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Cryptography. CS 472 Fall 2006 . What is Cryptography?. Encrypting data so that unauthorized users cannot know the contents Purpose: Encryption of messages/data Integrity checking (Has the content been changed?) Authentication (Who had sent the message/data?).
Cryptography CS 472 Fall 2006
What is Cryptography? • Encrypting data so that unauthorized users cannot know the contents • Purpose: • Encryption of messages/data • Integrity checking (Has the content been changed?) • Authentication (Who had sent the message/data?)
Types of Cryptographic Functions • Secret key cryptography: Data is encrypted and decrypted using a single key; the same key is shared by the sender/receiver • Secret key cryptography is useful for: • Sending data over an insecure channel • Secure storage on insecure media • Authentication • Integrity check (MAC or MIC)
Types of Cryptographic Functions (cont.) • Public key cryptography: Here, we have public key and corresponding private key. The encryption is done using public key and the decryption is done using private key. • It is used for: • Transmitting over an insecure channel • Secure storage on insecure media • Authentication • Digital signatures (for non-repudiation; similar to MAC)
Hash Algorithms • Message digest or one-way transformations • h(m) has the following properties: • Relatively easy to compute h(m) • Given h(m), there is no way to find m • It is computationally infeasible to find two messages m and m’ that have the same hash value. • Uses of hashing: Password hashing, message integrity, message fingerprint • Example: If the message digest/hash/fingerprint of a program is known, then it would be easy to check if a program has been changed (since that hash was created). Typically, the message digest may be the one that is encrypted with the sender’s private key. • If a message digest has m bits, then it would take at most 2m/2 random messages prior to finding a message with the same hash. • SHA-1, MD2, MD4, MD4, MD5 are some example algorithms.
Hash Algorithms (cont.) • Use of hashing: • Authentication • Computing a MAC with a Hash (by concatenating a shared secret key) HMAC • Encryption with a message digest • Using secret key for hash --- UNIX uses a secret key to compute hash of passwords---(i) Convert password into a key (ii) Use this key to encrypt the number 0.
Secret Key Cryptography • Notes
Public Key Cryptography • Notes • RSA Demo-1 • RSA Demo-2
Hashes and Message Digests • Hash and Message Digest or synonymous • It takes an input message (variable length) and produces a fixed size digest or hash. • NIST: SHA-1 • RSA: MD2, MD4, MD5 • A message digest is cryptographically secure if: (i) it is computationally infeasible to find a message that has a given message digest (ii) it should be impossible to find to messages with the same message digest
Birthday Problem • Probability that any two persons in a group have the same birthday (not year). • If n inputs are mapped to k outputs, probability that any one pair has the same output=(k)(1/k)(1/k)=1/k • So if we have k/2 pairs, probability is 50% that two inputs will have the same output. • Since there are (n)(n-1)/2 possible inputs, (n)(n-1)/2> k/2 or n > k1/2 • E.g., if message digest is m bits, there are 2m (i.e., k= 2m) possible outputs. So if we generate 2m/2 random messages, there is 50% or better chance that they result in the same output.
Threat Example • Suppose a message m has been created, its digest D(m) computed, and cryptographically sign the digest. • If an intruder can find another message m’ such that D(m) = D(m’), then the intruder can switch messages m and m’ and still send the same cryptographically signed digest.
MAC and Hash • Given a message m, anyone can compute a message digest MD(m). • On the other hand, MAC can be computed and verified by only those who share the secret key. • For MAC, using hash functions:Compute MD(KAB|m). However, due to weakness of some MD algorithms, this could be broken. • Solutions: (i) Compute MD(m|K) as MAC (ii) Use only half the message digest as MAC. (iii) Compute MD(K|m|K) and use as MAC
Generating a one-time Pad with a message digest • Compute MD(KAB) to obtain a bit stream b1. • Compute MD(KAB|b1) to obtain b2. • A uses b1, b2, etc to encrypt and B uses them to decrypt since it too can create the stream b1, b2, …
Hashing Large Messages • Divide the message into k-bit chunks m1, m2, … • Use m1 as a key to encrypt a constant (say 0) • Use m2 to encrypt the output of earlier step • And so on, finally resulting in a fixed size hash.
Hashes and Message Digests • Notes • Demo-1 • Open SSL demo
Modes of Operation Chapter 4
Electronic Code Book (ECB) • Each block of the message is encrypted with the same secret key • Problems: If two identical blocks are in the same message, cipher text would be identical. • Cipher blocks can be rearranged to alter the message
Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) • This over come the repeated message block problem. • Initially, a random initialization vector IV is Modulo-2 ORed with the 1st message block and then encrypted with secret key. • The encrypted output of block 1 is then used in place of IV in step 1; and so on. • CBC Threat 1: Modifying Ciphertext Blocks: (i) Modifying cn would have predictable effect on mn+1, and so on. • CBC Threat 2: Rearranging Ciphertext blocks: By rearranging the ciphertext, the message can be changed.
Output Feedback Mode (OFB) • Stream cipher • Mod-2 OR the message with the one-time pad generated by OFB • Generate a random number, encrypt it with secret key; call it b0; use any part of b0 and mod-2 OR with the message to get ciphertetx. • For next block of message, use b0 instead of IV; and so on. • Problems: If the plaintext and ciphertext are known by a bad guy, he can modify the plaintext into anything he wants by simply OR-ing the ciphertext with the known plaintext, and OR-ing the result with whatever message he wants to transmit.
Cipher Feedback Mode (CFB) • Similar to OFB---k bits are generated and ORed with the message block. • But the input to the next block is the cipher output of the current block. • Less subject to tampering than CBC or OFB.
Counter Mode (CTR) • Similar to OFB • A one-time pad is generated and modulo-2 ORed with the data • But the random bits are generated by incrementing the IV and encrypting it with the secret key
Generating MACs • (i) Ensuring privacy and integrity together: Use CBC where the ciphertext of the last block is also used as the MAC; preferable to use two different keys for CBC for privacy and integrity separately.
Multiple Encryption 3DES • Two keys are used: k1 and K2 m Encrypt with K1 Decrypt with K2 Encrypt with K1 ciphertext
Diffie-Hellman • To generate a shared key between two parties (say Alice and Bob) • Alice picks SA at random. Bob picks SB at random • Alice computes TA=gSA mod p. Bob computes TB=gSB mod p • Alice and Bob exchange TA and TB • Alice computes TBSA mod p. Bob computes TASB mod p. • Both come up with the same answer (the shared key) because TBSA = (gSB)SA = gSBSA = (gSA)SB
Example • Let p =5; g=3 • Let Alice pick SA=2 and Bob pick SB=4 • TA = 32 = 9 mod 5 = 4; TB=34 = 81 mod 5 = 1; • Alice and Bob exchange TA and TB • Alice computes 12 = 1; Bob computes 44 = 16 mod 5 = 1; so both Alice and Bob have 1 as a secret key.
Man-in-the middle attack • If there is a man in the middle between Alice and Bob, and neither of them know about it, there could be a problem. • So: Alice ------ Intruder ---- Bob • Since p and g are known publicly, they are known to all • Due to the intruder receiving the messages from Alice, it establishes a shared key with Alice. Similarly, it establishes a shared secret with Bob. So the Intruder can get information from both Alice and Bob and also can manipulate the messages.
Defenses against Man-in-the-Middle Attack • Let each publish their gSx so that no one can modify it. Of course, p and g are already publicly known. • This way the intruder can’t change the gSA and gSB generated by A and B. • Alternately, if Alice and Bob either share a pre-shared secret key or know each others public key and their own private key. • How could they be used? Guess.