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Senatus indictus (“an extraordinary meeting of the Senate”) in the Templum Fidei (“Temple of Fides”). Dies Mercurii XX ( viginti ) Aprilis 710 a.u.c . Senatus indictus.
Senatusindictus(“an extraordinary meeting of the Senate”) in the TemplumFidei(“Temple of Fides”) Dies Mercurii XX (viginti) Aprilis 710 a.u.c.
Senatusindictus The patresconscripti consider how to respond to Caesar’s acta. Should the Senate agree to confirm Caesar’s acta, including those found among his papers and now in the possession of Marcus Antonius?
SenatusconsultumTo be housed in the Aerarium The patresconscripti have recommended to the comitia centuriatathat Marcus Aemilius Lepidus be appointed pontifexmaximus to replace Gaius Iulius Caesar. C
SenatusconsultumTo be housed in the Aerarium The patresconscripti have decreed to retain the name of Gaius Iulius Caesar in association with his acta. C
SenatusauctoritasTo be housed in the Aerarium The plebeian tribune Lucius Antonius exercised his veto over the motion to empower the patresconscripti as a collective body to prosecute alleged criminals. V
SenatusconsultumTo be housed in the Aerarium The patresconscripti have decreed to confirm these actaof Gaius Iulius Caesar: • Granted Roman citizenship to provinces • Freed one-third of the herdsmenon the large estates • Increased political rights of freedmen • Increased number of Senators to 900 C
SenatusconsultumTo be housed in the Aerarium The patresconscripti have decreed to confirm these actaof Gaius Iulius Caesar: • Reinstated portoria (harbor taxes) • Introduced new gold coinage standard • Outlawed extravagance • Reform of calendar; renamed the month Quinctilis after himself, Julius (July) • Suppression of collegia C
SenatusconsultumTo be housed in the Aerarium The patresconscripti have decreed to confirm these actaof Gaius Julius Caesar: • Construction of • Forum of Julius Caesar • Harbor at Ostia • Public library, supervised by M. Terentius Varro • Introduction of measures to prevent flooding, maintain roads, regulate traffic • Invade Parthia and colonize in Spain, Africa, and Greece C
SenatusconsultumTo be housed in the Aerarium The patresconscripti have decreed to take control over providing land allotments to our veteran soldiers. C
SenatusconsultumTo be housed in the Aerarium The patresconscripti have decreed to remove the statue of Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt, from the Temple of Venus Genetrix in the Forum of Iulius Caesar and set it up in a suitable place to be determined. C
SenatusconsultumTo be housed in the Aerarium The patresconscripti have decreed that Marcus Aemilius Lepidus, Lucius Antonius, Lucius CalpurniusPisoCaesoninus, Lucius CaesetiusFlavus, ServiusSulpicius Rufus, Marcus Terentius Varro and Marcus Tullius Cicero serve as the septemviri de iuriscondendis (“the seven-man commission to codify the laws”) C
ActaGaiiIuliiCaesarisconsulandaActa of G. Julius Caesar under consideration The patresconscripti have decreed to consider these actaof Gaius Iulius Caesar at the next meeting of the Senate: • grain dole • res privata • distribution of provinces to promagistrates • maintenance of the Asian tithe (decuma) • fixing of the tribute for Transalpine Gaul C
PariliaThe celebration of the birthday of RomeGods to be honored: Jupiter, Mars, Vesta, Pales (herds)Citizens to wear crowns in honor of Caesar at the LudiParilicii Dies Jovis XXI (vigintiunus) Aprilis 710 a.u.c.
No meeting of the SenatePatresconscripti will submit 500-word papers via email attachment by 4pm Dies Veneris XXII (viginti duo) Aprilis 710 a.u.c.