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Explore the four seasons and weather vocabulary in English and Russian, with practice exercises on seasons, weather conditions, and related terms. Discover words related to nature, sun, birds, and planting activities to enhance your language skills about the cyclic changes in nature.
Seasons Дружина Н.И.
Everybody talk about the weather, but nobody does anything about it. (Mark Twain 1835-1910) If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind? (Shelly 1792-1822)
Practice reading the following words: Spring Autumn Summer Winter
Прослушай, как звучат по-английски названия • месяцев January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August,September, October, November, December. 2. Выбери и назови те, которые по звучанию похожи на русские. 3. Назови месяцы в алфавитном порядке. April, August, December, February, January, July, June, March, May, September. November, October,
Назови месяцы по временам года Winter December January February Spring Autumn Summer March April May September October November June July August
Practice asking and answer the following questions: • How many seasons are there in a year? • There are four seasons. • What are they? • They are spring, summer, autumn and winter.
Practice reading the following words and word combinations: • Cold [kould] -холодно • Warm [wɔ:m] - тепло • Rather cold – довольно холодно • Rather warm –довольно тепло • Long -длинный • Short –короткий • Days -дни • Night -ночи
Practice reading the following questions and answers: • Is it cold or warm in winter? • Is it cold or warm in spring? • Is it cold or warm in summer? • Is it cold or warm in autumn? • It is rather cold in winter. • It is warm in spring. • It is rather warm in summer. • It is cold in autumn.
Work “in chain”, asking and answer the above questions. • A (to B) Is it cold or warm in winter? • B (to A) It is cold in winter. • (to C) Is it cold or warm in summer. • C (to B) It is warm in summer. • (to D) Is it cold or warm in autumn?
Practice reading the following questions and answers: • Are the days long or short in summer? • In summer the days rather long and the nights are short. • Are the days long or short in winter? • In winter the days rather short and the nights are rather long. • Are the days long or short in spring? • In spring the days long and the nights are short. • Are the days long or short in autumn? • In autumn the days short and the nights are long.
Practice reading the following words : • Sun- солнце • Rises -восходит • Sets -садится • Early -рано • Late-поздно • A nightingale-соловей • A swallow- ласточка • Migrant birds- перелетные птицы • Nests-гнезда • Lay and hatch their eggs- кладут яйца и высиживают птенцов • Corn fields - поля засеянные злаками • Poppies- мак • Cornflowers- васильки
Read and translate: Spring Many people think that the most pleasant seasons is spring. In spring nature awakens from her long winter sleep. The days get longer and the nights shorter. It grows warmer. The trees open their buds and shoot out new leaves. The meadows grow green again, flowers begin to bloom. Farmers till the soil and sow the seeds. Nightingales, swallows and other migrant birds come back from the south. They build their nests, lay and hatch their eggs and sing their merry songs. The corn field are bright with blue cornflowers and red poppies.
Proverbs • Everything is good in its seasons. • Все хорошо в своё время. • After rain comes fair weather. • После дождя наступает хорошая погода. • One swallow does not make a summer. • Одна ласточка не делает весны.