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Lower Bounds in Greedy Model. Sashka Davis Advised by Russell Impagliazzo (Slides modified by Jeff) UC San Diego October 6, 2006. Suppose you have to solve a problem Π …. No Greedy alg. exists ? Or I didn’t think of one?. Is there a Dynamic Programming algorithm that solves Π ?.
Lower Bounds in Greedy Model Sashka Davis Advised by Russell Impagliazzo (Slides modified by Jeff) UC San Diego October 6, 2006
Suppose you have to solve a problem Π… No Greedy alg. exists? Or I didn’t think of one? Is there a Dynamic Programming algorithm that solves Π? Is there a Backtracking algorithm that solves Π? Is there a Greedy algorithm that solves Π? Eureka! I have a DP Algorithm! No Backtracking agl. exists? Or I didn’t think of one? Is my DP algorithm optimal or a better one exists?
Suppose we a have formal model of each algorithmicparadigm Is there a Dynamic Programming alg. that solves Π? Is my algorithm optimal, or a better DP algorithm exists? No Greedy algorithm can solve Π exactly. Is there a Greedy algorithm that solves Π? Is there a Backtracking algorithm that solves Π? No Backtracking algorithm can solve Π exactly. DP helps! Yes, it is! Because NO DP alg. can solve Π more efficiently.
The goal • To build a formal model of each of the basic algorithmic design paradigms which should capture the strengths of the paradigm. • To develop lower bound technique, for each formal model, that can prove negative results for all algorithms in the class.
Using the framework we can answer the following questions 1. When solving problems exactly: What algorithmic design paradigm can help? • No algorithm within a given formal model can solve the problem exactly. • Wefind an algorithm that fits a given formal model. 2. Is a given algorithm optimal? • Prove a lower bound matching the upper bound for all algorithms in the class. 3. Solving the problems approximately: • What algorithmic paradigm can help? • Is a given approximation scheme optimal within the formal model?
Some of our results Dynamic Programming Backtracking & Simple DP (tree) Greedy pBP pBT ADAPTIVE PRIORITY FIXED Online
On-line algorithms is a set of data items; is a set of options Input: instance I={1 ,2 ,…,n }, I Output: solution S={(i , i) | i= 1,2,…,d}; i 1. Order: Objects arrive in worst case order chosen by adversary. 2. Loop considering i in order. • Make a irrevocable decision i
Fixed priority algorithms is a set of data items; is a set of options Input: instance I={1 ,2 ,…,n }, I Output: solution S={(i , i) | i= 1,2,…,d}; i 1. Order: Algorithm chooses fixedπ: →R+ without looking at I. 2. Loop considering i in order. • Make a irrevocable decision i
Adaptive priority algorithms is a set of data items; is a set of options Input: instance I={1 ,2 ,…,n }, I Output: solution S={(i , i) | i= 1,2,…,d}; i 2. Loop - Order: Algorithm reordersπ: →R+ without looking at rest of I. - Considering next i in current order. • Make a irrevocable decision i
Fixed priority “Back Tracking” is a set of data items; is a set of options Input: instance I={1 ,2 ,…,n }, I Output: solution S={(i , i) | i= 1,2,…,d}; i 1. Order: Algorithm chooses π: →R+ without looking at I. 2. Loop considering i in order. • Make a set of decisions i (one of which will be the final decision.)
