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世界上 10 座超級寺廟

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世界上 10 座超級寺廟

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  1. World Super Temples Top 10 世界上 10 座超級寺廟 編輯配樂:老編西歪changcy9326 按滑鼠換頁 Click forpage continue

  2. World Top 10 Super Temples !世界上10座超級寺廟!In the worlds are very many the human all to believe East‘s religion, including Buddhism, Hinduism, Sikhism, Taoism and so on. In these follower heart temple is these dignified temples, they distribute in world each quoin, in which scale huge temple tens of thousands of, below selects most the inconceivable 10 super temples.世界上很多人都信仰東亞的宗教,包括佛教,印度教,錫克教,道教等等。這些追隨者心中的寺廟,是一些莊嚴的寺廟,它們分佈在世界各隅,其中規模龐大的寺廟數以千計,下方是最不可思議的前10大超級寺廟。

  3. 1、Bhutan Tiger's Den Temple不丹虎穴寺 One of Bhutanese home most sacred places, is situated in the Paro mountain valley on 3000 foot high cliff walls.In fable second Buddha, Guru Rinpoche rides the tiger to fly this place, once contemplated in a cave, was the present tiger's den temple. 不丹國內最神聖的地方之一,坐落在 Paro山谷中3000英尺高的懸崖壁上。傳說中的第二位佛祖——Guru Rinpoche 騎虎飛過此地,曾在一處山洞中冥想,就是現在的虎穴寺。曾被叫做 Taktshang Goemba,建於1692年,一場大火之候寺廟損壞嚴重,于1998年重建。據說,現在虎穴寺已經嚴禁普通遊客進入,即使是教徒的進入也被嚴格限制。

  4. 2、Thailand White Dragon Brand Temple泰國白龍寺 In the Thai Chiang Rai white dragon brand temple, is in the world a unique temple. The entire temple white, the vulture has the innumerable strip dragon, but also has each kind of magnificent modelling, and plates in these designs has the silver metal banding, looked from the appropriate angle, likely is the entire courtyard is sending out light of the amazing black magic. This temple does not have to complete completely, has the wright to say, will only then be hopeful in the future 90 year this temple construction projects is completed. 泰國 Chiang Rai 內的白龍寺是世界上又一個獨一無二的寺廟。全寺白色,雕有無數條龍,還有各種華麗造型,並且在這些圖案中鍍有銀色的金屬條帶,從合適的角度看上去,就像是全寺廟散發著令人驚異的魔法之光。 這座寺廟還沒有完全建成,據建造者稱,在未來的90年這座寺廟的建造工程才有望竣工。

  5. 3、Indonesia Burang Banan Temple印尼普蘭巴南神廟 Is located the Indonesian Java's heartland, has 8 main shrines, periphery has 250 small palaces.On the nearly all temple wall all has the fine carving, narrated one of Hindu Lord adjoins the Chinese zither, Indian monkey god as well as other Zhu Shen fable. Although it is not the Indonesian biggest temple, but Burang Banan by its beautiful and graceful world famous. 位于印尼爪哇的中心地帶,擁有8座主殿,周圍有250個小型殿。幾乎所有的寺廟牆壁上都帶有精美的雕刻,講述了印度教主神之一的毗瑟挐,印度猴神以及其他諸神的傳說。 盡管它不是印尼最大寺廟,但普蘭巴南以其美麗和優雅聞名於世界。

  6. 4、Burma Jin Dynasty Temple緬甸雪達根大金寺 Nobody knew is located the Burmese Rangoon's Jin dynasty temple to construct in what year, in the fable, it already had 2500 history, but the archaeology thought it constructed at the A.D. 6~10 centuries.Handed down at that time India to have the uncultivated land, Burmese person's branch jia reaches Puto brothers two people to transport ship paddy rice to go to provide relief, they when came back from India, brings back to 8 Buddha Buddha's hair, has constructed this pagoda under the dynasty help, sent Buddha Tibet in the tower. Everybody initially hears " Jin Si" the first response is this temple color is a golden color, but arrived the snow to reach the root Jin dynasty temple, you could discover, actually " the Jin dynasty temple " meaning was by the gold cover temple.In the temple Chinta uses surpasses 7 tons gold foils, the tower goes against besets with by every large or small diamond 5000, gem 2000. 沒有人知道位於緬甸仰光的大金寺建於何年, 傳說中,它已經有2500年的曆史,而考古學間認為它建於公元6~10世紀。 相傳當時印度發生饑荒,緬甸人科迦達普陀兄弟兩人運了一船稻米前去救濟,他們從印度回來時,帶回 8 根釋迦牟尼佛祖的頭髮,在王朝幫助下建造了這座佛塔,把佛髮藏在塔內。 大家初聽到“金寺”的第一反應是這座寺的顏色是金色,而到了雪達根大金寺,你就會發現,其實“大金寺”的意思是被黃金覆蓋的寺廟。寺中的大金塔使用超過7噸的金箔,塔頂鑲有大大小小的鑽石5000顆,寶石2000顆。

