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Who wrote Julius Caesar, Macbeth and Hamlet?

Who wrote Julius Caesar, Macbeth and Hamlet?. SHAKESPEARE. 2. Who cut off Van Gogh's ear?. HE DID. 3.Who painted the Mona Lisa?. LEONARDO DA VINCI. 4. Who painted the Sistine Chapel?. MICHELANGELO. 5. What is the name of Harry Potter’s school?. HOGWARTS.

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Who wrote Julius Caesar, Macbeth and Hamlet?

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Who wrote Julius Caesar, • Macbeth and Hamlet? SHAKESPEARE

  2. 2. Who cut off Van Gogh's ear? HE DID.

  3. 3.Who painted the Mona Lisa? LEONARDO DA VINCI

  4. 4. Who painted the Sistine Chapel? MICHELANGELO

  5. 5. What is the name of Harry Potter’s school? HOGWARTS

  6. 6. In which city is Hollywood? LOS ANGELES

  7. 7. Who is the main character in The Lord of The Rings ? FRODO

  8. 8. What's the highest mountain in Africa? KILIMANJARO

  9. 9. Which country has the largest area: Australia, Brazil or India? BRAZIL

  10. 10. Which is the largest ocean? PACIFIC

  11. 11. What's the smallest country in the world? VATICAN CITY

  12. 12. Who was the first man on the moon? NEIL ARMSTRONG

  13. 13. When did the First World War start? 1914

  14. 14. Who did Lady Diana Spencer marry? PRINCE CHARLES

  15. 15. How many colours are there in a rainbow? 7

  16. 16. What language has the most words? ENGLISH

  17. 17. What's the fastest passenger plane in the world? THE CONCORDE

  18. 18. Who was the electric light bulb invented by? THOMAS EDISON

  19. 19. Who wrote “ Han Duvarları”? FARUK NAFİZ ÇAMLIBEL

  20. 20.Who was “Crime and Punishment” written by? DOSTOYEVSKİ

  21. 21. Who was Mutluluk directed by? ABDULLAH OĞUZ

  22. 22. Who wrote Madame Bovary? GUSTAVE FLAUBERT

  23. 23. Which football team has become champion in Turkey this year? GALATASARAY

  24. 24. What is the name of the highest mountain in Turkey? MOUNT AĞRI

  25. 25. Who discovered America? KRISTOF KOLOMB

  26. 26. What is the capital city of Australia? CANBERRA

  27. 27. What is the capital city of China? PEKING

  28. 28. Who founded Turkish Republic? ATATÜRK

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