Maximum Matching in Bipartite graphs Maximum Matching in Bipartite graphs Shortest Path in negative graphs no cycles Flow Algorithms Bellman-Ford Dijkstra’s Kruskal’s Kruskal’s Prim’s Some of our results Shortest Path in no-negative graphs pBP pBT ADAPTIVE PRIORITY FIXED PRIORITY Online Minimum Spanning Tree
Shortest Path in no-negative graphs Dijkstra’s Kruskal’s Kruskal’s Prim’s Minimum Spanning Tree Some of our results pBP pBT ADAPTIVE PRIORITY FIXED PRIORITY Online
Kruskal algorithm for MST is a Fixed priority algorithm Input (G=(V,E), ω: E →R) • Initialize empty solution T • L = Sorted list of edges in non-decreasing order according to their weight • while (L is not empty) • e = next edge in L • Add the edge to T, as long as T remains a forest and remove e from L • Output T
Prims algorithm for MST is an adaptive priority algorithm Prim’s algorithm Input G=(V,E), w: E →R • Initialize an empty tree T ← ; S ← • Pick a vertex u; S={u}; • for (i=1 to |V|-1) • (u,v) = min(u,v)cut(S, V-S)w(u,v) • S←S {v}; T←T{(u,v)} • Output T
Dijkstra’s Shortest Paths Alg is an adaptive priority algorithm • Dijkstra algorithm (G=(V,E), s V) • T←∅; S←{s}; • Until (S≠V) • Find e=(u,x) | e = mineCut(S, V-S){path(s, u)+ω(e)} • T← T{e}; S ← S {x}
Shortest Path in no-negative graphs Dijkstra’s Kruskal’s Kruskal’s Prim’s Minimum Spanning Tree Some of our results pBP pBT ADAPTIVE PRIORITY FIXED PRIORITY Online
Some of our results ShortPath Problem: Given a graph G=(V,E), ω: E →R+; s, t V. Find a directed tree of edges, rooted at s, such that the combined weight of the path from s to t is minimal • Data items are edges of the graph • Decision options = {accept, reject} • Theorem: No Fixed priority algorithm can achieve any constant approximation ratio for the ShortPath problem
Solver Adversary Γ0 γd γ1 γ2 γ3 γi γj γk Solver is awarded Fixed priority game Γ0 Γ1 γi1 γi2 Γ2 γi3 γi4 γi5 Γ3 γi6 =∅ γi7 γi8 γi9,… σi2 σi4 End Game S_adv = {(γi2,σ*i2), (γi4,σ*i4)} S_sol = {(γi2,σi2)} S_sol = {(γi2,σi2), (γi4,σi4)}
u(k) a y(1) v(1) s t z(1) x(1) b w(k) Adversary selects 0
v(1) w(k) Solver selects an order on 0 If then the Adversary presents: u(k) a y(1) s t x(1) z(1) b
Event 1 σy=accept Event 2 σy=reject Adversary’s strategy Waits until Solver considers edge y(1) Solver will consider y(1) before z(1)
u(k) a y(1) t s z(1) x(1) b The Solver constructs a path {u,y} The Adversary outputs solution {x,z} Event 1: Solver accepts y(1)
z(1) Event 2: Solver rejects y(1) u(k) a y(1) t s x(1) b The Solver fails to construct a path. The Adversary outputs a solution {u,y}.
The outcome of the game: • The Solver either fails to output a solution or achieves an approximation ratio (k+1)/2 • The Adversary can set k arbitrarily large and thus can force the Algorithm to claim arbitrarily large approximation ratio
Shortest Path in no-negative graphs Dijkstra’s Some of our results pBP pBT ADAPTIVE PRIORITY FIXED PRIORITY Online
Factor of 3 Factor of 3 Some of our results Interval Schedulingvalue is width pBP pBT ADAPTIVE PRIORITY FIXED PRIORITY Online
Interval scheduling on a single machine • Instance: Set of intervals I=(i1, i2,…,in), j ij=[rj, dj] • Problem: schedule intervals on a single machine • Solution: S I • Objective function: maximize iS(dj - rj)
A simple solution (LPT) Longest Processing Time algorithm input I=(i1, i2,…,in) • Initialize S ← • Sort the intervals in decreasing order (dj – rj) • while (I is not empty) • Let ik be the next in the sorted order • If ik can be scheduled then S ← S U {ik}; • I ← I \ {ik} • Output S
LPT OPT OPT OPT LPT is a 3-approximation • LPT sorts the intervals in decreasing order according to their length • 3 LPT≥ OPT ri di
Example lower bound [BNR02] • Theorem1: No adaptive priority algorithm can achieve an approximation ratio better than 3 for the interval scheduling problem with proportional profit for a single machine configuration
e q 2 q-1 q-1 3 1 2 1 3 Proof of Theorem 1 • Adversary’s move • Algorithm’s move: Algorithm selects an ordering • Let i be the interval with highest priority
2 1 3 i 2 k j 3 1 Adversary’s strategy • If Algorithm decides not to schedule i • During next round Adversary removes all remaining intervals and schedules interval i i Alg’s value = 0 Adv’s value = i
2 1 3 i i-1 i+1 i k j Adversary’s strategy • If i = and Algorithm schedules i • During next round the Adversary restricts the sequence: i Alg’s value = i Adv’s value = (i-1)+3(i/3)+(i+1)=3i
2 1 3 2 1 i 2 k j 3 1 Adversary’s strategy • If i = and Algorithm schedules i • During next round the Adversary restricts the sequence: 1 Alg’s value = 1 Adv’s value = 3(1/3)+(2)=3
2 1 3 q q-1 q-1 i 2 k j 3 1 Adversary’s strategy • If i = and Algorithm schedules i • During next round the Adversary restricts the sequence: q Alg’s value = q Adv’s value = (q-1)+3(q/3)+(q-1)=3q-1 But q is big
2 1 3 m 2 k j 3 1 Adversary’s strategy • If i = and Algorithm schedules i • During next round Adversary restricts the sequence: i m i Alg’s value = i Adv’s value = (3i) =3i
Some of our results ? Factor of 3 Interval Schedulingvalue is width pBP pBT ADAPTIVE PRIORITY FIXED PRIORITY Factor of 3 Online The algorithm was missed up beforeit got a chance to reorder things.
