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TRANSPLANT SURGEON . BY: BENJAMIN HOULTON . T A S K S / R E S P O N S I B I L I T I E S. Performs organ transplants on people Making sure that the patients organ transplant goes well Transplant hearts, liver, kidneys and parts of the brain Need to know vital signs, nerve

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  2. TASKS/RESPONSIBILITIES • Performs organ transplants on people • Making sure that the patients organ transplant goes well • Transplant hearts, liver, kidneys and parts of the brain • Need to know vital signs, nerve connections blood type, and affects on other organs.

  3. EDUCATION • need a doctoral degree in medical science • Specialization + 2 years • There are not many internship opportunities available • Need to renew knowledge every 4 years. • there are 126 medical SCHOOLS IN THE united states

  4. OBTAINING SCHOOLING • Johns Hopkins University -4 • Washington University in St. Louis 2-3 • Stanford University -4 • Nearest technical college fox valley technical college

  5. WORKING CONDITIONS • Always on call depending on the availability of the patient • Most transplant surgeons work for 70+ hours a week • Average organ transplant 1-3 hours • Must be able to work alone • Does procedure alone • Choose the staff

  6. SALARY • $14,807 per month • Low- $200,000 per year • Medium- $300,000 per year • High-$600,000 per year • Annual U.S salary $41,763.37 • Benefits • Free, or reduced dental • Medical insurance • Annual 401k checks • Paid holidays, sick days

  7. ADVANCEMENTS • cash advances • Better insurance plans • Become a member of the American society of transplant surgeons • Become administrators, or teachers • Some open their own practices

  8. DESIRABLE CHARACTERISTICS • Must have doctoral degree • Need to be able to be on call 24/7 • Most be able to endure the stresses of transplanting organs • Need to make sure that life and work don’t get mixed • Need to work hard everyday • Have to over come many obstacles

  9. CONCLUSION • Working alone • Get things done • Focused on a job • Good in high stress positions • Good at planning • Great at keeping records

  10. BIBLIOGRAPHY • transplant surgeon job description. (2011). Retrieved January 6, 2012, from net Industries website: http://careers.stateuniversity.com/pages/7984/Transplant-Surgeon.html • Top 10 Medical schools. (2012). Retrieved January 6, 2012, from Medical Resource Group, LLC website: http://www.studentdoc.com/top-10-medical-schools.html • Salary of a Transplant Surgeon Per Month. (2012, August 26). Retrieved January 6, 2012, from Demand Media, Inc website: http://www.ehow.com/info_8689102_salary-transplant-surgeon-per-month.html • Heart Transplant. (2012). Retrieved January 6, 2012, from Wikipedia website: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heart_transplantation#Operative • national wage index. (201, October 19). Retrieved January 6, 2012, from U.S.GOV website: http://www.ssa.gov/oact/cola/AWI.html


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