board structure. Assessment Regulations Workshop
Procedures for the conduct of Single Tier Assessment Boards (i) • To be applied for Validated provision in Collaborative Partnerships • Validated Provision: A programme leading to an MMU award that is delivered by one or more partners and not delivered by MMU May be applied for Franchised provision that is delivered in a different pattern from the same provision at MMU A calendar of activity will ensure the security of marking, moderation, collation of results and feedback. Assessment Regulations Workshop
Procedures for the conduct of Single Tier Assessment Boards (ii) • Chairs, Secretaries and Senior Officers of Single Tier Boards will be appropriately trained members of MMU staff Membership will include MMU and Partner staff including Link Tutors • Link Tutor roles are specified in the procedures document External Examiners have responsibility for subject expertise and award roles Assessment Regulations Workshop
Responsibility for the effective implementation of Assessment Boards (i) • Faculty: for assigning units to a Unit Results Board and courses to a Programme and Awards Board Deans: for nominating Chairs of Assessment Boards and ensuring they are trained to undertake the role Heads of Faculty SAS: for appointing Secretaries and Senior Faculty SAS Officers to Assessment Boards and ensuring they are trained in the assessment processes and University Regulations Assessment Regulations Workshop
Responsibility for the effective implementation of Assessment Boards (ii) Heads of Department & Programme/Course Leaders: for ensuring the accurate presentation of student marks to Assessment Boards Unit Co-ordinators: for ensuring that all marks are correctly inputted into the Student Record System in time for presentation of marks at Assessment Boards Assessment Regulations Workshop
Membership of Assessment Boards Chair – Nominated by the Dean External Examiners: • Subject External Examiners at Tier 1 for relevant units of the Unit Results Board • An Award External Examiner at Tier 2 Programme / Course Leader – responsible for the Units or Programme/Course being considered Where Programme / Course Leaders are responsible for a large number of units, year tutors, assessment tutors or unit co-ordinators may be nominated to attend Assessment Regulations Workshop
Q: Where can I find information on the Implementation of Tiered Boards? The CASQE website provides a full set of documentation and templates relating to Tiered Boards, including specific details on the roles of Chairs, Secretaries and Senior SAS Officers http://www.mmu.ac.uk/academic/casqe/regulations/tiered-boards.php Assessment Regulations Workshop
Key Documents • The Structure and Operation of Assessment Boards: Procedures for the Conduct of Assessment Boards • www.mmu.ac.uk/academic/casqe/regulations/docs/assessment_board_conduct.pdf • Procedures for the Conduct of Single-tier Assessment Boards for Validated Provision in Collaborative Partnershipswww.mmu.ac.uk/academic/casqe/regulations/docs/partner_assessment_boards.pdf • The Academic Calendar • www.mmu.ac.uk/academic/casqe/regulations/docs/calendar.pdf • The Assessment Regulations for Undergraduate and Taught Postgraduate Programmes of Study • www.mmu.ac.uk/academic/casqe/regulations/assessment.php • Institutional Code of Practice on External Examining www.mmu.ac.uk/academic/casqe/examiners/docs/EE_ICP.pdf • External Examining Reporting Templates www.mmu.ac.uk/academic/casqe/examiners/reporting.php Assessment Regulations Workshop