Factor of 2 Some of our results Weighted Vertex Cover pBP pBT ADAPTIVE PRIORITY FIXED PRIORITY Online
Weighted Vertex Cover [Joh74] greedy 2-approximation for WVC Input: instance G with weights on nodes. Output: solution S V covers all edges and minimizes weight taken nodes. Repeat until all edges covered. • Take v minimizing ω(v)/(# uncovered adj edges)
Weighted Vertex Cover • With Shortest Path,a data item is an edge of the graph • = (<u,v>, ω(<u,v>) ) • With weighted vertex cover, • A data item is a vertex of the graph = (v, ω(v), adj_list(v)) • (Stronger than having the items be edges,because the alg gets more info from nodes. Theorem: No Adaptive priority algorithm can achieve an approximation ration better than 2
Solver Adversary Adaptive priority game Γ3 Γ1 Γ2 Γ0 γ9 γ10 γ12 γ2 γ3 γ7 γ6 γ8 γ5 γ11 γ1 γ4 S_sol = {(γ7,σ7), (γ4,σ4)} S_sol = {(γ7,σ7)} σ7 σ4 σ2 S_sol = {(γ7,σ7), (γ4,σ4),(γ2,σ2)} • The Game Ends: • S_adv = {(γ7,σ*7), (γ4,σ*4),(γ2,σ*2)} • Solver is awarded payoff • f(S_sol)/f(S_adv)
n2 n2 1 1 1 n2 n2 1 The Adversary chooses instances to be graphs Kn,n The weight function ω:V→ {1, n2}
The game • Data items • each node appears in oas two separate data items with weights 1, n2 • Solver moves • Choses a data item, and commits to a decision • Adversary move • Removes from the next t the data item, corresponding to the node just committed and..
1 1 1 1 1 Adversary’s strategy is to wait unitl Event 1: Solver accepts a node of weight n2 Event 2: Solver rejects a node of any weight Event 3: Solver has committed to all but one nodes on either side of the bipartite
n2 1 Event 1: Solver accepts a node ω(v)=n2 1 1 1 1 1 The Adversary chooses part B of the bipartite as a cover, and incurs cost n The cost of a cover for the Solver is at least n2+n-1
Event 2: Solver rejects a node of any weight n2 n2 The Adversary chooses part A of the bipartite as a cover. The Solver must choose part B of the bipartite as a cover.
1 Event 3: Solver commits to n-1 nodes w(v)=1, on either side of Kn,n 1 1 1 1 1 n2 1 The Adversary chooses part B of the bipartite as a cover, and incurs cost n The cost of a cover for the Solver is 2n-1
Factor of 2 Some of our results Weighted Vertex Cover pBP pBT ADAPTIVE PRIORITY FIXED PRIORITY Online
Factor of logn Some of our results Facility Location pBP pBT ADAPTIVE PRIORITY FIXED PRIORITY Online
Facility location problem • Instance is a set of cities and set of facilities • The set of cities is C={1,2,…,n} • Each facility fi has an opening cost cost(fi) and connection costs for each city: {ci1, ci2,…, cin} • Problem: open a collection of facilities such that each city is connected to at least one facility • Objective function: minimize the opening and connection costs min(ΣfScost(fi) + ΣjCmin fiScij )