  7. 5、China Temple of Heaven中國天壇 Was located in China capital Beijing, the beginning constructs in the bright Yunglo 18 years (in 1420), famous day earth temple. Because the Jiajing nine years (in 1530) stood the environs minute to offer sacrifice to the system, (in 1534) renamed the Temple of Heaven in the Jiajing 13 years. After clear Qianlong, Guangxu Emperor repairs the reconstruction, only then forms the present Temple of Heaven park the pattern. The Temple of Heaven is separated by the twofold world Cheng Neitan and outside the world, takes the form of " to return to the " character. 位於北京,始建於明永樂十八年(1420年),名天地壇。嘉靖九年(1530年)因立四郊分祀制度,於嘉靖十三年 (1534年)改稱天壇。清乾隆、光緒帝重修改建後,才形成現在天壇公園的格局。 天壇被兩重壇牆分隔成內壇和外壇,形似“回”字。兩重壇牆的南側 轉角皆為直角,北側轉角皆為圓弧形,象征著 “天圓地方”。

  8. 6、Japan Graciousness Temple日本知恩院 A Japanese Kyoto's sacred temple, because the earthquake, catches fire and so on the reasons, in the temple most ancient constructs the construction at the 17th century. Knows in graciousness courtyard to have the Japanese biggest front door, but also has the Japanese biggest great clock, again amounts to 74 tons, needs at the same time 17 Buddhist priests to be able to sound it diligently. 日本京都的一座神聖寺廟,由於地震、失火等原因,寺內最古老的建築建於17世紀。知恩院內有日本最大的大門,還有日本最大的巨鐘,重達74噸,需要17名僧人同時努力才能敲響它。 院內還有一個有趣的地方:一座殿的大廳內,地板經過特殊設計,走上去會吱吱作響,以便在夜里提醒僧人有人入侵。

  9. 7、Indonasia Polo Buddhist Monk印尼 波羅浮屠 The 19th century, the Turk had discovered in Indonesia's Javan jungle deep place an ancient vestige, this is the Polo buddhist monk. It uses surpasses 55,000 cubic meters stone material, some 2700 reliefs, 504 image of Buddha carving. In the courtyard also has an interesting place: In a palace hall, the floor passes through the special design, walks meets psst makes noise, in order to reminds Buddhist priest some people in the night to invade. Until now also nobody knew it constructs accurate time and construction reason, but also had for any wright has abandoned it before the number millennium. Some scholars thought the Polo buddhist monk is a huge Buddhist studies bible, its relief has promulgated each Buddhist studies Buddha principle for us. 19 世紀,土耳其人在印尼的爪哇叢林深處發現了一處古老遺跡,這就是波羅浮屠。它使用超過 5.5 萬立方米的石料,有 2700 塊浮雕,504 座佛像雕刻。 直到現在還沒有人知道它建造的確切時間和建造原因,還有為什麼建造者在數千年前遺棄了它。有學者認為波羅浮屠是一本巨大的佛學聖書,它的浮雕為我們揭示了各種佛學佛理。

  10. 8、India Golden Palace印度金殿 Northeast India Punjab is being located an another grand Sikhism temple, to the Sikh believer, this temple is symbolizing in the infinite freedom and the spiritual independence. In front of the temple was a beautiful lake, the fable once continues a Buddha to arrive here to ponder, including Sikhism's founder Guru Nanak. This temple construction began in about 1500, Sikhism's fourth master of great learning and integrity expanded this lake, the city henceforth revolved it to expand unceasingly. The temple whole body use marble carving, upside is gold-plated, besets with by the innumerable precious gems. 印度。西北部 Punjab 座落著一座另一座宏偉的錫克教寺廟,對錫克教徒來說,這座寺廟象征著無限的自由和精神上的獨立 寺前是一座美麗的湖,傳說曾不止一位佛來到這裡沉思,包括錫克教的創立者 Guru Nanak。這座寺廟的建造始於1500年左右,錫克教的第四位宗師擴建了這座湖,城市從此圍繞著它不斷擴建。寺廟的周身使用大理石雕刻,上部鍍金,鑲有無數顆珍貴寶石。

  11. 9、Indian Hindu Temple印度毗瑟挐神廟 Is located Indian Tiruchirapalli, is in the world the biggest primitive function Hindu temple. This temple mainly adjoins the Chinese zither one of for Indian Lord to construct. The temple structure is very unusual, by seven concentric courtyard encompassments, most outside long amounts to 2.5 miles, most central only then the Indian believers can enter. In the temple has 21 turrets, biggest 60m, some 15 buildings are probably high. 位於印度 Tiruchirapalli,是世界上最大的具原始功能的印度教寺廟。這座廟主要為印度主神之一毗瑟挐而建。 寺廟的結構很奇特,由七層同心院牆圍繞,最外面一層長達 2.5 英里,最中央的一層只有印度教徒才能進入。寺內擁有 21 座塔樓,最大的一座大約 60m,有15層樓高。

  12. 10、Cambodia Angkor Wat柬埔寨吳哥窟 Is located within the boundaries of Cambodia, constructs in 12 centuries, at first belongs to Hinduism, along with 14, 15 century Buddhism's introduction, turned a Buddhist temple gradually. 位於柬埔寨境內,建造於 12 世紀,最初屬於印度教,隨著 14、15 世紀佛教的引入,逐漸變成了一座佛教寺廟。 16世紀葡萄牙傳教士在看過它之後寫道:這座寺廟結構無法用紙筆記錄,它的寺塔是世界上獨一無二的建築,所有的這些都集中了人類最偉大的天才和智慧。似乎這些話現在仍然適用。

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